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Esqueceu a sua senha de acesso?

Aging Contexts and Processes & Intergenerational Relations

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS23    Acronym: CPERI
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 32 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead
Isaura Fernanda Graça PedroHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Andreia Filomena Cerqueira   1,33
Ema Isabel Inácio   3,33
Isaura Pedro   0,67

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

. Understand the phenomenon of population aging in Western societies
2. Understand old age as a continuous process and, at the same time, a phase in the life cycle of human development.
3. Relate the experience of old age with different sociocultural and life contexts of elderly people
4. Know and reflect on the different forms of discrimination against elderly people and consider
intervention strategies.
5. Encourage connection between various generations, highlighting the gains that everyone has.
6. Know different forms of formal and informal support for the elderly.
7.Identify spaces for lifelong training, especially those aimed at elderly people.
8. Know how to identify and create stimulating and appropriate activities for the elderly population.
9. Know how to create and propose relationship dynamics and intergenerational activities
10. Promote the active citizenship of elderly people and their social insertion;
11. Develop an ethical and supportive stance.


1. Aging factors and processes in today's societies
1.1. Demography and Epidemiology of aging
1.2. Social Representations about aging
1.3. Myths and Stereotypes about aging

2.Socio-psychological perspectives
2.1. Bio physiology of aging
2.2. Transitions, crisis factors and singularities in aging
2.3. Sociocultural influences on aging processes
2.4. Life Stories and Personal Life Projects

3. Policies, Social Responses and Contexts
3.1. Human rights – Children’s rights and Elderly people’s rights
3.2. Institutional/Non-institutional Social Responses
3.3. International, national and local studies and intervention programs
3.4 Lifelong training programs

4. Sociocultural animation, intergenerational practices and programs
4.1. Citizenship, leisure and common well-being
4.2. “Ageing in place” and contexts of active citizenship
4.3. Concept of intergenerationality
4.4. Intergenerational programs and projects
4.5. Concepts and guiding principles in the development of intergenerational projects

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The proposed objectives have a close relationship with the contents considered, seeking to contextualize them taking into account the profile of the professional in training. It is considered that knowledge is constructed here in conjunction with the understanding of studies, programs, projects and practices, leading students towards a more motivating and concrete appropriation.

Teaching methodologies

The learning process will include:

1.Analysis and reading of texts, summaries of projects and programs and respective discussion
2.Thematic seminars with the presence of professionals and technicians associated with various contexts and practices to support the elderly and intergenerational projects/dynamics.
3. Testimonies, in the context of classes, from technicians, caregivers and elderly people
4. Field classes in contexts of support for the elderly and/or intergenerational projects
5.Planning and promotion of intergenerational activities.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The themes and approaches developed in classes and their respective articulation with knowledge of the contexts constitute the central methodology of the UC, considering this a good way to allow students to take ownership of the objectives and put into perspective the foundations and demands placed on an animator sociocultural that intervenes with the elderly population and/or in intergenerational dynamics.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1.Attendance and participation in classes - Individual, 15% weighting
2. Attendance and participation in visits/seminars - Individual, 15% weighting
3. Report - Group, 25% weighting
4. Creating a project and carrying out an intergenerational activity
- Contextual / Institutional - Group weighting of 45%%
- 25% Written work
- 20% Activity dynamization and evaluation

Attendance system

Workers Students and other students with special statuses can negotiate with teachers conditions relating to attendance and preparation of the requested work.


Conselho Nacional de Ética para as Ciências da Vida (2014). Parecer sobre as vulnerabilidades das pessoas idosas em especial das que residem em instituições. CNECV. [Online] julho de 2014.
Figueiredo, C.C (2013). Muito Iguais, inteiramente diferentes. In Pereira. J, Lopes, M., Rodrigues, T. (Coord). Animação Sociocultural, Gerontologia e Geriatria: A Intervenção social, cultural e educativa na Terceira Idade. Chaves: Intervenção.
Fonseca, A. (Org.). (2021). Ageing in Place - Envelhecimento em Casa e na Comunidade. Modelos e estratégias centrados na autonomia, participação social e promoção do bem estar das pessoas idosas. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian / Faculdade de Educação e Psicologia — Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
Lemaire, P., Bherer. (2012). Psicologia do Envelhecimento, uma perspetiva cognitiva. Instituto Piaget
Magalhães, A., Pereira, J. Lopes, M.(coord). A Animação Sociocultural e a Educação Intergeracional (2018). Chaves: Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.
Martins, E.. (2019). Suprir distâncias com o enfoque intergeracional: dos benefícios à intervenção em animação sociocultural. Revista Práticas de Animação, vol. 12. [online ](2019).
Osório, A. Animação Sociocultural na Terceira Idade. In Pereira, J., Vieites, M e Lopes, M. (2008). A Animação Sociocultural e os desafios do Seculo XXI.
Paúl, C. (2005). Envelhecimento e Ambiente. In Soczka, Luis (Org.). (2005). Contextos Humanos e Psicologia Ambiental. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Pereira, J., Lopes, M., Rodrigues, T. (Coord.). (2015). Animação sociocultural, Gerontologia, educação Intergeracional. Estratégias e métodos de intervenção para um envelhecimento ativo na terceira idade. Chaves: Intervenção.
Soares, C; Silva, A. M.; Silva, M. G.; Cerqueira, A. F. (2014). Are social representations of positive ageing really effective? The ageing process through the yes of elderly. Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics (pp.41-54).
WHO (2021). Global Report on Ageism.
WHO (2021). Decade of Healthy Ageing.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 07:43:06