Audio-visual Laboratory
Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
- To know and use in an appropriate way different means of communication and information.
- Revealing autonomy in approaching and solving problems.
- Communicate and interact with others, promoting productive work environments.
- To know the role of materials and technologies in the creation of audiovisual communication products
- Identify principles of audiovisual organization and expression.
- Reveal basic knowledge of form and visual language.
- Develop audiovisual projects in the field of translation and interpretation of Portuguese Sign Language.
- Composition rules and scales of plans.
- ISO sensitivity, speed and diaphragm aperture.
- Video recording techniques.
- Nonlinear video capture and editing.
- The audiovisual language
- Production of simple videograms.
- The process of communication.
- Means, materials and techniques of audiovisual expression.
- The message: content, recipient and form.
- Translation and integration of / into audiovisual content.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
-This Curricular Unit aims to contribute to the understanding of audiovisual products as critical elements in the communication process and the relationship between different forms of communication; at the same time it aims to stimulate the emerge of visual aesthetic values and provide an understanding of some of the main aspects to be considered in the production of audiovisual materials.
The program contents are designed for the production of audiovisual products, with artistic and aesthetic concerns, which allow an acquisition of skills in the area of expression and visual communication; and to correctly integrate translations of Portuguese Sign Language into communication elements in the audiovisual format.
Teaching methodologies
The sessions will focus on the plenary discussion and / or small groups based on information provided directly by teachers or using various materials. The process will comprise:
Elaboration, discussion and analysis, in group, of small works.
Elaboration of a technical guide for audiovisual product.
Realization of audiovisual products individually and in groups.
Presentation and discussion of the works.
The tutorial orientation will aim to: (a) guide student study; (b) guide the work in progress; (c) follow projects. It will take place in small group or individually, when necessary.
It will be carried out in person or at a distance, using the available platform and / or electronic mail.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The aim of this curricular unit is to develop skills using a methodology focused on the construction and use of audiovisual products, fully built by students, individually and in groups. In this way, the video-production strategy, based on the realization of audiovisual products by the students themselves, makes it possible to approach not only contents of their specific sphere (audiovisual media and translation) but also content that is more transversal or specific to other areas of to know.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
The work developed in the UC will be object of:
Participation in the sessions - 20%
Individual Video - 10%
Project for audiovisual product with translation PSL- 20%
Audiovisual product with PSL translation - 50%
Attendance system
It is expected that each student, integrated in the continuous assessment system:
a) is present in at least 75% of the classes and participates in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the planning of the work;
b) carry out the proposed practical work.
Students who choose not to be part of the continuous evaluation system have the opportunity to take an exam, at a date and place to be designated, during the periods determined in the school calendar for that purpose.
Students with special status, unable to attend the minimum number of sessions mentioned above, must inform the teacher of this situation during the first fifteen days of classes.
Assement and Attendance registers
Description |
Type |
Tempo (horas) |
End Date |
Attendance (estimated) |
Classes |
0 |
Total: |
0 |
ANG, T. (2003) – Manual de Fotografia Digital. Porto: Civilização. [772(075) ANG-MAN]
ANG, T. (2005) – Manual de Vídeo Digital. Porto: Civilização
ARANSON, I. (s.d.) – DV Filmmaking:from start to finhish. O’Reilly Digital Studio. [778.5:004.42(075.8) ARO-DV]
ARTIS, A. (2008) – The Shut up and shoot: documentary guide. Focal Press.
CAIAZZO, C. - Curso de fotografia e vídeo digital: tudo o que necessita para fazer as melhores fotos e produzir os melhores vídeos. CD’S. [772(075.4) CUR]
CARDOSO, B. (2003) – Vídeo Digital no PC. Lisboa: FCA. [004.3 (036) CAR-VID]
COMPARATO, D. (1992) – Da criação ao guião. Lisboa: Pergaminho. [791.43 COM-CMI]
FERRÉS, J. (1996) - Vídeo e educação 2ª ed Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas [371.33 FER-VID]
SOUSA, R. (1992) – Ver e tornar visível: formulações básicas em cinema e vídeo. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
WIESE, M. (1991) - Film directing shot by shot-visualizing from concept to screen Studio City, CA . [778.5 KAT-FIL]
The exam will last two hours and consists of:
Component 1 (50%) - written test about the contents covered in class and exposed in this program, lasting 1h30m.
Component 2 (50%) - presentation and oral discussion (30 minutes) of audiovisual product on the day of the exam. The product will be carried out by the student at the ESE / IPS premises, according to a statement provided by the teacher, in a date prior to the examination. The product will be realized in a period between 1 to 2 consecutive days, using equipment provided by ESE / IPS.