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Audiovisual Expression and Communication Project

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 1S

Code: PA20    Acronym: PECA
Scientific Fields: Áudio-Visuais e Produção dos Media
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 18 5,0 30 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


João Paulo Rodrigues PiresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,20
José Leitão   1,00
Pedro Felício   1,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Mobilizing knowledge of various areas of knowledge in understanding issues and particular contexts.
Analyze social and professional contexts for the creation of audiovisual products.
Characterize social and professional contexts.
Mastering methodological knowledge in conducting intervention projects.
Using methodological knowledge in implementing projects.
Develop research activity in the field of audiovisual.
Communicate effectively using the inherent audiovisual languages.
appropriate use of information and communication technologies.
Organize and plan individual and group work.
Develop and implement an expression of design and visual communication.


Problem solving methods
Project methodology.
Construction phases of a project.
Implementation phases of a project
Audiovisual projects, interventions and contexts
Organizations, and public expectations
The management of expectations and resources
Autonomy, integration and coherence
Managing diversity and creativity
Project evaluation methods in the audiovisual sector
Practices and assessment tools

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

As a Curricular Unit included in the plan of professional training studies in the area of audiovisual production, it aims to contribute to the understanding of the various professional contexts over the involvement and the area, boosting the role and organization of activities as well as providing an understanding of some of the key issues to consider in project planning in the audiovisual production area.
The contents are designed for knowledge and analysis of the dynamics of each professional context as well as the planning of critical and reflexive intervention in stage venues.
The progression of the content approach allows students to understand the importance of policies and audiovisual production strategies, using analysis cared of professional intervention sites, culminating in the preparation and implementation of projects appropriate to the context of reality where they can come to an internship.

Teaching methodologies

Activities will seek to achieve the objectives of uc through the articulation of the contents defined in this program to the needs and experiences of students.
Thus, it is provide for the following work processes:
- Classroom sessions of theoretical framework with the use of different methodologies.
- Classroom sessions of methodological framework of the work to be undertaken by students, in particular in the form of seminars.
- Discussion focused on topics, based on reading texts.
- Oral presentation of the results of different activities.
- Individual study based on reading and understanding of various texts in Portuguese, English or French.
- Sessions tutorial monitoring.
- Conducting a small intervention project, whose report will have a maximum of 20 pages

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

It is intended in this uc to develop a reflective follow-up work on the selected professional intervention contexts, developing a strategy for analysis and discussion of the study sites.
The monitoring conducted by the teachers allow students to develop projects tailored to your potential internship sites, in response to two key issues: first, how to properly plan for each context; second, how to develop and implement a project properly and satisfactorily for both the student and for an internship institution.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

A systematic evaluation of:
Student participation in classroom and distance work sessions
Development of Production Dossier for audiovisual project
Development of the Pre-production, Production and Post-production phases of the project
Ability to work as a team

The classification will take into account:
Demonstration of skills in the various stages of development of the audiovisual communication project (throughout the semester) - 10%
Production Dossier (until the end of November 2020) - 30%
Audiovisual product (between December 2020 and February 2021) - 50%
Project presentation - 10%

Note: The Dossier of Production and Audiovisual Product must be carried out in teams of 3 to 4 elements, preferably in conjunction with IPSTv. the working sessions. 40% written work (project) and 40% audiovisual Implementation.

Attendance system

The evaluation will be carried out according to the proposed activities and the principles expressed in the program, implying a regular student atendence in class activities and can not be less than 75% of classes taught.


ANG, T. (2005) – Manual de Vídeo Digital. Porto: Civilização.
ARANSON, I. (?) – DV Filmmaking:from start to finhish. O’Reilly Digital Studio.
ARTIS, A. (2008) – The Shut up and shoot: documentary guide. Focal Press
BARBIER, Jean-Marie - Elaboração de Projectos de Acção e Planificação. Porto: Porto Editora, 1993.
BARDIN, Laurence - Análise de conteúdo. Lisboa: Edições 70, 1994
LOPES, SANDRA (2014) – Manual Prático de Produção. Lisboa: Chiado Editora.
MARNER, T. (1999) – A realização cinematográfica. Lisboa: Edições 70.
MILLERSON, G. (s.d.) – Técnicas de Realizacion y produccion en television. Madrid:IORTV.
Gardies, René. 2006. Compreender o cinema e as imagens. 1ª edição 2001.
RABIGER, M. (2008) - Directing : film techniques and aesthetics. 4th ed Burlington, MA ; Oxford : Focal.
WIESE, M. (1991) - Film directing shot by shot : visualizing from concept to screen Studio City, CA .

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