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Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: OP00028    Acronym: FOT
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 10 Study Plan 5,0
LAS 4 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo Jorge Melo NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Luísa Ferreira   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This curricular unit aims to make students aware of the importance of photography, in society in general and in the media, in particular. Knowing the origins and evolution of photography, composition and aesthetics, from the mastery of different equipment and techniques to the mastery of photographic image editing programs, are objectives that we seek to promote in students.
- Know the historical evolution of the photographic process
- Apply basic knowledge of photographic technique
- Identify and adopt rules of photographic composition
- Know basic photo editing procedures
- Select photographs and organize a photographic portfolio


Approaches to the history of photography, the different processes and its protagonists.
Practical demonstration of the different components of a camera and their relationship in obtaining technically adequate photographs. Visioning, production and reflection of photographic works that lead to a better understanding of the basic rules of photographic composition. Identification of stylistic currents with a view to creating more reflective habits and attitudes. Thematic portfolios of photographs and their requirements with regard to the selection and spatial organization of images.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Articulation of the syllabus with the objectives of the course
To achieve the first objective, the historical evolution of the photographic processes of its most significant inventors is articulated.
In the second objective, demonstrate the different functions and articulations of the essential components of a camera.
The third objective deals with issues related to the composition of the photographic image, the stylistic currents and the problems related to creativity and originality.
In the fourth objective, students are asked to select their photographs to be included in the portfolio.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies.
Throughout the work sessions, theoretical classes with a large group will be held; viewing videos and photographs with different approaches to photographic technique and aesthetics and monitoring and individual debate of the productions of each of the students. Viewing with debate in all sessions of 2 images per student, seeking from this example to introduce the contents that are related to photographic techniques and aesthetics.
The sessions will take place in the elearning process, seeking to illustrate all content with photographs, graphics and diagrams that contribute to the understanding of the issues to be addressed.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Articulation of teaching methodologies with the learning objectives of the course.
For an approach to historical aspects, different visual supports are used, such as videos, photographs, diagrams that contribute to the understanding of the contents followed by debate.
General examples will be accompanied whenever possible with audiovisual material, allowing students to appropriate knowledge as well as knowledge of the proper functioning of a camera.
Awareness of the issues related to photographic composition is introduced through the viewing of videos and photographic images of specialists seeking to demonstrate the different options. In the individual monitoring of students' work, reflection on technical and aesthetic issues is made.
Stimulation to edit photographic images using different image editing programs will be a concern.
 The most appropriate procedures for the different purposes for which the images are intended, which must be avoided in the treatment of the images and the particularities of the different programs, are the main concerns to be taken into account.
The last objective is related to the competence in choosing and organizing a photographic portfolio. This is achieved through the individual monitoring of each student in the choice of photographs and organization of their own portfolio. Initially, several works of the kind are presented.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Rating and rating
The elements under evaluation are related to the objectives of the Course and must demonstrate the skills that students have acquired: photographic technique; creativity and originality in photographic composition; compliance with deadlines and participation in sessions, inclusion of the requested parts in the portfolio, as well as the levels of involvement in the Course Unit, organization and presentation of the photographic portfolio. These parameters are distributed and discussed with students at the beginning of each semester.

Bibliography Bibliography

APARCICI, R., GARCIAMANTILL, A. (1989) – Lectura de Imágenes. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. BARTHES, Roland (1984) – A Câmara Clara. Rio de Janeiro: Fronteira
DONDIS, Donis A (2000) Sintaxe da linguagem visual. 3ª Ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
FREEMAN, Michael (1993) – Grande Manual da fotografia. Lisboa: Dinalivro.
HEDGECOE, John (1994) – O novo Livro da Fotografia. Lisboa: Centralivros.
MAH, Sérgio (2003) – A fotografia e o privilégio de um olhar moderno. Lisboa: Edições Colibri
REGO, Jorge (1994) – Fotografia. Lisboa: ASA.
RICHARD, Ehrlich (1986) – Diccionário de Fotografia. Lisboa: Dom Quixote.
SANTOS, Joel (2010) – Fotografia – Luz, Exposicão, Composicão, Equipamento. V.N.Famalicão: Centro Atlântico.
SENA, António (1998) – História da imagem fotográfica em Portugal18391997.
Porto: Porto Editora.


In addition to the program, an addendum to the program is discussed and distributed to students at the beginning of each semester, which specifies in detail the characteristics, approaches, times, organization and evaluation of the portfolio and the photographic exhibition to be presented.

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