Code: | LGP20006 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acronym: | TPTIII | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Section/Department: | Communication and Language Sciences | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Semester/Trimester: | 1st Semester | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Courses: |
Teaching weeks: | 15 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Weekly workload: |
Head: |
Maria José Duarte Freire |
Lectures: |
Maria José Duarte Freire |
Other language: Portuguese Sign Language.
This class will review and consolidate the knowledge acquired in ITI and TPTI 1, giving greater emphasis to
issues of translation from sign to voice, not neglecting, however, the development of other knowledge and skills of translation and interpretation.
This UC aim is that the students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge equivalent to a medium to good level of translation, with the respective command of the techniques and corresponding vocabulary.
Development of translation strategies from sign to voice (impersonal constructions, prior knowledge, work
preparation, translation styles, different registers); translation contexts and interpretation; special
situations of translation (translation, tactile and low language competence); interpreter LGP vs Interpreter Guide; occupational diseases: prevention and treatment; translation strategies and cultural-linguistic idioms and proverbs. Practical exercises of translating and interpreting from and to LGP.
The themes addressed in this UC deepen and diversify the nature and complexity of the possible contexts
of work of future interpreters of LGP. It is intended to contribute to a better preparation for the performance of a multifaceted and challenging profession.
Theoretical approach: themes; distribution of documentation; theme-oriented research; presentation of
topics related to the post content research students; discussion and debate. Practical approach: practical
exercises of interpretation and translation; translation exercises in LGP; audio and video recordings and
its analysis and correction, translation exercises from sign to voice by viewing videos and practice reading of respective written translation and LGP/oral; preparation of video and audio recording glosses and its analysis.
The articulation between the theoretical approach and practical approach aims to encourage the active and engaged student participation, which is essential to the progress of the discipline and to achieving
success in the ratings. As well as class participation, oriented research, completion of the tasks set by the
teacher, this articulation will promote participation in extracurricular activities which will enhance the
knowledge gained in the classroom (seminars, meetings, conferences and events related to the deaf
community). It is intended that students develop the ability to identify, select and use appropriate
translation strategies to different contexts of translation and interpretation reaching success in
translations of average difficulty.
Theoretical evaluation (theoretical work/test) – 30%
Practical evaluation (1/2 practical work of translation for LGP/LP - audiovisual recording and gloss) – 40%
TLGP+20% TLP = 60%
Participation; Attendance – 5%
Autonomous work; Homework – 5%
The assessment by examination includes three tests:
1- theoretical test in writing, with a duration of 1 hour + 30 minutes of tolerance (30% of the grade);
2- practical assessment consisting of a video recording of a translation from LP to LGP, duration 5 minutes, followed by the elaboration of a written gloss analysis and correction of the recorded video, with a duration of 1 hour (50% of the grade).
3- practical assessment consisting of an audio recording of a translation from LGP to LP, duration of 5 minutes, followed by the elaboration of written gloss analysis and correction of the audio recording, with a duration of 1 hour (20% of the grade).
Bibliography from ITI and TPTI I, and:
Alves, C. F. (Org.) (2013). Da teoria à prática: a voz dos usuários da LGP, Custóias: ATILGP
Amaral, I.(1994). “A Educação de Crianças Cegas-Surdas em Portugal” In Integrar, nº 3, Dez 93/Mar,
Lisboa: IEFP/SNR, pp. 20-23
Breia, G. (2009). O gato, gatão, poeta de profissão (+DVD), Lisboa: CERCICA
Breia, G. (2012). Perdida de riso (+DVD), Lisboa: CERCICA
Caldas. C. (Ed.) (2012). Coleção Pro-LGP, Lisboa: UCP
Coelho, O. & Klein, M. (Coord) (2013). Cartografias da Surdez. Comunidades, línguas, práticas e pedagogia, Porto: Livpsic
Coelho, O. (2010). Um copo vazio está cheio de ar. Assim é a surdez, Porto: LivPsic
Freire, M.J. (2012). “A tradução e Interpretação de provérbios e expressões idiomáticas em língua gestual – equivalentes linguísticos e culturais”, EXEDRA – Rev. Científica/ESEC, “Português: Investigação e Ensino”, pp.123-130
Graça, J.P.S. (1995). “As Novas Tecnologias no Apoio à Comunicação para Pessoas com Necessidades
Especiais” in Integrar, nº 8 Ago/Nov , Lisboa: IEFP/SNR, pp.51-60
McIntire, M. L. (Ed) (1990). Interpreting: The Art of Cross Cultural Mediation, Silver Spring: RID
Rebelo, A. et al (1996). Comunicar com a Pessoa Surdocega, Lisboa: CPL
Sacks, O. (2011). Vejo uma Voz – Uma viagem ao Mundo dos Surdos, Lisboa: Relógio D’Água,
Venade, F. (2014). Os direitos fundamentais das Pessoas Surdas. Coimbra: Almedina
Web: - Academia LGP, Casa Pia de Lisboa e Fundação PT - Spreadthesign – dicionário gestual multilingue (inclui LGP) - Federação Portuguesa das Associações de Surdos - Associação Portuguesa de Surdos - Associação de Surdos do Porto - Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação - European Union of the Deaf - World Federation of the Deaf - European Forum of Sign Language interpreters - World Association of Sign Language Interpreters - International Committee of Sports for the Deaf /