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Pedagogy and Teaching Practice

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - A

Code: EDB30026    Acronym: PPP
Scientific Fields: Iniciação à Prática Profissional
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 49 Study Plan 10,0 119 270,0

Teaching weeks: 30


Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead
Sofia Gago da Silva Corrêa FigueiraHead
Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Ana Moura   1,00
Filipe Fialho   2,33
Luís Santos   2,33
Isabel Maria Tomásio Correia   1,41

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It is intended that students be able have knowledge about the act in general education;
know the main documents guiding the education of childhood and education in the 1st and 2nd cycles;
know and understand the dynamics and organization of groupings, the IPSS and Private Institutions;
know the dynamics of an activity room / classroom;
interact with the members of the educational community and school, particularly with children and young;
communicating and collaborating with educators / teachers cooperating;
develop competences of observation and critical analysis of practices, based on general knowledge of pedagogy and supported a script of observation;
revealing capacity to reflect on real situations, including attitudes and behaviors of adults, children and youth;
have knowledge about the integration of children and young people with Special Educational Needs in na educational context and school.


. Pedagogical trends, problems and practices
. Aspects of the development of education-training
. Concept of Pedagogy and pedagogic practice
. The teacher and the teaching profession
. Educational intervention in different contexts
. Curriculum for Nursery / Kindergarten and Elementary Education
. Special Educational Needs
. Note and record in education
. Documents guiding Childhood Education and Primary Education
. Guiding documents of the institutions: PEE and PCT / PCG
. The nursery and kindergarten, the school 1st cycle and 2nd cycle: methods of organization, curriculum guidelines, organization of space, materials and routines in early childhood education, organization and management of the classroom; single teacher; multiteaching; different roles and functions of the kindergarten teacher and teachers of 1st and 2nd cycles
. Topics open for reflection and debate arising from the needs of students and they proposed

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus of the CU are in different contexts, the tools necessary for the intervention of any faculty and is integrated with the CU objectives in that cover complementary areas of professional knowledge.
Demand that the articulation between the different knowledge prepare students for the intervention, too, articulated and complementary with either cycles or with previous history. Students may recognize the specificities and complementarities of the profession at every level.
The professional action is mediated by the intervention of the teacher located at the level of pedagogical management of educational processes and in this sense, this CU program contents, allow students to acquire the skills offered. It should also be noted that, in addition to the syllabus and studied in-depth sessions, these contentes are explored in real contexts, by professionals who work while cooperating in this CU.

Teaching methodologies

The stay in different educational contexts will allow an overview of the professional intervention of a teacher at these levels and will relate theoretical knowledge with practical - methodology that provides the relationship between theory / practice / theory.
The tutorial will take place in presence monitoring for guidance and support to the work to develop.
It is expected that students attend a minimum of 75% of classes and participate critically and constructively. The student workers negotiate individual forms of participation.
Assessment: Attendance, Preparation of a critical report by an educational context, in accordance with the guidance documents provided; Development of critical reflection; Assessment of learning achieved.
The adoption of CU is subject to compliance with the six weeks of integration into the institutions, with the assente of the cooperating teachers and the delivery of the evaluation elements.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methods focus mainly on the construction of situated knowledges in pedagogical practices that students develop in educational settings. We believe that the stay of six weeks in these contexts (two weeks for context) will allow one hand, the construction of a global vision of the professional intervention of a teacher at these levels and, secondly, will allow linking of theoretical knowledge with actual practices that remain. Note that all students pass the three types of context.
CU operates on an alternate educational, or practices are organized into three distinct periods over the school. While on practices students have no classes so that they can participate in all activities (and not llective llective) that occur in educational settings. Switch times of practice with residence times in the ESE / IPS to gather information and reflection on practice, ie, articulates time to receive information, time to act and interact to produce and times. A bet on a constructivist perspective is based on the belief that a linear process-product does not account for the dynamics experienced by different stakeholders in the education process.
This model points to an effective alternation alternation theory-practice-theory focusing on mechanisms, models and strategies that promote reflection, research, analysis and observation of teaching situations, in comparison with theoretical systems, allowing the articulation and regulation between theoretical knowledge and knowledge of the practice.
The consistency of teaching methodologies with the proposed pre-established skills based training in the perspective of a constructive, understanding this as a moment of CU pre professional development experiences where the connection to the world of work function as an effective space for socialization into the teaching profession. In this sense, it is considered that the involvement of students in work settings is the privileged space for the learning of professional knowledge.
The role of cooperating teachers is vital in continuing education of these students. Participation in various contexts promotes functional and methodological skills that allow students an attitude of questioning and problematizing pedagogical practices, encouraging reflective practice in an attempt that the convergence and integration of all areas of training Degree in Elementary Education is a constant.
In the CU construct knowledge on the interaction of students with formal spaces, formal and informal and it is this process of confrontation with the experience of life in educational institutions, the ability to theorize and to find the most appropriate attitudes to intervention teacher that the training makes sense.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

- Development of a critical report by an educational context, in accordance with the guiding documents provided by teachers (max: 14 p each.) (25% for each report). critical reflection on the studies undertaken at the UC / internship done in the classroom (10%).
- Development of a critical reflection on the SEN component (15%)
The reports will be submitted in the moodle platform according to the dates below are presented. Some of the teachers may request the delivery of the reports also printed on paper.
Delivery of reports
1st report - Delivery on december 2, 2019 in the moodle platform
2nd report - Delivery on january 27, 2020 in the moodle platform
3rd report - Delivery on april 7, 2018 in the moodle platform

The approval of this course is subject to the following requirements:
- Compliance with the six weeks of training in institutions, in accordance with Regulation Assessment and frequency;
- The execution of all elements of assessment contained in the program.
This course can not be accomplished by examination.
In exam period is only allowed to improve their grade, and the examination in the form of oral evidence.
The (s) opinions will be delivered by each student / pair of students to the educator / teacher cooperative that (s) will return completed in a sealed envelope.
Two negative opinions on stage context implies the failure of the course.

Attendance system

Students have to attend at least 50% of classes.


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