Code: | LAS04 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acronym: | MMA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Section/Department: | Social Sciences and Education | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester/Trimester: | 1st Semester | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses: |
Teaching weeks: | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weekly workload: |
Head: |
Ema Isabel Martins da Luz Inácio |
Lectures: |
Ema Isabel Martins da Luz Inácio |
The learning objectives are as follows:
¬ To frame and define Sociocultural Animation as a field of action and social intervention;
¬ Identify functions, professions and contexts associated with Sociocultural Animation;
¬ Know, analyze and problematize models, techniques and practices of Sociocultural Animation relating different objectives (social, cultural, recreational, economic...)
¬ Identify profiles, roles and skills of Sociocultural Animators and relate them to the different characteristics of sociocultural Animation (institutions, supports, equipment and audiences...)
¬ Identify, characterize and understand some of the methodologies used in the area of Sociocultural Animation.
1 ¬ Conceptions of Sociocultural Animation:
¬ The historical framework of sociocultural animation from antiquity to modernity
¬ The Transformation of social times in contemporary society:
¬ Concepts of: working time, leisure, free time, leisure time
¬ Differences and similarities between free time in childhood, youth, adulthood and seniors
2 ¬ Construction of professional identity(ies)
Concept of Sociocultural Animation and its connection to social intervention
¬ Volunteering and the professionalization of the profession
3 ¬ Contexts, practices and methodologies of Sociocultural Animation
¬ General skills and functions of the Sociocultural Animator
¬ Diversification of functions and roles in relation to the contexts and Intervention needs
¬ Sociocultural Animation Methods and Techniques: planning systems, reflection-action, evaluation, intervention techniques and instruments.
In a course that trains for a profession - Sociocultural Animation (ASC) - which has a generalist character, it is necessary to take care of what is the dominant matrix from the point of view of the exercise of the profession. In this way, the diversity of ASC scopes is explored, teaching to understand the diversity of approaches and audiences that Sociocultural Animation can cover as an exercise in the field, but also seeks to distinguish the identity traits of the profession. These are the content proposals that we make, also embodied in methodologies that allow their appropriation. We therefore consider that the contents covered allow us to respond to the general objective outlined to contribute to the conceptualization of the profession and to the learning of its exercise.
Classes are built around two blocks: one of a more theoretical nature and another essentially practical, energized through group dynamics and educational games.
The theoretical block is based on a set of texts on the professional practices of sociocultural animators. The reading, analysis, presentation and discussion of texts and the elaboration of small
critical comments, using animation techniques of dialogic reading and shared reflection.
The more practical block is presented as a first practical test of the skills required of animators in terms of promoting sociocultural activities, analyzing pedagogical, relational and communicational issues in each session. Students gradually move from recipients of activities to planners and implementers.
A UC tem por objetivo fazer com que os estudantes se vão apropriando das metodologias adequadas a utilizar na intervenção em Animação Sociocultural – sendo a sua matriz a participação dos grupos e das comunidades em processos que levem ao seu desenvolvimento pessoal, enriquecimento cultural e bem-estar social. Os estudantes devem assim compreender a necessidade de mobilizar na ação um conjunto de técnicas que se devem enquadrar devidamente nas intenções que as subjazem. As técnicas não são assim apenas procedimentos inócuos do domínio do fazer mas também se enraízam numa área conceptual que as consubstancia e que deve ser mobilizada na intervenção. Estas finalidades implicam aquilo que procuramos fazer: um doseamento correto entre a informação fornecida pelo docente, a leitura e análise de textos pelos próprios estudantes, privilegiadamente escolhidos entre as revistas disponíveis na área (preferencialmente escritos no âmbito de práticas e projetos em que os próprios animadores são protagonistas ou assumem alguma responsabilidade) e práticas efetivas de planeamento e de concretização de atividades de animação sociocultural.
1. Participation in classes (Individual - 35%)
2. Elaboration and development of activities in practical classes (Group - 35%)
3.Test (Individual - 30%)
75% mandatory attendance
50% for student workers
ALVAREZ, G. (1990). Interaccion Social y Animacion Juvenil. Madid: Editorial Popular
ANDER EGG, E. (1999) O Léxico do Animador. Lisboa: ANASC
BENTO, António. (2003). Teatro e Animação: Outros Percursos de Desenvolvimento sociocultural no Alto Alentejo. Lisboa: Colibri
BESNARD, Pierre (1985). L’animation socioculturelle. Paris: PUF.
BESNARD, Pierre (1986). Animateur Socioculturel. Fonctios, formation, profession. Paris: PUF.
CEMBRANOS, Fernando (1998). La Animacion Sociocultural – Una Propuesta Metodologica. Madrid: Editorial Popular
GILLET, Jean-Claude (1995). Animation et Animateurs. Le sens de l’action. Paris : L’Harmattan
LAFARGUE, Paul (1991). O Direito à preguiça. Lisboa: Teorema
LOPES, João Teixeira (1993). Animação no Espaço Escolar Urbano- um estudo sobre políticas autárquicas de Animação Socioculturas. Sociologia, p.p.73-90
PÉREZ, Victor. (1993). Fuentes de la Animación Sociocultural. Madrid: Editorial Popular
Peñalba, J. L. (1999). Teoria y Prática de la Educación en el Tiempo Livre. Editorial CCS
QUINTANA, José Maria (1992). Fundamentos de Animación sociocultural. Madrid: Nancea
TRILLA, Jaume (2004) (coord.). Animação Sociocultural: teorias, programas e âmbitos. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
SILVA, Augusto Santos (2000). Cultura e Desenvolvimento: Estudos sobre a Relação entre o Ser e o Agir. Oeiras: Celta Editora