Social and Natural Sciences
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S
Code: |
MP1C10017 |
Acronym: |
Scientific Fields: |
Área de Docência |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
31 |
Study Plan |
1º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
Reveals to have scientific knowledge, using it appropriately to know the natural and social environment
and in the analysis and discussion of issues which interrelate the natural and social world.
Uses appropriate scientific language to the educational context, distinguishing scientific discourse from
common sense speech.
Recognizes the importance of the use of sciences conceptual and methodological tools to understand of
the contexts of students' lives.
Discusses and argues justifiably on the potential and limitations of human intervention in the natural and
social environment using the available scientific knowledge.
Examines controversial situations related to sustainable development of society.
Integrates ecological, ethical and aesthetic values in their speech and practices.
Appropriately uses technology, media and communications tools and information.
Environment and sustainable development:
- Natural and social environments: interactions and common and distinctive features;
- Impacts of human activities on the environment;
- Analysis of controversial issues on the political, economic, social, scientific and technological
Democracy and citizenship:
- Organization and distribution of population and resources - resource management for sustainable
development of countries and regions;
- The institutions and their roles in the political organization of societies;
- Social/cultural differentiation - social inclusion and reducing inequalities.
Biological systems and sustainable lifestyles:
- The diversity of life and the functional systems of the human organism;
- Homeostasis: regulation of the dynamic balance of biological systems;
- Promotion of health and sustainable lifestyles.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
This course aims to consolidate the scientific knowledge already gained on the operation of natural and
social systems in order to develop, in particular, students research and inquiry capabilities,
communication skills and reasoning against real problems whether they are at the local level or worldwide.
The syllabus was aimed to focus around integrative contents associated with education for sustainability
to provide the development of skills transversal to natural and social sciences that instil the recognition of
the need for training for citizenship intervention.
Teaching methodologies
Teaching methodologies include lectures, practical activities and discussion/argument activities
about integrative themes in education for sustainability. The following learning situations are envisaged: a)
analysis of concrete cases from the literature; b) participation in classroom discussions and through
online forums; c) oriented discussion of topics from recent research results in environment and
development; d); conducting documentary, laboratory research and field activities; e) presentation,
discussion and self-assessment of the activities.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The methodologies adopted focus on the activity of the students. The diversity of work processes aims to
provide students the opportunity to increase knowledge and develop skills, attitudes and values that lead
to a solid education around relevant issues in the context of natural and social sciences.
The use of laboratory activities and real cases to study and work are methodologies that focus on the
student and make possible reflection, sharing and discussion on the topics covered, thus creating
favorable conditions for students to mobilize in practice appropriate scientific language analysis capability
and argumentation.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
Assessment is continuous and focuses on the students' work processes and products. The autonomous work carried out by the students will be evidenced in the activities of the contact hours and in the group work presented. The classification will be obtained by the following relative weights: test 40%; group work on a real case study 50%; individual participation 10%.
Students who do not participate in the continuous assessment regime will take a final exam prepared along the lines of the curricular unit tests.
Any fraud situation will be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Despacho No. 40/Presidente/2021 of the IPS.
Attendance system
Conditions for student participation in the continuous assessment regime
A minimum attendance of 75% is compulsory for sessions. Attendance during all group work presentation and preparation sessions is mandatory. It is advisable to monitor the activities through the UC page on the interactive moodle platform.
Students with special rights under the terms of article 258 and subsequent ones of the Regulation of Academic Activities and Guidelines for the Assessment of School Performance of Students of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, the stipulated in the aforementioned regulation will be applied.
Acemoglu, Daren; Robinson, James (2013). Porque falham as nações. Temas e Debates. 620.
Bryson, B. (2019). O corpo: Um guia para ocupantes. Bertrand Editora.
Campenhoudt, L. (2003). Introdução à análise dos fenómenos sociais. Gradiva
Cañal, P. (2008). El cuerpo humano: una perspectiva sistémica. Alambique, 58, 8-22.
Carmo, R., Sebastião, J., Azevedo, J., Martins, S. (2018). Desigualdades sociais: Portugal e a Europa. Editora Mundos Sociais.
Casa das Ciências (s.d.). Recursos educativos. Disponível em: https://www.casadasciencias.org/recursos-educativos
EU (União Europeia), http://europa.eu/index_pt.htm
Fiolhais, C., & Marçal, D. (2012). Pipocas com telemóvel e outras histórias de falsa ciência. Gradiva.
FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), http://www.fao.org/home/en/
Gaspar, C. (2021). O mundo de amanhã. Fundação Manuel dos Santos.
Magalhães, P., Pais, J. (Eds.) (2013). Portugal social de a a z. Expresso/ICS.
Marshall, T. (2019). A Era dos Muros: como as barreiras entre as nações estão a mudar o nosso mundo. Desassossego.
OCDE. (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico), http://www.oecd.org/
ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas), http://www.un.org/
Santos, F. D. (2007). Que futuro? Ciência, Tecnologia, Desenvolvimento e Ambiente. Gradiva.
Santos, F. D. (2012). Alterações globais: os desafios e os riscos presentes e futuros. Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.