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Psychology of Development and Learning

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 2S

Code: EDB20042    Acronym: PDA
Scientific Fields: Formação Educacional Geral
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 28 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Francisca da Silva MouraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ana Moura   0,00
Luísa Ramos de Carvalho   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- To understand the process of development / learning with regard to its double anchoring in the biological roots and cultural reasons, a process that occurs throughout the life cycle
- Designing processes of codetermination of mind and human culture
- Discerning implicit theories about the process of development / learning
- Undertake an analysis of historical socio conceptions on childhood
- Know the contributions of psychoanalytic theory and research for understanding the development of child and adolescent
- Reflecting on the occupations of the human dimension of the relationship and affects
- Understanding the educational act as a dynamic process where the tranfer and contratransfer are always present - analyze the affections and feelings involved.
- Understanding the complexity of subjective implications, the weight of its own history and the forces of love and hate crossing the profession and the institutions where she has


The conceptions on the mind
. Empiricism and behaviorism
. The cognitive revolution
A cultural psychology of development.
The conceptions on childhood
. Socio-historical perspective
The biological bases of development
. The continuing: - biological - cognitive adaptation - intelligence
The development of thought
. The birth of thought between affect and cognition
. From body to mind: the embodied cognition.
. The development of narrative thinking
. The narrative throughout life: Life-span, linking, and cohort.
The unconscious and the structure of personality
. The defense mechanisms
. The psychological birth of the child
The infantile sexuality and its consequences
. Construction steps of the self
. Moratorium and identity
The contribution of psychoanalysis to education
. The occupations of the human. Education, occupation impossible?
. The pedagogical relationship, affective and relational dimensions

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The appreciation of cultural psychology that rehabilitated the status of mental states and intentionality, reconstructing the concept of action.
Prominence given to narrative thinking, which reintroduces temporality, subjectivity and sequential action.
The culture considered specifically human trait. Evidence that intelligence always reflects both the socio-historical conditions of its emergence.
Highlight the elements of cultural and micro-cultural are not mere function to influence the cognitive process, but are an integral part of that process
Working the process of construction of the subject as a subjective process that depends on coconstrução of intersubjectivity.
The intentions of this program are intended to give particular emphasis to the contributions of psychoanalytic theory to a thorough understanding of the development process of children and adolescents.

Teaching methodologies

The methodologies articulate theoretical and theoretical-practical activities, aim being to promote the link with the experience and interests of students.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The knowledge and skills acquired by students in their various contexts of life are considered key features. It starts with the assumption that the knowledge acquired by students will be built on the knowledge already held in advance and in conjunction with these same skills.
Following an option that falls within the perspectives of a hermeneutic pedagogy, themes and respective contents are studied from the conceções of students about the objects under study. These conceções collected through questionnaires, are subject to a content analysis performed by the students with the support of teachers, which allows to unveil and explore the conceções implied in those same objects studied.
Culture is considered more as a product of history than of nature, and became the world that humans have to adapt and, simultaneously, is it that holds the tool kit available for the construction of this adaptation (Bruner, 1997). Thus, the cultural psychology takes as constitutive methodological principle argument (Bruner, 1997), according to which cultural factors play a role constituent of the human mind.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1. A continuous assessment
Development of a group of theoretical-reflective, to focus on one or more topics covered in the program, resulting from the study, reflection and questioning of students. Should be prepared as an asset class training and bibliography of UC. Knowledge acquired could be deployed in contexts of practice and / or other work done by students
The work should reflect the experience and knowledge acquired by students, reflected in a coherent discourse, relevant and scientifically based. This work should be presented and discussed.
2. Final assessment: assessment by examination


Bibliografia principal
Arènes Rènes, (2005). La défaite de la volonté. Seuil
Ariès, P. (2000). A criança e a vida familiar no antigo regime. Relógio d'Água
Bloss, P. (1994). Adolescência. Uma interpretação psicanalítica. Martins Fontes
Bourgeois, E. (1996). L’Adulte en formation. DeBoeck Université
Bower. T. (1983). Uma introdução ao desenvolvimento da primeira infância. Moraes Editores
Bruner, J. (2000). Cultura da educação. Edições 70
Bruner, J. (1997). Atos de significado. Para uma psicologia cultural.Edições 70
Cifali, M. (1994). Le lien éducatif: contre-jour psychanalytique. Presses Universitaires de France
Cifali, M. Moll, J. (1985). Pedagogie et psychanalise. Dunod
CRESAS (1991). Naissance d’une pédagogie interactive. ESF Éditeur
Diatkine (1986) O que é um adolescente? Alter Ego
Dolto F. (1980) O despertar do espírito. edições 70
Dolto F. (1982) Psicanálise e pediatria. Dom Quixote

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