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Youth Sociology and City Policies

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS22    Acronym: SJPC
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 32 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Cristina Maria Gomes da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Cristina Roldão   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knowledges and competencies to be developed by the student:
- to discuss the concept of youth considering that individual (and group) experiences of this age exist in political, economic, social, and symbolic contexts; understanding an age group who live (increasingly) in a situation of economic dependence on their parents, with a late and difficult insertion in the labor market, influenced and vulnerable to the consumer society that is organized having as a preferential target these groups.
Skills to be developed:
- master concepts essential to the analysis of the various conditions of youth;
- reflect on today's youth in the context of globalization;
- reflect on the symbolic role of youth behaviors in today's modern society; identify the dynamics of production and consumption of youth images;
- analyzing and debating issues faced by young people in different social institutions: family, school, work contexts, leisure institutions, etc.;
- responding to the demands of oral communication
and writing.


1. City, youth and social change
The city social form: from place of production to place of consumption
Youth or youths – a social condition
City and ways of life
2. Urban social experiences
Cultures and youth groups: practices and representations
Youth, marginality and deviance
School and work: attitudes, projects and trajectories
Young people, associativism and politics
3. Individual, public life and private life
Friends, fun and leisure
Dating, marriage and sexualities
Family relationships and life projects
4. Public policies, youth and urban spaces – 3 “cases”
Urban redevelopment and youth
Youth conflicts and social integration
The European Union and young people

Teaching methodologies

In the management of this program, the following types of activity are promoted:

- Discussion sessions in plenary and/or small groups based on information provided directly by the teachers or using texts and other materials.
- Reading, discussion and analysis of fundamental theoretical texts provided by teachers
- Preparation and presentation of empirical works aimed at deepening a chosen theme
- Reading and reflection on texts considered important for the domain of the issues addressed

Tutorial follow-up:

Tutorial monitoring will be implemented in a face-to-face mode, without prejudice to the use of the Moodle computer platform, where information on key issues of the program, bibliographic resources, the timing of meetings with the teacher, study and reflection questions, etc.
There will be 2 meetings with the teacher, which are mandatory for those who are part of a continuous assessment process, and can be used either to support the preparation of the work or to detect any problems in the students' learning.

Student participation:

Students should try to be present in as many classes as possible and carry out the individual and group work provided for in the course program.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Active teaching/learning methodologies were adopted in which students are called upon to intervene in classes; to read, interpret and discuss fundamental theoretical texts; to critically analyze cultural products (literary works and films) and to prepare and present practical works, namely the from the analysis of services and cultural goods available in the community and the practices developed by associations/institutions that work on the issues of the integration of minorities, racism and xenophobia. The evaluation is done through activities that include moments of oral exposure and written products, individual and group: critical review (individual) - about a book, an article, a film, a play, a documentary; oral exhibitions ( in group) – as a conclusion of each of the points of the program; empirical work written (in group) – foundation (definition of concepts) / field research / analysis and oral presentation.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1. Continuous assessment
Students will be evaluated based on a set of activities developed throughout the semester. These activities will be organized to include moments of oral presentation and written performances, as well as individual and group modalities. The option for the continuous assessment modality presupposes the acceptance of some conditions:
1.1. obligation to carry out all the work components mentioned below
1.2. relevant and frequent intervention in classes
1.3. obtaining a classification higher than 5 values ​​in each evaluation moment/product

The final classification of the discipline is the result of the weighted average of the classification attributed to each of the work components and to the participation in the classes. A student who presents a final grade greater than or equal to 10 values ​​is considered approved in the continuous assessment.

Working components:

i. Thematic debates (in groups; cannot exceed 4 elements) – 40% – to be held throughout the semester and always as a conclusion of each of the points of the program. Students will organize themselves in such a way that there is always a group responsible for promoting the exhibition, based on the texts indicated by the teachers, and another for the synthesis of the presentations made by colleagues. This operating mode implies rotation between groups. (see schedule)
ii. Report on the work presented (individual) - 40% - on a book among those that appear in the bibliography or others suggested by the students and approved by the teacher.
iii. Relevant and frequent participation - 20%

Empirical work – to be developed in several stages (see timetable):
1st stage
- choice of a theme and presentation of the choice to the UC professors;
2nd stage
- elaboration of a project file containing the justification for the choice made, a bibliographic research, an analytical synthesis of the bibliography, the objectives pursued by the group, the strategies to be used, etc.;
3rd stage
- carrying out the work
4th stage
- oral presentation covering the following dimensions: (a) main concepts and their explanation, (b) references to the authors worked on and ways of approaching the topic, (c) postures with which the group most identifies, (d) contents covered, (e) methodology followed, (f) conclusions obtained and (g) lessons learned. The main objective of this exercise is to allow students to demonstrate their ownership of a set of concepts considered essential and to facilitate exchanges between students on the topics addressed by the different groups.
The option for the final exam can be made from the beginning, as a resource for those who do not successfully complete a course of continuous assessment, or even for those who want to "improve their grade" (see different exam periods)

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


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