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Special Educative Needs

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: MPE10019    Acronym: NEE
Scientific Fields: Área Educacional Geral
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE 15 Study Plan 3,0 36 81,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Francisca da Silva MouraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,40
Ana Moura   2,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The aim of this Curricular Unit is that future teachers are able to: - know the conceptual changes and results of research that support the concepts of Special Educational Needs and Inclusive School; - support the Right to Education for All children and young people regardless of their characteristics, interests and learning needs; - critically analyze the social representations of difference that contribute to the continued focus the causes of school failure in the child and family; - develop positive responses to all children who will potentially encounter difficulties in their school careers, including those with disabilities, to understand that these responses depend not only of special education; - understand the importance of working with families and community; - build or participate in a school able to interact with different cultures; - know the portuguese and international legislation framing supporting children with NE E.


I. From the Language of Disability for Special Educational Needs The difference centered on the individual.
The medical model. The concept of Special Educational Needs: Use and abuse? II. From the Traditional
School to the Inclusive School: A utopia? Exclusion: Teach everyone as if they were one Inclusion: A
School for All III. Education for All, Children's Rights and Ethics IV. Professor Builder of Inclusion:
Differentiating Pedagogy The heterogeneity of students Different paths of life; Different social frameworks
Different rates and type of learning Working strength: the student who does not want to, can not, can not take ownership of knowledge

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The contents of the Curricular Unit contain and explain a set of key questions about the conceptions of disability that enclose the knowledge of learning disabilities of students on the medical model and reference standards, setting it apart from a pedagogical perspective. Shows that the concept of Special Educational Needs focuses the support of teachers in students' difficulties in learning, adapting the curriculum and adapting to School. Seeks to analyze the social representations of difference that contribute to the continued focus the causes of school failure in the child and family. The contents set out, following the Salamanca Statement, the Right to Education for All children and young people regardless of their characteristics, interests and learning needs. These aspects serve the large objectives: develop skills of teachers towards the inclusion of all students and building an inclusive school.

Teaching methodologies

The program will be organized around its content and will be developed alternately. The expository times follow up times of debate. At the reading of texts in small group, follow-up times of plenary debate. The methodology used part of the reflection and analysis of concrete situations arising from reflection on practice in various contexts and life stage. With this goal are organized forms of diversified working as oral accounts of experiences, group work, individual work and peers. The tutorial, personal and group monitoring will consist of orientation and organization of the thematic study on deepening and clarification of questions. The tutorial monitoring can be done in person or at distance. Each student must produce a personal work which consists in an exploratory test of the themes of the program. The delimitation of the subject should be negotiated with the teacher. The weight of this product in the final score for each student is 100%.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Theoretical expositions intend to promote a critical interrogation of the contents of the program to enable the involvement and participation of students in discussions about the issues in question. The intention is that the work done will include a reflection on the action, using concrete situations related to teaching practices that lead to situations of inclusion and exclusion, in an attitude of analysis grounded, but criticism and construction of professional knowledge. With this goal the knowledge and skills acquired by students in their various contexts of life and of teaching practice, are considered fundamental resources.
We want to reinforce the perspective that the nature of this UC requires an accurate coordination between the sharing of experiences and activities of theoretical and conceptual nature that give meaning and organize these experiences. This methodology allows alternating spaces of conceptual analysis but also emotional, giving rise to reflection about the "others".


Antunes, F. (2008) Nova ordem educacional, Espaço Europeu de Educação e Aprendizagem ao Longo da
Vida: Actores, Processos e Instituições. Coimbra: Almedina.
Barroso, J. (2006) O Estado e a Educação: a Regulação transnacional, a regulação nacional e a regulação
local. In: A regulação das políticas públicas de educação. Espaços, dinâmicas e actores. Lisboa: Educa.
Magalhães, A. (2011) Pensar as diferenças. Contributos para a educação inclusiva. In: Rodrigues, D.(org)
Educação Inclusiva. Instituto Piaget.
Marchesi, A. (2001) A Prática das escolas inclusivas. In: Rodrigues, D.(org.) Educação e diferença. Porto
Meirieu, P. (2002) A Pedagogia entre o Dizer e o Fazer. Artmed
(2005) O Cotidiano da Escola e da Sala de Aula. Artmed
Morgado, J (2011) Qualidade e Educação Inclusiva. In: Rodrigues, D.(org.) Educação Inclusiva. Instituto
Perrenoud, P. (2000) Pedagogia Diferenciada. Artmed
Rodrigues, D. (org.) (2003) Perspetivas sobre a Inclusão. Da Educação à Sociedade. Porto Ed.

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