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Physics and Chemistry Sciences

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: MEMCN2009    Acronym: CFQ
Scientific Fields: Área de Docência
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEMCN 15 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


José Miguel FreitasHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
José Fanica   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

. Reveals in-depth scientific knowledge in the fields of Physics and Chemistry.
. Uses hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
. Recognizes and rigorously uses the concepts, laws, theories of physics and chemistry.
. Mobilizes scientific knowledge associated with the respective curricular areas of the 1st and 2nd cycles of Basic Education.
. Identifies, collects, organizes, analyses and summarizes information recognizing the credibility of the sources.
. Demonstrates abilities to question realities and knowledge.
. Collects, analyses and interprets data collected based on research and experimental investigation.
. Presents obtained results, defends them, reasons and discusses their implications.
. Recognizes Physics and Chemistry as a human construction, understanding the historical aspects of their production and their relationships with cultural, socioeconomic and political contexts.
. Correctly communicates research results in scientific language, both oral and written (texts, reports, etc.).


- Mixtures (solvent, solute, solution, solubility, immiscible, phase separation, osmosis, Brownian motion, diffusion)
- Water cycle (thermal capacity, humidity, phase diagram)
- Chemical composition and structure of the atmosphere
- Chemical, photochemical and physical transformations (solar radiation, ozone, aurora borealis, greenhouse effect)
Pollution and its consequences
- Aquatic (BOD and COD, pathogenic, eutrophication, heavy metals)
- Atmospheric (rarefaction of the ozone layer, methane and other greenhouse gases, NOx, acid rain)
- Solar System (constitution and exploration)
- Universe (genesis, evolution, constitution)

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus corresponds to a comprehensive view of the contents of Physics and Chemistry, taking into account the official curriculum documents indicated for the Environmental Studies in the 1st cycle and Natural Sciences in the 2nd cycle of Basic Education. Content management is done with a focus on the development of research and autonomous learning capabilities, highlighting the role of recent scientific and technological developments in everyday life. In today's world it is essential that students are able to address the management of natural resources, albeit in a simplified way, and the environmental and social impacts of extensive use of these resources. Promoting students' scientific literacy enables them to critically analyse everyday situations, comment on these situations and make informed decisions.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies focus on student activity. In practical and theoretical-practical classes, research work and small group discussions will be privileged. Science will be presented as an active process of "inquiry" in which students can participate and not as a finished body of knowledge. Activities will include: (a) planning/carrying out experimental activities (investigations); (b) organization, analysis and interpretation of information contained in different supports; (c) reporting and communicating research findings; (d) peer reporting of sustainability strategies in the use of natural resources.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies aim to prepare future teachers of the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education to face the challenges that Physics and Chemistry, although dispersed in the Natural Sciences and the Environmental Studies, present them with. Using methodological approaches centred on student activity, hypothetical-deductive reasoning and respect for evidence will be privileged through a methodological approach by inquiry, which seeks to create situations of student involvement in carrying out simple experiments that provide a contact with the procedures of scientific research and the deepening of scientific concepts.
The execution of autonomous work, with tutorial support, and peers presentation will allow the systematization of the scientific concepts discussed, identifying, collecting, organizing, analysing and summarizing the information, recognizing the credibility of the sources.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment is continuous and focuses on the students' work processes and products (minimum of 80% of the proposed activities), in the following components: 50% test; 35% group work and individual participation 15%.


Bloomfield, L. (2015). How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life. Wiley
Bryson, B. (2013). Breve história de quase tudo. Bertrand Editora
Calado, J. (2012). Haja luz!: uma história da química através de tudo. Instituto Superior Técnico
Carvalho, R. (2007). A Física no dia-a-dia. Relógio de Água
Chang, R., & Goldsby, K. (2012). Química. MacGraw Hill
Escoval, M. (2010). A acção da Química na nossa vida. Editorial Presença
Sawyer, C., McCarty, P., & Parkin, G. (2003). Chemistry for environmental engineering and science. McGraw-Hill
Seinfeld, J., & Pandis, S. (2016). Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From air pollution to climate change. John Wiley & Sons
Silva, P., & Silva, J. (2009). A Importância de ser electrão. Gradiva Publicações
Snyder, C. (2002). The extraordinary Chemistry of ordinary things. John Wiley & Sons
Online site
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