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Social Intervention with People and Groups at Risk

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LAS17    Acronym: ISPGR
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 28 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Helena Romano   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It reveals sensitivity for approaching people, groups and populations at risk.
It masters the concepts necessary to understand how certain people, groups and populations are
Exposed to risk factors and what the possible consequences.
It includes specific vulnerabilities relating to certain age groups and
Personal / social events.
It knows the fundamental legislation in this area and the institutions responsible for its regulation.
Understands and knows how to characterize the work of some community institutions that play a
Important to groups / populations at risk.
It dominates some contents and techniques of mediation and positive resolution of conflicts.
It is able to designate some contributions for the social inclusion of groups and populations at risk.
It seeks to adapt its behavior as a person and in its professional
Situations, groups and populations at risk.


Group, population and community
interpersonal conflict
Socialization and processes of attachment in adolescence (Group and Gang)
Group Pressure and Bullying
Marginality and delinquency
A2.Theoretical models explaining risk and maltreatment
B. Legal framework and mapping of social / institutional responses in the areas of Justice, Health and Education.
C. Preventive and rehabilitative intervention perspectives
C1.Models and intervention levels
Socio-historical dimension of intervention at national and international level.
Levels of intervention (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary / Universal, Selective and Indicated)
Ecological and Systemic Intervention Models
Mediation and Conflict Resolution
C2.Institutions and Intervention Projects
Institutional social responses in the various areas of intervention.
Some projects of social inclusion

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The objectives of UC involve preparing future socio-cultural animators for a possible intervention in the area
Of social inclusion, essential part of this course, for this it is necessary that they master essential concepts,
Are familiar with the models and levels of intervention, the legal framework and the most important institutions that exist in the area, these being the privileged domains of the programmatic contents. Sessions work in plenary and / or small groups from the information provided and / or with resource The use of texts, legislation and study materials.

Teaching methodologies

Sessions in plenary and / or small groups based on the information provided and / or using texts, legislation and study materials Practical sessions, focusing on the debate around case studies and the techniques of dynamics and animation Of groups.
Fieldwork study of organizations and the development of social inclusion projects.
Specific seminars with professionals developing field intervention projects or leading
Specialized organizations in the area.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodologies adopted - on the one hand, conceptual framework and exploitation of legal and case map
Individuals and groups at risk and, on the other hand, placing students in
Are designed to enable them to acquire essential knowledge and
Competencies needed to intervene in the area. However, given the complexity of this intervention, it is
Always consider their deepening in later formation. The evaluation, focusing in particular on the
Understanding of concepts and their perception in real situations, individual work and group work,
Allowing them to learn to work as a team, but also to

Assessment methodologies and evidences

In terms of evaluation, the students elaborate an individual work of exploring concepts
Text or other type of document and a group work, characterizing the work developed by a
Directly contacted (prepared and organized visits by teachers) for
Of data. In addition, they individually construct a diary of their learning at UC.


Baldry, A. & Farrington, D. (2000). Bullies e delinquentes: características pessoais e estilos parentais. Revista
Portuguesa de Pedagogia, ano 34, nº 1, 2 e 3, 195-221.
Carmo, Hermano (2000). Intervenção Social com grupos. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Carmo, Hermano. (2007). Desenvolvimento Comunitário. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
Cyrulnik, B. (2001a). Resiliência – Essa inaudita Capacidade de Construção Humana. Lisboa: Horizontes
Pedagógicos, Instituto Piaget.
Costa, Maria Emília (2003). Gestão de conflitos na escola. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Jares, X. (2002). Educação e Conflito Guia de Educação para a convivência. Porto: ASA.
Ramos, N. (2004). Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. (obrigatório)
Pais, J.M. (2003a) Culturas Juvenis. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional Casa da Moeda
Pais, J.M. (2003b). Traços e Riscos de Vida. Uma abordagem qualitativa a modos de vida juvenis. Lisboa: Ambar.

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