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Sound design and voiceover

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: PA13    Acronym: SL
Scientific Fields: Áudio-Visuais e Produção dos Media
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 15 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Pedro Miguel Rebelo FelícioHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Nuno Oliveira   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The production of audiovisual products involves a great diversity of skills ranging from project planning and management to the design of arguments, storyboards and scripts, culminating in the production of image, sound and video.
It is understood, however, that for the design and production of audiovisual products, the knowledge and the bases will be necessary to allow full literacy in this specific language, thus acquiring basic skills for full literacy.
This Course aims to contribute to the understanding of audiovisual products as critical elements to the involvement, to stimulate the emergence of visual aesthetic values and to provide an understanding of some of the main aspects of Sonoplasty and Locution to consider in the production of audiovisual materials.


- Acquire the concepts and techniques for the realization of appropriate locution for each audiovisual genre.
- Manage the development stages of a sound production.
- Design and plan audio suitable for different media and formats.
- Manage and select techniques and technologies appropriate to each type of capture and sound editing.
- Assemble and edit audio using appropriate techniques and technologies.
- Prepare and optimize audio for online and offline dissemination.


Avid ProTools

iZotope RX



Technological sciences > Technology > Sound technology

Social sciences > Communication sciences > Media studies > Audiovisual studies

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In compliance with article 6 of Decree-Law no. 43/2014, of March 18, the description of the competencies referent is organized according to the domains: knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Within the scope of this UC were defined the following areas:
- Deep knowledge and specialized in the capture, editing and sound assembly
- Comprehensive and specialized knowledge in techniques and technologies of audiovisual production for different formats and media
- Comprehensive and specialized knowledge of audiovisual communication and diffusion
- To design audiovisual productions for various media and broadcast media, suitable for the intended communication
- Design and plan creative solutions to audiovisual communication problems
- Develop audio-visual production projects appropriate to the format and means of communication intended
- apply appropriate techniques and technologies to audiovisual production
- Prepare and optimize audiovisual for online and offline dissemination and dissemination
- Demonstrate autonomy to develop specific work within each of the audiovisual areas
- Demonstrate ability to present creative solutions appropriate to the intended communication
- Demonstrate ability to adapt the language to the characteristics of the interlocutors.

Teaching methodologies

- Unidirectional, stereo and omnidirectional microphones;
- Mixing tables, signal injection and wiring boxes;
- Pro Tools 10 and Adobe Audition recording and editing software;
- Hardware MBox Pro (Avid);
- Recording and recording of sound sources;
- Editing and processing of sound sources (equalization, compression, gain, filters);
- Sequencing and overlapping of sound materials;
- Recorders and digital recording formats;
- Sound and audio synchronization for video recordings;
- Post-production of sound materials;
- Audiovisual projects;
- Mixing and mastering for different platforms and in different formats;
- Standard Loudness EBU R 128

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

As a curricular unit included in the syllabus for the training of professionals in audiovisual production, it aims to contribute to the understanding of audiovisual products as critical elements in relation to their
involvement, to stimulate the emergence of visual aesthetic values and to provide an understanding of some of the main aspects of Production of audio-visual materials.
The program contents are outlined for the acquiring of sound and speech skills, with artistic and aesthetic concerns, which allow an acquisition of skills in the area of expression and visual communication.
The progression in the content approach allows students to understand the importance of sound and speech techniques in fixed image and moving image so that they can design and build audiovisual products that clearly convey the desired values as they denote the aesthetic concerns of a product Artistic thought with rigor and creativity

Assessment methodologies and evidences

6.1 Program management strategies
Sessions will focus on the plenary discussion and / or small groups based on information provided directly by teachers or using various materials.
The process will comprise:
(A) Reading, discussion and analysis of texts;
(B) Reading, discussion and analysis of audio;
(C) Reading, discussion and analysis of still images;
(D) Reading, discussion and analysis of moving image;
(E) Elaboration of small audiovisual products in class;
(F) Creation of an individual audiovisual product with defined criteria;
(G) Creation of a collective audiovisual product with defined criteria;
(H) Presentation and discussion of the works;
6.2. Student Participation
Each student is expected to: (a) participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in group work; (B) read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the supporting materials / materials presented; (C) carry out the scheduled work.
It is expected that students with student-worker status or other special statuses, who can not be present at the scheduled sessions, will notify teachers of this status in the first fifteen days of classes.

Attendance system

8.1 Evaluation
The work developed in the UC will be object of:
A) Interim Evaluation - 10%
The. Written submission - 5%
B. Oral presentation - 5%
B) Formative Evaluation - 30% process
The. Participation in the theoretical-practical components of audio and image.
B. Discussion of the proposed topics, both face-to-face and online.
w. Conducting audiovisual experiences in class
D. Presentation and discussion of the final audiovisual product.
C) Summative Evaluation - 60% summative
The. Final audiovisual product with reflection - 40%.
B. Final audio product - 20%.
In case of impossibility to participate in the evaluation moments, the evaluation will be carried out by examination at a date to be defined by the Management (except students with special status, see point 9).
8.2. Classification
The final assessment of the CU will be posted on the ESE / IPS portal on a date according to the academic calendar, resulting from the partial evaluations described above, assigned on a scale of 0 to 20 values.
Explanatory note:
The UC evaluation is governed by the ESE / IPS Frequency and Assessment Regulation (RFA), which may be continuous or periodic, always with the possibility of a final exam, except for the UC of Internship.
Taking into account the specificity of the training and the high percentage of technical training units, student attendance is at least 75% of the number of students attending the UC, except for students with special status (Article 24 of the FRG).


de Almeida, C. J. M. (1988). Uma nova ordem audiovisual: novas tecnologias de comunicação. Summus Editorial.
BBC (2000) Producer’s Guidelines. Disponível em
BRIDGETT, Rob “Post-production sound: a new production model for interactive media” in The Soundtrack, Vol. 1, No.1, 2007
GRILO, João M. (1997) – A Ordem no Cinema, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água.
MENEZES, J. (2003) Tudo o que se passa na TSF. Porto: Editorial Notícias.
PRIMO, A. F. T. (2005) Para além da emissão sonora: as interações no podcasting. Intertexto, Porto Alegre, no13.
KATZ, Bob: “An Integrated Approach to Metering, Monitoring and Level Practices” in JAES, no. 9, Setembro, 2000


Students with special status and who can not attend regularly the UC may be evaluated on a continuous assessment basis, after negotiation with the faculty members. This negotiation may result in the definition of elements and moments of evaluation different from those exposed in this program.
Students with normal status who do not obtain proficiency in the assessment or do not attend the CU will be assessed by exam (on all contents exposed in this program), to be taken on a date to be defined by the ESE / IPS Board.
The exam will last two hours and consists of:
Component 1 (40%) - written test on the contents covered in class and exposed in this program, lasting 1 hour.
Component 2 (60%) - presentation (20 minutes) and oral discussion (40 minutes) of audiovisual product on the day of the exam. The product will be carried out by the student at the ESE / IPS premises, according to a statement provided by the teacher, in a date prior to the examination. The product will be carried out in a period between 2 to 4 consecutive days, using equipment provided by ESE / IPS.

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