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Intervention in Special Educational Needs in the Cognitive Domain

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: PG_EE11    Acronym: INEDC
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 17 5,0 20

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Francisca da Silva MouraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,33
Ana Moura   0,13
Gina Lemos   1,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This course aims to develop a set of attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to a deliberate, grounded and detail assessment of children/ young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN), focusing on the cognitive domain*. Considering the ultimate goal of inclusive education systems - "to ensure that all (...), regardless of age, have significant educational opportunities and high quality within your local community alongside their friends and their peers" (European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2015) – at the end in this course, the student will be able to: a) Describe the educational responses available for intervention in the child / youth with special needs; b) Describe the educational measures available (teaching/learning) for children/youth with SEN; c) Design intervention plans that best suit the specific needs of the child/youth with SEN; d) Recognize the value and relevance of the work in the context of collaborative teams and inter-institutional relations within the SEN.

* Intellectual deficits, autism spectrum disorder, hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit, specific learning disorders (reading, writing, mathematics), giftedness, talent and high abilities, and others that are considered relevant and appropriate to the group.


1. Programming and planning of educational intervention
1.1. Individual Educational Program
1.2. Individual Transition Plan
2. Educational responses
2.1. Educational measures
2.1.1. Personalized pedagogical support
2.1.2. Individual curricular adaptations
2.1.3. Adaptations in the registration process
2.1.4. Adaptations in the evaluation process
2.1.5. Individual Specific Curriculum
2.1.6. Assistive technology
2.2. Specific modalities of education
3. Models, strategies and intervention programs in the following SEN*:
3.1. Intellectual deficits
3.2. Autism spectrum disorder
3.3. Hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit
3.4. Specific learning disorders
3.4.1. With impairment in reading
3.4.2. With impairment in written expression
3.4.3. With impairment in mathematics
3.5. Giftedness, talent, high abilities
* and others that are considered relevant and appropriate to the group.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Attitudes, knowledge and skills are key tools in training and lifelong learning continuing professional development for inclusion, for anyone working in educational settings. Considering the conceptual framework and the national guidelines of the General Directorate of Education of the Ministry of Education and the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, and in order to (i) "raise the deeds of [individuals] all forms of personal, social and academic success that will be relevant to the student in a short [and] a long term", (ii) "ensure that [all] value diversity (...) and contribute individually and collectively to expand access to education improving equity, so that all (...) can develop their potential" and (iii) "guarantee (...) customized learning approaches involving all (...) and to support their active participation in the learning process "(European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education, 2015), should be promoted, on the one hand, the matrix of knowledge concerning planning and programming educational intervention, educational responses, and models, strategies and intervention programs themselves for each SEN, and on the other hand, attitudes of commitment, trust, acceptance and respect, to fulfill inclusive education challenges.
To discuss the values and to question individual and collective attitudes of teachers in the European and national framework of Inclusive Education is the starting point for the promotion of a repertoire of attitudes, knowledge, skills and behaviors that promote themselves inclusive practices.
To describe the educational responses available and the educational measures that allow inclusive practices is crucial not only for the student so one can have a deep knowledge about what they are concerned and what do they include specifically, but specially to support the development of appropriate and contextualized intervention plans.
Last but not least, to discuss the value of multi-disciplinary and inter-institutional collaborative teams in SEN is particularly important regarding intervention processes.

Teaching methodologies

We will have a double teaching approach: one, theoretical and another, practical.
On the one hand, the interrogative method will serve to ask students questions that seek to introduce and generate interest on the topic and to promote their participation and, secondly, the expository method supported in the slide presentation seeking synthesize of the key aspects of the topic. Whenever possible, the most controversial topics will be discussed in order to develop a critical thinking on them.
On the other hand, we will have more dynamic methodologies eminently demonstrative and active ones. This component of the classes is characterized by a strong interaction teacher-students to develop attitudes, knowledge and skills to enable one to assess children/young people with SEN. In this context, the main objective of the practical moments of the classes is the confrontation with several examples of situations/case studies, in order to facilitate the understanding of SEN in the context of collaborative teams and, secondly, to contribute for the consolidation of knowledge and the training of attitudes and skills in this regard.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

On the one hand, the interrogative method is important to introduce and generate interest in SEN, as well as to promote discussion and debate on the most controversial issues, since it appeals to active and critical participation of students. On the other hand, the expository method is central to the transmission of knowledge regarding educational measures that allow inclusive practices (teaching/learning). On the other hand, the most dynamic methodologies that require demonstrative and practical activities allow the development of planning skills regarding the intervention process in the context of collaborative teams.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

It will be given privilege to the discussion of work in the context of the classroom regarding case studies, either individually, or as a group work.


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