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Intervention in Special Educational needs in the Physical-Motor Domain

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 2S

Code: PG_EE12    Acronym: INEDFM
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 25 5,0 20

Teaching weeks: 15


Teresa Palmira Simões Baptista Teixeira de FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,34
João Casal   1,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

• Know the developmental conditions that may imply SEN and the strategies for their prevention.
• Know the products that support functionality (mobility and motricity) and autonomy (accessibility) in school and in the social environment and family context, as well as its characteristics and applications.
• Mastering evaluation and intervention methodologies that allow an adequate intervention as well as the family and social inclusion of children with SEN.
• Mastering methodologies for the design and evaluation of family-centered intervention programs.
• Design and operationalize transformations and adaptations of the regular curriculum resulting from SEN.
• Reflect on the need for a paradigm shifting related to practices in different environments (e.g., schools) with regard to student participation and learning, based on previous research and projects focused on the evaluation and improvement of educational practices.


• Evaluation and intervention in SEN in the physical and motor domain.
• The most frequent neuromotor pathologies in childhood and adolescence: Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida, Muscular Dystrophies - definition, etiology, manifestations, school implications, and intervention and evaluation methodologies.
• The importance of the movement and a correct notion of body / body schema for the integral and harmonious development of children and young people.
• Positioning and locomotion - its importance for space control and mobility.
• Support products for functionality and autonomy in the context of the classroom and in the social and family context (e.g., housing, daily routines, urban space, socio-sport context).
• Technical aids and technological adaptations for special educational needs.
• Planning, development and evaluation of intervention projects in the area of the physical and motor domain.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Following the CU "Special Educational Needs Assessment in the Physical and Motor Domain", the CU "Intervention in Special Educational Needs in the Physical and Motor Domain" will allow, according to the expressed objectives, the construction of intervention programs adapted to the functional profile of students with disabilities and with special educational needs.

Teaching methodologies

• The training model comprises theoretical synchronous sessions using multimedia.
• Theoretical-practical assynchronous sessions in real intervention context (using information and communication technologies) and / or simulated context.
• The e-learning platform and video observation are technological resources to be used as training support.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

• The use of oral exposition in synchronous theoretical sessions, in interaction with the class and with the support of information and communication technologies.
• Methodologies are proposed based on direct contact with the practical intervention, as well as the organization and the development of activities that aim the application of knowledge related to the special education needs, allowing adapted intervention programs to the different students functional profiles.
• The e-learning platform will be a strategic technological resource, of face-to-face and distance support, which is decisive for the achievement of UC objectives.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation will focus on:
• The design of an intervention project in the area of SEN, supported by bibliographical research and aimed at the production of tools to support the professional intervention.

Attendance system

For continuous assessment students must attend 70% of the synchronous classes, participating in the discussion of the topics under analysis, as well as in the accomplishment of the proposed tasks and activities.


• Alves, M. (2010). Intervenção precoce e Educação especial – Práticas de intervenção centradas na família. Lisboa: Coisas de Ler.
• Glat, R. (Org.) (2007). Educação inclusiva: cultura e cotidiano escolar. Rio de Janeiro: Editora 7 Letras.
• Heacox, D. (2006). Diferenciação curricular na sala de aula. Como efetuar alterações para todos os alunos. Porto: Porto Editora.
• Fonseca, Vítor (2001). Psicimotricidade. Perspectivas Multidisciplinares. Lisboa: Âncora Editora.
• Fonseca, V. (2005). Desenvolvimento Psicomotor e Aprendizagem. Lisboa: Âncora Editora.
• Vigotsky, L.S. (2005). Pensamento e Linguagem. São Paulo: Editora Martins Fontes.
• Direção-Geral de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular (DGIDC) (2008). Educação especial: Manual de apoio à prática. Lisboa: DGIDC.
• Direção-Geral de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular (DGIDC) (2011). Educação inclusiva e educação especial – Indicadores-chave para o desenvolvimento das escolas: Um guia para diretores. Lisboa: DGIDC.
• Organização Mundial de Saúde/ Direcção-Geral de Saúde. (2004). Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde. Lisboa: DGS.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-18 às 22:56:49