Cultural Anthropology

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2018/2019

Code: LGP20011
Acronym: AC
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes
Head: Luíz Manuel Teixeira Souta
Lectures: Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos Santos
Luíz Manuel Teixeira Souta

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Demonstrate basic knowledge (operating concepts) related to different areas of Anthropology
Understand Man’s holistic complexity within the context of cultural diversity
Be acquainted with and analyze enculturation generational mechanisms leading to the acquisition of patrimony and cultural heritage in different communities
Understand and analyze values and knowledge held by other cultures, treating differences as relative to or dependent on something else
Equate the processes of identity reshaping, noticeable by manners of social organization which are peripheral to the accelerated process of globalization
Become involved in Anthropology research: gathering, analyzing and interpreting empirical data and cultural artefacts within the context of popular Portuguese culture, by engaging in the practice of fieldwork, and discussing social and methodological implications
Articulate and deal with what is known in the field of Anthropology as a source of knowledge relevant to one’s profession


Cultural Anthropology in the context of the social sciences
Ethnography, Ethnology, Anthropology. Evolution of anthropological thought
Domains of Anthropology
Notions of Culture. Total social phenomenon
Du dehors science which becomes a du dedans science
Methodological specificities of anthropological research
Sociabilities and Cultural Identities
From notions of belongingness to folklorizations
Identity and alterity. Hybrid identities
Cultural diversity and cultural relativism
Etnhocentrism and racism
Globalization, Culture and Diversity
The worldization of culture and the erosion of singular cultures
Memory and Oblivion: Immaterial Cultural Heritage of Mankind
Anthropology of Multiculturalism. From Colonialism to post-independence
Ethno-cultural pluralism in supermodernity
Immigration, ethnic minorities and integration/exclusion processes
Ethno-cultural heterogeneity of Portuguese society
Urban Ethnographies in Portugal and Diversities
Laboratories of the global: towns
Rituals of urban contemporariness

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

A chief constraint of the CU lies in the students’ academic path, Anthropology was not present in their general curriculum. Thus, a significant part of the CU is dedicated to operating concepts, methodological specificities and historical evolution of this science.
Students are expected to gain an understanding of the radical transformations undergone in a globalized world, with shorter and shorter cultural distances and larger and larger social inequalities.
Hence, they’re equally expected to be aware of those people which has caused our societies to be increasingly multicultural, where populations with different customs and lifestyles mix together – which leads to the emergence of new realities: related to the (re)shaping of ethno-cultural identities.
Mastering Anthropology’s methodological devices implies doing fieldwork; students are required to carry out participant observation activities, preferably in contexts of his/her future professional area, Socio-Cultural Animation.

Teaching methodologies

The different themes are organized into theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, bringing multimedia applications (namely moodle) into play. It is foreseen that study visits to museums will be boosted (Trabalho / Arqueologia e Etnografia) and fieldwork will take place. Special emphasis will be placed on the latter, during tutorial sessions. Students are encouraged to autonomously carry out research tasks centering around topics of high interest to them and in cooperation with outstanding entities/personalities, both in the world of science and on the job (external to the school and connected to Anthropology).

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Teaching methodologies seek, first, to help students make direct contact with anthropological knowledge. Students do this by visiting ethnographic museums, by reading and analyzing anthropological monographs, chiefly written by national researchers working in the European context, and by making an approach to institutions and personalities relevant to this scientific community. Secondly, students are encouraged to engage in the practice of fieldwork (in a village, district, migrant association, etc.) while interacting with local cultures and/or professional contexts related to Animation. Student acquaintance with research methods specific to this social science has of course an introductory character, due to time constraints. Hence, tutorial sessions are primarily aimed at preparing for and monitoring fieldwork. Teamwork and the sharing of knowledge among peers are likewise promoted, and thus, core evaluation activities are done in small groups (except for student workers, if they so wish). This does not preclude the implementation of individual activities: both those related to the formulation of genograms and those that discuss the subject’s building of multiple identities.
In order to ensure, both work continuity, made hard through only one class per week (3hrs), and a constant and up-to-date sharing of educational resources, the use of the computer platform moodle has proven to be an indispensable tool.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students are to be continuously assessed. The final mark takes into account the following parameters: class attendance and effectiveness of class participation – 10%; Participating in classroom activities – 40%; Ethnographic work – 50%: initiation to research; acquired knowledge; research ability, reflection and critical analysis; clarity of language; rigour and originality.

Attendance system

It is advisable to consult the Regulation of Academic Activities and Guidelines for the Evaluation of Student Achievement of the Polytechnic Institut of Setúbal


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ALMEIDA, Miguel Vale de (2004) Outros Destinos. Ensaios de Antropologia e Cidadania. Porto: Campo das Letras/ Campo das Ciências, nº 13.
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KROBER, Alfred Louis (1993) A Natureza da Cultura. Lisboa: Edições 70/ Perspectivas do Homem, nº 44.
GEERTZ, Clifford (1973) A Interpretação das Culturas. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Guanabara, 1989. #
HAMMERS, Martyn & ATKINSON, Paul (1983) Ethnography: principles in practice. London and N.Y.: Tavistock Publications/ Social Sciences Paperbacks, nº 249.
LANCY, David F. (2015) The Anthropology of Childhood.
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LANGHANS, Almeida (1968-1970) Antropologia Luso-atlântica. Lisboa: Parceria A. M. Pereira, 1º volume: Estudo do homem português, 1968; 2º volume: Estudo das maneiras de viver do homem português, 1970.
LEAL, João (2006) Antropologia em Portugal, Mestres, Percursos, Tradições. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte/ Primitivos & Modernos, nº 1.
MALINOWSKI, Bronislaw (1944) Uma Teoria Científica da Cultura e outros ensaios. Lisboa: Edições 70/ Perspectivas do Homem, nº 47, 1997.
MARTINS, Humberto e MENDES, Paulo (orgs) (2016) Trabalho de Campo: Envolvimento e Experiências em Antropologia. Lisboa: ICS. #
MAUSS, Marcel (1967) Manual de Etnografia. Lisboa: Dom Quixote/ Nova Enciclopédia, 1993. #
MERCIER, Paul (1966) História da Antropologia. Lisboa: Teorema, 1986. #
O'NEILL, Brian Juan (2006) Antropologia Social: sociedades complexas. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta. #
SALZMAN, Philip Carl (2001) Understanding Culture: an introduction to Anthropological theory. Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press. #
SANTOS, Armindo (2006) Antropologia do Parentesco e da Família: teorias e investigação. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget/ Epistemologia e Sociedade, nº 241.
SILVANO, Filomena (2001) Antropologia do Espaço: uma introdução. Oeiras: Celta.
SOUTA, Luís (1997) Multiculturalidade e Educação. Porto: Profedições [esg]; em particular o cap. XIII “Antropologia da multiculturalidade”
STOCZKOWSKI, Wiiktor (2000) Antropologia Ingénua, Antropologia Erudita: origem do homem, imaginação e ideias adquiridas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget/ Epistemologia e Sociedade, nº 121. #
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