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Social-historical Dimensions of Special and Inclusive Education

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: PG_EE01    Acronym: DSHEI
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 16 5,0 20

Teaching weeks: 15


Luísa Manuela da Costa Ramos de CarvalhoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,30
Luzia Lima-Rodrigues   1,30

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The program of this course aims to build theoretical knowledge and the development of critical thinking skills about changing educational paradigms, including the passage of a paradigm of a traditional school for inclusive education, and a medical model to a social model deficiency.
In this sense and in a coordinated way, the UC aims to critically examine the history of special and inclusive education and teaching thoughts there emerged.

2. Learning objectives (knowledge, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

1. Devise special education as a response culturally situated in socio-historical contexts to which they belong.
2. Understand the historical development of conceptions about disability in general on special education and on inclusive education.
3. Develop a critical and contextual thinking of the role of social and educational exclusion
4. Devise inclusion as an ongoing process of identifying and removing barriers to participation and success, with emphasis on supporting students at risk of marginalization, exclusion and failure.


1. The socio-political dimensions of the concepts of disability, special education and inclusive education.
2. The medical model and the social model on disability.
3. The major national and international normative provisions on equity, inclusive education and the rights of persons with disabilities.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents contain and explain a set of core questions of the conceptions about the sociopolitical contexts of the traditional school to inclusive education. The contents show the frailties and ambiguities of educational concepts, policies and practices, both inside and outside regular schools.
These aspects serve the major objectives of UC, analyze and discuss the major issues of socio-historical dimensions of theoretical conceptions about disability and their implications in special and inclusive education

Teaching methodologies

 A) Organization of the program
The program will be organized around its own content and will be developed alternately. To the expository times are followed times of debate. At times of reading texts in a small group, there are moments of plenary debate.
B) Tutorial follow-up

The tutorial, personal or group, will consist of the orientation and organization of the study on the topics to be studied, in addition to clarifying doubts arising from them. It can be done in person or at a distance.

C) Student participation

Each student is expected to participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the proposed papers; (B) read, analyze and discuss proposed texts; (C) execute the requested evaluation products, evidencing, with clarity and rigor, the knowledge acquired; (D) engages in the study / preparation for the various assessment activities.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

With the theoretical expositions we intend to critically interrogate the contents of the program that allow the students' involvement and participation in the debate on each of the contents.
The debate on texts aims to create dialogic conditions that facilitate a discernment of the different points of view expressed by the students.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment will focus on the work sessions, processes used and academic outputs of the students. Each student should produce a personal work consisting of an exploratory essay on one of the themes of the program. The delimitation of the subject should be negotiated with the teacher.
The weight of this product in the final classification awarded to each student is 100%.

Attendance system

100% presences


1. Lima-Rodrigues, L. et. al. (coord.) (2007) Percursos de Educação Inclusiva em Portugal: Dez Estudos de Caso. Lisboa. FEEI/FMH Edições.
2. Ministério da Educação/Direção-Geral de Ensino (2017). Perfil dos alunos à saída da escolaridade obrigatória.
3. Decreto-Lei n.º 55/2018, de 6 de julho, define um novo currículo para o ensino básico e secundário e estabelece regras que dão mais autonomia às escolas para tomarem decisões que ajudem os alunos a alcançar as competências previstas no Perfil dos Alunos à Saída da Escolaridade Obrigatória.
4. Decreto-Lei n.º 54/2018, de 6 de julho , estabelece os princípios e as normas que garantem a inclusão, enquanto processo que visa responder à diversidade das necessidades e potencialidades de todos e de cada um dos alunos, através do aumento da participação nos processos de aprendizagem e na vida da comunidade educativa.
5. Ministério da Educação/Direção-Geral de Ensino (2018). Manual de apoio à prática: para uma educação inclusiva.
6. Nunes, C., Madureira, I., (2015) Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem: Construindo práticas pedagógicas inclusivas, Da Investigação às Práticas, 5(2), 126 - 143.

7. UNESCO (1994) Declaração de Salamanca.
8. UNESCO (2006) Convenção sobre os direitos das pessoas com deficiência.
9. UNESCO (2015) Declaração de Incheon: Educação 2030: rumo a uma educação de qualidade inclusiva e equitativa e à educação para todos ao longo da vida.
10. ISEC2015Lisbon (2015). Declaração de Lisboa sobre Equidade Educativa.
11. Pinto, P.C et. Al. (2017) Pessoas com deficiência em Portugal: Indicadores de Direitos Humanos. Observatório da Deficiência e Direitos Humanos (ODDH)/Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade de Lisboa.
12. Rodrigues D. (2013) “Equidade e Educação Inclusiva”, Profedições, Porto
13. Rodrigues, D. (2016) Direitos Humanos e Inclusão. Porto. Profedições.
14. Rodrigues, D. (2018) “Ensaios sobre Educação Inclusiva”, Edições Pró–inclusão, Almada.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-17 às 08:21:04