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Internship in Childhood Education I

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: MPE10021    Acronym: EEI1
Scientific Fields: Prática de Ensino Supervisionada
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE 24 Study Plan 12,0 314 324,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Sofia Gago da Silva Corrêa FigueiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 15,00
Ana Moura   0,00
Augusto Pinheiro   5,13
Maria Manuela Correia   3,87
Sofia Figueira   6,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This Unit aims to provide students the opportunity to:
Uttering knowledge of action linking it with theoretical knowledge which emerge from
different units of the program.
Knowing how to use the interactive alternation between educational interventions
developed in internships performed in contexts of nursery school and practical theoretical
sessions developed in the ESE/IPS.
Knowing how to join the sensitivity of professionals in the human, with the practical –
theoretical reflection.
Knowing ways to intervene consistently with the pedagogical and educational projects of
the institution where they will undertake their professional functions.
Knowing to develop an educare orientation, i.e. knowing to articulate education and care.
Developing an identity of professional early childhood pedagogues, i.e., na identity of
experts of the pedagogical relationship within early childhood education.


A. Working with families
Nursery-school as a democratic place
Separation/adaptation children’s process
Devices and procedures to enhance flexible reception of parents and to soften
Issues on parents’ involvement
The principle of co-education: a critical approach
B. Daily routines in nursery-school
Feeding time
Siesta time
Farwell time
Spontaneous play and activities
Intentional intervention and planning
B. Arrangement of space and materials
Creating and equipping an environment for under threes
Didactic materials and open materials
Outdoor arrangement

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The broad intentionality of this unit guides the analysis undertaken on all of syllabus issues.
Reflection on these issues is an opportunity for students to undertake the specific practical-theoretical
relationship characterizing teacher’s functions in nursery schools. This movement that leads from the
concrete to the abstract, is based in alternation interactive framework, matching the central purpose of UC:
to prepare the students to know how to intervene effectively in early childhood educational stings where
they will play their professional functions

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies are organized into the following devices:
a) Reflection sessions aiming to prepare internship periods.
b) Sessions of retrospective reflection on work developed in each week of internship in plenary sessions in
class and in small groups of internship.
c) Sessions of reflection that will focus on aspects set out in Syllabus section
d) Follow-up sessions held by teachers in the institutions of internship period.
Two evaluation devices:
a) Report prepared by cooperating educators in collaboration with teachers, concerning students’
performance in different areas of internship intervention. This performance is analysed according to a
model of qualitative evaluation, whose levels are translated into quantitative ratings;
b) The production of a Pedagogical Dossier, according to lines previously established in an acade

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Teaching methodologies include a set of devices and procedures developed in practical-theoretical
sessions, as well as in reflection sessions in internship settings, with teachers, cooperative educators and
All these sessions are opportunities for students to learn how to act in the institutions of the probationary
period, discerning with lucidity the status of interns and assuming the concomitant responsibility (duties
and rights) that comes from such status. Thus, students have the opportunity to learn how to take part
both in the work done by the teams of the activity rooms, either on the work done by teams of educational
institutions. In addition, these sessions are privileged moment for the students to do prospective and
retrospective reflections on its educational intervention, either in a global sense, or in relation to the
themes provided by tutors of internship and by teachers of different units. On the other hand, these
sessions allow students to exercise their relationship both with children, either with their families, ruled by
fair distance conception (neither too close nor too much distance).
In this sense, students are urged to develop their ability to listen attentively and empathically what say and
do cooperative educators, children and their parents. In summary, these methodologies of teaching allow
students to assume effectively the functions of early childhood educators.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Ongoing academic assessment – 50%
Pedagogical dossier – 50%
Examination – 100%


Gonzales-Mena, J., Eyer, D. (2014). O cuidado com bebés e crianças pequenas na
creche. Porto Alegre:AMGH
Sinclair, H., Stambak, M., Rayna, M., Verba, M. Lézine, I. (2012). Os bebés e as
coisas. Campinas: Autores Associados
Sinclair, H., Stambak, M., Rayna, M., Verba, M. Lézine, I. (2012). Os bebés entre eles:
descobrir, brincar, inventar juntos. Campinas: Autores Associados
Paige-Smith, A., Craft, A. (2010) O desenvolvimento da prática reflexiva na educação
infantil. Porto Alegre: Artmed
Barbosa, M.C. (2007). Por amor e por força: Rotinas na Educação Infantil. Porto Alegre:
Goldschmied, E., & Jackson S. (2006). Educação de 0 a 3 anos – O atendimento em
creche (2ª ed.). Porto Alegre: Artmed
Post, J., & Hohmann, M. (2003). Educação de bebés em infantários: cuidados e primeiras
aprendizagens. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Gandini, L.,& Edwards, C. (2002). Bambini; A Abordagem Italiana à Educação Infantil.
Porto Alegre: Artmed.

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