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Competencies Acquisition

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - A

Code: LAS24    Acronym: CC
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 34 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 30


Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Isaura Pedro   0,70
Luís Santos   0,63

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The ESE, betting on the need to provide to students learning situations autonomous and complementary to the formal academic curriculum, introduced in the curriculum of different courses a UC called "portfolio of skills". This works throughout the course, allowing credit learning and competences acquired and/or developed by the students in non-academic contexts and situations, and is operationalized through a tutoring system that accompanies and supports the academic/not route the student.
In this course the student, with the support of a tutor from U.C., is encouraged to draw, define and build throughout the course, a course of autonomous learning, through their participation in activities that are carried out outside the formal academic calendar. The result of this course will be credited in 5 ECTS.


This course aims to formal learning and recognition of competences acquired and/or developed in various contexts and situations – technical/scientific/professional/social and artistic/citizenship-since recognised as significant, relevant and pertinent in the context of skills desirable for the various courses.
For being a UC whose development is done through a course of learning and skills acquisition negotiated between the students and the respective/the guardian/the, its contents derive from the nature of their own activities, the level at which the inclusion of the student and of the contexts in which they occur.
For example, contexts and possible activities:
-Scientific/professional/technical/artistic: participation/organization/scope diverse activities which make it possible to develop and strengthen learning in these areas (courses, lectures, events, visits to museums, etc.);
-Social/citizenship: participation/organization/scope diverse activities which make it possible to develop and strengthen learning in these areas (volunteering, participation in associations, participation in national and international exchanges, participation in associations.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Along its course of formation, the student will be able to select and participate in some of the types of activities referred in order to enrich their training and develop their skills in the areas mentioned above, taking advantage of training opportunities and set of development that the society itself provides, in addition to those of the ESE school nature offers you.

Teaching methodologies

The different courses of the ESE Setúbal (through/your/their/coordinators in collaboration with the coordinators/Department) shall designate one teacher as tutor/a of a group of about 15 students. This tutor/accompanies the student since its entry into the ESE, i.e. When you enter in the first year of a particular course, until complete the degree.
Note: Safeguard, however, the possibility to amend the principle stated above, in cases duly justified by appropriate management bodies.
When the ticket does a year more advanced, the/the guardian/the will, in principle, one of the tutors assigned to the course/year/the student enrolled. The same is true in the case of students who do not complete the UC in year predicted. When they enroll at UC will be integrated into a mentoring group that matches the year who attend or, if they have only this UC, a group of third grade.
The/the guardian/the designated/monitor/student in UC portfolio of competences. Will be with him/it/a must collect guidance on the activities to be undertaken, the reports to be drawn up, the powers to acquire and/or develop within the framework of this CU. Is this/a,/the teacher responsible for the evaluation and classification obtained in this UC.
The/the guardian/the self-training strategies will of student, motivating him to find and develop outside the school context, significant, relevant and diverse activities, which provide a personal, social and professional enrichment.
The credits will be awarded on the basis of the number of hours of work done by the student, considering that they respond to criteria of relevance earlier explained.
So, 1 credit corresponds (approximately) 27 h/student work, fewer hours to its aspect ratio/fraction of credits, (ex: 1.30 hours = 0.5 credits).
Distribution of 5 credits will take place throughout the different years of the course. This distribution will be negotiated and adjusted between the student and the respective//tutor will be desirable that comes close to one of the following assumptions:
Hip. A: 1 +2 + 2 = 5 Hip. B: 2 + 1 + 2 = 5 Hip. C: 2 + 2 + 1 = 5
The intervention plan (nature, activities, timing) of student must be negotiated with your tutor/ua/a. whenever he is judged appropriate, the student must present to tutor/relevant information about your motivations and your formative project and may for this using the tools of inquiry and information gathering that the tutor/to consider useful.
The working mode is that of the encounters with the tutor/a, which may be individual or small group. However, in each school year will be held a few meetings of collective work, with the entire group of tutorandos.
By way of example and for/to students who attend the first year of the course, these meetings may occur in the following periods:
1st session (initial): first two weeks of classes – for integration of students and provision of clarifications/information;
2nd and 3rd sessions: Eventually in January and April-for clarification of issues and questions raised and adjustment and support for learning activities.
When the students are already integrated, that is, already attend the second or third year of the course, the moments of meeting and their contents will be adjusted to this situation, and priority will be given to small-group or individual contacts – for evaluation and guidance – that meet the differentiated pathways made by each student.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Learning presupposes the involvement/participation of the student in specific activities. This involvement must be previously agreed with the tutor who validates their relevance, their integration in the formative process of the student and defines the nature of the products (reports of activities, adjustments, etc.) that will result from your participation in the activities and that are later presented for consideration.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Will be assessed and credited the learnings that are considered significant, relevant and pertinent in the context of different degrees, as long as they are framed in the negotiation held between student and tutor.
Learning undertaken in this syllabus shall be identified, described and organized by the student in a report and/or individual portfolio, which will integrate gradually the various UC products throughout the course, presenting a descriptive component and a reflective component.
The "individual portfolio" (or the products it will progressively integrating) is classified according to its quality, the result of negotiations between tutor and student, on a scale from 10 to 20 values, making its formal registration at the end of each school year. A student who does not get a top ranking the 10 values in a report concerning a any activity, don't get no credit or fraction thereof.
The deadline for delivery of the products carried out is defined on a case by case basis, with the teacher/tutor/a. these products will later be the subject of analysis and discussion with the teacher tutor/a in session specifically devoted to the effect.
Whereas this UC unfolds throughout the course and will have an agenda of Evaluation at the end of it, will be released by October, corresponding to the previous school year, an agenda of progress Evaluation. The same will be filled by the respective/the guardian/the and integrates all the students that/the guardian/the accompanies. This provisional agenda shall contain the credits obtained (whose minimum fraction is 0.5) for each student and their classification.

