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Internship in Childhood Education III

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: MPE20004    Acronym: EEI3
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE 23 Study Plan 9,0 198 243,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Sofia Gago da Silva Corrêa FigueiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 10,00
Ilda Clara Cruz Rodrigues   4,80
Sofia Figueira   5,73

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It is intended that students will deepen and consolidate the following skills and knowledge of action: a)
analysing pedagogical phenomena in an integrated and holistic manner; b) establishing connections with
different domains of knowledge; c) dealing with diverse experiences; d) developing effective responses
within the childhood pedagogy.
It is expected that each student develop the ability to rebuild intensively their professional identity in orderto perform their teaching duties both in the context of nursery school, and in the context of kindergarten.
It is also expected that students will be able to develop a sensitive intelligence, knowing how to interpret - prospectively - their pedagogical interventions with children from 0 to 6 years old, their
relationships with children's families and with the pedagogical and educational teams.


The syllabus contents of this unit are organized around cross-cutting areas of reflective educator, acting in contexts of childhood education - nursery school and kindergarten - under the following aspects of their
direct and indirect intervention: a) the educare at nursery school and kindergarten; b) the organization of
educational space; c) the work done in pedagogical and educational teams; d) the organization of the
educational climate; e) the involvement of families in educational childhood contexts; f) the work of
articulation with the community.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents are articulated in a consistent manner with the intended outcomes of this unit, in
that they allow students to learn and consolidate the knowledge inherent to the profession of early
childhood educator.
Undeniably, the syllabus contents of this unit correspond to the core modalities of the intervention of a childhood teacher. It is intended that students understand the specificity of pedagogical intervention of a childhood teacher in the contexts of early childhood education in a broad sense which includes the
nursery school and the kindergarten.
Ultimately, the syllabus contents aim that students will achieve the core goal of UC, namely contributing to educate reflective childhood teachers, critically questioning their conceptions and their pedagogical interventions in educational contexts nursery and kindergarten

Teaching methodologies

It creates opportunities for training either in real work environments for early childhood educators, or in a
cooperative reflection sessions in the internships, and also in sessions in the ESE. This training device is designed to create opportunities for each student to develop skills in different areas of their future
educational intervention.
Students returning to the same institutions where they pursued Internship I (nursery school) and
Internship II (kindergarten). Teachers will make a follow-up session in these contexts, comprising an
observation period, followed by a brainstorming session with the intern and the cooperating teacher.
Meetings held in ESE are dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of pedagogical situations, promoting reflection - prospective - on pedagogical interventions (mandatory minimum of 75%

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Students remain four weeks, from Monday to friday in the contexts of childhood education - two
weeks in nursery school and two weeks in kindergarten. This component of supervised teaching practice is achieved through intern's intervention activities in different contexts, with supervision of cooperating childhood educators with whom the interns developed the Internship I and the Internship II (respectively in the 1st and 2nd semesters) and with the support and guidance of one of the teachers of the credit unit
team. Supervision comprehends two areas: supervision in the internship contexts and the weekly reflection in ESE. These methods involve the continuation and deepening of the alternation model initiated in the first two semesters of the master.
Consequently, these methodologies imply the continuation and deepening of the alternation model
initiated in the first two semesters of the master degree.
In fact, the methodologies include spaces for sharing and reflection, developed in classroom sessions, as
well as in the internship contexts in meetings between mentor teachers, students and cooperating
childhood educators.
In addition, the proposed methodologies encourages reflection about the congruence between individual learning styles, the strategies used, and the completion of the final internship report.
All of these devices and procedures, will allow students to develop a situated knowledge set which may
promotes their ability to establish relationships between different domains of knowledge belonging to the culture of childhood education in the broadest sense of the term.
In other words, these same devices respond fully to the goals of credit unit, allowing the development of a professional identity of a childhood teacher reflective and critical, able to develop their pedagogical intervention in the contexts of childhood education (nursery school and kindergarten).
Teaching methodologies concern the seminar sessions, including the presentation, the analysis and the
discussion of the research projects undertaken by students. Besides, teaching methodologies include as
well tutorial attendances.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Individual work on pedagogical intervention and adaptation in nursery school and kindergarten 15%; -
-Group Work on chosen theme by students written and presented in class 15%

70% - final internship report.

Attendance system

mandatory minimum of 75% attendance


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