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Project of Animation and Intervention

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - A

Code: LAS20    Acronym: PAI
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 31 Study Plan 30,0 360 810,0

Teaching weeks: 30


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead
Isaura Fernanda Graça PedroHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 24,00
Ana Rita Santos   1,50
Filipe Fialho   1,67
Isabel Filipe   4,83
Luís Santos   2,33
Luísa Ramos de Carvalho   1,67

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Understands that the construction of the professional identity of Sociocultural Animator has been a
route complex, influenced socially and culturally.
Understands the importance of the ethical issues linked to the exercise of professions.
Know the duties and tasks of animators, including the historical processes of
construction of socio-cultural status of workers and the Code of Ethics.
It is able to reflect on the different characteristics of Sociocultural Animation in terms of its
objectives, institutions, media, equipment and public.
Understands the nature, mission and limitations of institutions dedicated to this area.
Understand and know how to use foundation pedagogical interventions proposed.
Know and know how to apply the intervention planning methodologies
It is able to reflect on their own practice as sociocultural animator.


1. The social construction of professions
- Ethics and professional deontology
- Social regulation of professions: associations, trade unions and professional associations
- Civic and professional participation - sharing experiences and knowledge.

2. theoretical frames that support the planning of social welfare, cultural and educational
- The sociology of action
- The Research-Action
- Project work

3. The socio-cultural intervention
- The groups and their characteristics and dynamics
- Models and methods of sociocultural intervention
- The stages of sociocultural intervention
- The evaluation of socio-cultural intervention (objectives, approaches and theoretical assumptions, models, stages, criteria and indicators).

4.Acção and reflection on the action
The importance of reflecting on the action to build the career and its instruments:
- Diaries, portfolios and other narrative description and reflection on a professional level, blogs and other digital media.
- Forums and professional training opportunities throughout life.
- The development of product research and reflection on action

5. Theoretical and practical contributions to the socio-cultural intervention (to include annually according to identified training needs). For example:

- Sociocultural animation through artistic expressions.
- Sociocultural Animation and children and youth at risk
- Sociocultural animation, multi and interculturalism
- The socio-cultural intervention with people with special needs.
- The socio-cultural intervention with the elderly.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Ethics and professional deontology are subject to analysis and now practice and reflection, gaining consistency from one stage experience. A course with a duration of only three years, it is essential to provide students with a reflective frame which means the world of work and professions. The more general knowledge of methodological framework, have already been addressed in other years and other UC, here worked more closely than ever on stage project, gaining a broader sense and richer, providing a more individualized approach. On the other hand, if there is knowledge that they are array of professional practice (social and educational area) there it is necessary to deepen knowledge at the intersection of social and cultural activities with certain areas of knowledge, providing up this UC these these links conceptual nature more later it will be required to work performance.

Teaching methodologies

Organization of classes and workshops

Each year the classes are structured in the following dynamics:

1st half classes are of four types:

1. Project - these are classes in which specifies how it should be done the stage and prepared the draft intervention, approaching key methodological issues for their preparation.
2. Seminars - focus on cross or more specific issues, especially in areas where the training of students is still a deficit may be taught by professors from UC or external guests.
3. Workshops - These are practical classes where looking to explore skills needed for future socio-cultural animators.
4. Mentoring - this is an individualized support made by the tutor in relation to the student whose stage monitors, these tutorials can either be performed during school hours (are mandatory) and outside them (the student's request).

The lessons of the 2nd semester are preferably four types
- Mentoring - are compulsory in the 2nd semester all classes marked as such, allow the tutor to support the student stage.
- Collective reflection / sharing practices - are group lessons, which proposed the sharing of practices developed on stage or reflection on some topics related to them.
- Continuity of seminars and workshops 1st semester: When not get exhausted in the 1st half the number of workshops and seminars considered necessary, these will take place in the 2nd half.
- Presentation Seminar and / or exposure - This is the end time is assumed the summary of the project done and reflection on it, has a public nature and can count on the presence of invited guests.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The pratical training, central in this course, means an essential work experience so that each student understands their vocational option and to develop as a sociocultural animator, either individually or as a member of a professional group. The student is asked to characterize the institution in order to understand what may be the scope of its assistance (2/3 days), collecting essential elements for the presentation of a project that will stimulate a second.
The project, designed with the use of the tutor is in its different phases, shared with classmates and with all teachers who give their contribution. It is also shared in the execution phase, allowing the class can track the route of many colleagues and take advantage of these experiences in terms of training. After the pratical training. of completion is even provided a seminar open to the community, in order to present and discuss the work, also allowing interaction with many of each institution responsible for pratical training.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Note that this UC as frequency regulation and EUT evaluation can not be carried out by examination, is required to carry out an pratical training. Also worth noting that even if the student has made stage, if you do not get positive evaluation on the performance of the same, you can not use the exam for this purpose. Thus, the examination this UC is intended solely to improve the classification obtained in nature documents written that, whether or not directly related to the pratical training, are subject to revision and improvement.

single course throughout the year-15%
critical report of the seminar-15%
supporting documents and reflection / - 30%
Pratical Training-
Performance on Pratical Training-- 40%

Attendance system

Note that this UC as frequency regulation and EUT evaluation can not be carried out by examination, is required to carry out an pratical training. Also worth noting that even if the student has made stage, if you do not get positive evaluation on the performance of the same, you can not use the exam for this purpose. Thus, the examination this UC is intended solely to improve the classification obtained in nature documents written that, whether or not directly related to the pratical training, are subject to revision and improvement.

Student workers, they should be treated with the responsibility of UC.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


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-Ferreira, A. C, Diegues, J., Rodrigues, J., Martins, M. (2000). Estórias de Ânimo e Acção. Edição GAF (Grupo Aprender em Festa).
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-Montez, M. (2015). Paisagens Contemporâneas para uma Possível Animação Militante., n.º 22, Julio de 2015.
-Quintas, S., Castaño, M. (1998). Animación Sociocultural. Novos enfoques. Amaru Ediciones.
-Silva, A. (2007). Estatutos Profissionais da Animação Sociocultural em Portugal: necessidade e utopia. Revista “Práticas de Animação” ( Ano 1 – Número 0, outubro de 2007).
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Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 14:17:03