Moments of classification
(i) whereas this UC unfolds throughout the course and will have an agenda of Evaluation at the end of it, will be released by October, corresponding to the previous school year, an agenda of progress Evaluation. The same will be filled by the respective/the guardian/the and integrates all the students that/the guardian/the accompanies. This provisional agenda shall contain the credits obtained (whose minimum fraction is 0.5) for each student and their classification.
The/The guardian/the must be aware of this interim tariff to:
Coordinator/a of course;
-Person in charge General of UC "Competences portfolio" ESE.
(ii) in the third year, when the student finishes the UC, i.e. obtain 5 credits and a particular classification, the/the guardian/the sends this information to the//course Coordinator will send the agenda and fills the book of terms concerning UC.
Considering the type and nature of UC, there will be no possibility to perform test. It may, however, be no place to note improvement processes, by improving the Individual Portfolio by:
(i) improvement of some products already presented;
(ii) replacement of certain products by other superior quality.
The student needs to clarify its intention to carry out an improvement of note and agree with the teacher/tutor/a case-by-case basis, how she will perform.

Attendance system

The tutoring system allows individual monitoring of student along its route learning, autonomous by monitoring of fundamental aspects for the attainment of objectives:
(i) the extension of the contexts and situations in which the student is involved;
(ii) encouraging reflection on the route and the resulting learning;
(iii) the problematization of the autonomy and the individual choices as proactive elements in the process of formation.


Alves, Mariana (2010) Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida e Políticas Educativas Europeias. Ed. UIED, FCT-UNL, Lisboa
Pires, Ana (2005) Educação e Formação ao Longo da Vida: um estudo dos
sistemas e dispositivos de reconhecimnto e validação de competências.
FCT/Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Revista Mediações - Volume 2, nº 2 (2014) Educação Formal, Não-formal e Informal: transversalidades e inter-relações.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 14:42:31