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Research Seminar and Project II

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: MPE20001    Acronym: SIP2
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE 24 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Sofia Gago da Silva Corrêa FigueiraHead
Ana Luísa Rebelo de Oliveira PiresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,00
Isabel Maria Tomásio Correia   1,60
Sofia Figueira   2,60

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This unit aims to further strengthen and consolidate ways of seeing and understanding the situations and educational contexts, avoiding both common sense and the uncritical repetition of standardized educational interventions. The unit also aims to deepen the theoretical and methodological procedures that govern research in education. It is also intended that students will be able to prepare the research report begun last year, which includes the identification and delineation of a cross-cutting theme in nursery school and kindergarten. Furthermore it is intended that students will be able to use adequately the methodology of research in education and tools for collecting and analyzing information. Mainly, the unit seeks to develop the student's ability to describe and interpret parsimoniously, but also critically and reflectively, the educational episodes related to the cross-cutting themes in the contexts of nursery school and kindergarten.


1. The foundations of educational research revisited: from its epistemological characteristics to its
methodological issues.
2. Methods and procedures for collecting and analysing information.
3. The development of the research project report (guidelines for its writing and presenting).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus of this unit include a deepening of epistemological aspects which may aloud students to
consolidate their distancing both from common sense and from acritical preproduction of standardized
interpretations of pedagogical situations and educational acts they observe. Besides, and consequently, the perseverance in what concerns the methodological aspects of educational research, is intended to create an opportunity for a deeper knowledge of an effective know how about research tools. Moreover, the syllabus include some concrete features concerning the research project, intending to allow students to prepare their final report.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies concern the seminar sessions, including the presentation, the analysis and the discussion of the research projects undertaken by students. Besides, teaching methodologies include as well tutorial attendances.
Classes are devoted to the presentation and discussion of project development of each student. The
presentations will be supplemented with guidelines appropriate and relevant to each situation, both from a theoretical point of view as methodological.
The tutorial attendances aim to support and guide students throughout the development of the projects they develop, to clarify issues and questions, and to provide teachers' advice and information; monitoring will be realized either in a face to face situation, or at distance.
Assessment and rating: a) oral presentation of the research project: 60%; b) critical reflection, concerning the work done in the research project: 30%; c) report focused on progress of the development of student work: 10%

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies respond fully to the requirements of the learning objectives of the course. The seminar classes are privileged, in which each student is invited to present the development of her/his research project; this modality allows the deepening of the understanding of concrete educational situations and issues explored by students. This device allows students to return to both contexts internship who attended at the first and second semester of the first year of master studies (nursery and Kindergarten-care), contributing to the preparation of the final report of the study cycle. The continuous support given by the annual CU (SIP I), that tracked students in their research projects, extends at this CU program (SIP II), allowing them to deepen and consolidate the learning objectives of both CU.
In this program, research is conceived as praxis - the relationship between theory and practice is
dialectical - and as a creative and transformative activity that promotes social change. Accordingly, it is intended that students become critically involved in processes of change, adopting a proactive and collaborative approach in contexts where the research takes place. The seminar — the prime teaching methodology in the classroom — enables the sharing, analysis and discussion of projects by students, clarifying doubts, analyzing senses, relating theoretical and practical issues, identifying contradictions and negotiating new understandings through interactive and collaborative strategies.
The tutorial guidance, performed individually or in small groups, contributes to complement and to deepen activities developed in the classroom, especially regarding the work of preparation and completion of research reports.


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Lisboa: UIED.
Barbier, R. (1985). A pesquisa-ação na Instituição Educativa. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar Editores.
Bardin, L. (1991). Análise de Conteúdo. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Bogdan, R. e Biklen, S. (1994). Investigação Qualitativa em Educação. Porto: Porto Editora.
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