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Environmental Studies Teaching

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - A

Code: MP1C20018    Acronym: DEM
Scientific Fields: Área de Docência
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE1C 28 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 30


Helena Maria Espada SimõesHead
Carlos José das Neves Moreira Cardoso da CruzHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,00
Carlos Cruz   0,80
Helena Simões   1,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Reflects on the curriculum guidelines for the area of Environmental Studies in primary school (grades 1-4).
- Understands the organizational structure and the logical of different approaches to teaching and learning of the area of Environmental Studies.
- Reveals to have both scientific content and pedagogical knowledge needed for the implementation of the Environmental Studies syllabus.
- Recognizes the need to make explicit the dynamic nature of science and the philosophical, psychological and social dimensions in the construction of scientific knowledge, when designing activities for pupils.
- Mobilizes and integrates knowledge, skills and attitudes and values relevant in the design and planning of activities for the teaching and learning of natural and social sciences in the primary school.
- Reveals autonomy and capacity to develop collaborative work with peers.
- Evaluates the pedagogical value of activities that he/she develops to apply in practical contexts.


- Sustainable development: The role of the exploitation of the near and far environment in the development of knowledge, investigative skills, attitudes and values, in a perspective of appreciation of science construction and its importance in everyday life.
- Curriculum Guidelines and the Environmental Studies syllabus.
- Learning perspectives to implement the Environmental Studies syllabus.
- Integrated approaches to Environmental Studies:
Methods and strategies of teaching and learning in formal and non-formal education
Design activities to promote a critical intervention in the natural and social environment
Planning the teaching and the learning process: objectives, content (scientific and metascientific), learning strategies and teaching resources; evaluation of the teaching and learning: assessment strategies and tools.
- Design didactic projects to implement Environmental Studies syllabus.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This course seeks to identify and mobilize the potential of the area of Environmental Studies as a broad educational context where the disciplinary boundaries blur, thus facilitating the acquisition of knowledge, development of skills, attitudes and values essential for the scientific, social and personal education of pupils. It is essential that future primary teachers reflect on the nature of their own experiences and ideas about the natural and social sciences, so that their didactic projects reflect the development of investigative skills and the exploitation of unifying concepts (scientific and metascientific) when they are planning the teaching and learning of natural and social sciences at this school level. This is a condition so for future teachers to effectively contribute to the development of citizenship and social integration, with effects on society development.

Teaching methodologies

The methodology includes theoretical lectures, discussion activities and practical work on integrated themes of the Environment Studies area. Intended learning situations are: a) analysis of various texts and documents; b) discussions and comments in online chats; c) analysis of relevant research in didactics; d) analysis of cases from the literature; e) planning practical activities for primary pupils, with emphasis on experimental investigations and socio scientific controversies; f) presentation, discussion and selfassessment activities, with a critical analysis of their educational potential.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodology is student-centered. The diversity of work processes, namely the practical component, aims to give students the opportunity to build/plan appropriate learning sequences for primary pupils, based on the theory that underpins the outlook for the Environment Studies approach. It also seeks to contribute to an appropriate intervention for prospective teachers in teaching practice, supporting them in the evaluation of the process of teaching and learning and reflection on the educational potential of these practices.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment is continuous and focuses on the processes and products of student work. The classification is obtained by the following relative weights: 40% test; pedagogical project 40%; individual participation in class activities 20%.

Attendance system

In all classroom sessions compulsory attendance is 75%. In the tutorial sessions compulsory attendance is 90%.


Afonso, M., Alveirinho, D., Tomás, H., Calado, S., Ferreira, S., Silva, P., & Alves, V. (2013). Que ciência se aprende na escola? Uma avaliação do grau de exigência no ensino básico em Portugal. Lisboa: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
Afonso, M.M. (2008). A educação científica no 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico. Das teorias às práticas. Porto: Porto Editora.
Pacheco, J. (2000). Quando eu for grande quero ir à primavera e outras histórias. Porto: Profedições.
Parcerisa, A., (et al). (2012). Recursos y estrategias para estudiar ciencias sociales. Barcelona: Graó. Seefeldt, C., Castle, S. & Falconer, R. (2013). Social Studies for the Preschool/Primary Child. New York: Pearson.
REEC (Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias) (s.d.). Obtido em setembro de 2017, de:
Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal (RCAAP) (s.d.). Obtido em setembro de 2017, de:
Scientific Electronic Library Online – SCIELO (s.d.). Obtido em setembro de 2017, de:
Vasconcelos, C. & Almeida, A. (2012). Aprendizagem baseada na resolução de problemas no Ensino das Ciências: Propostas de trabalho para as ciências naturais, biologia e geologia. Porto: Porto Editora.
Vieira, R.M, Tenreiro-Vieira, C. & Martins, I. (2011) A educação em ciências com orientação CTS. Atividades para o ensino básico. Porto: Areal Editores.

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