Audiovisual process for events

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2023/2024

Code: PA10
Acronym: AE
Section/Department: Arts
Semester/Trimester: 2nd Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes
Head: Pedro Miguel Rebelo Felício
Lectures: André Herculano Bastos de Carvalho

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Know and use appropriately the different audio capture technology and video events;
Have knowledge in the proper use of technical and natural and artificial lighting;
Reveal autonomy technologies in approach and problem solving;
Communicate and interact with others promoting productive work environments;
Perform real-time editing of audio, image and video from multiple sources, projection and / or dissemination.


Audiovisual projection "live";
Audiovisual broadcasting technologies;
Technical and editing technologies "real time";
Capture and audiovisual editing multi-camera;
Organization and coordination of multidisciplinary teams.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The audiovisual component associated with an event is presented as a form of communication socially strongly recognized that integrating a variety of procedures and techniques, assumes an important position in various fields of production and audiovisual communication.

This course will seek to articulate the conceptual domains, technical and experimental inherent in the production of content for events, with the knowledge of the means and techniques necessary for the dissemination of these same events. Search It will develop measures to encourage the acquisition of specific knowledge in this area, applying them in the design and implementation of practical projects, particularly in the production of audiovisual content for integration into events and events projection "live".

Through the content to address, it is intended to provide students with a set of surgical instruments that meet the goals outlined and enable them to understand, analyze and develop the various components of an audiovisual product or a projection "live" both in technical and aesthetic terms.

It is intended, so that students understand the importance of audiovisual an event, to recognize the different options that the technical and human resources put at our disposal and identify the different formats in which messages can be constructed and displayed.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will focus on the discussion in plenary and / or small groups from the information provided directly by the teacher or with the use of different materials.

The process will include:
a) Discussion and analysis of texts, videos or soundtracks
b) Operation of processes and video / audio capture equipment
c) Non-linear editing video / audio
d) Design of audiovisual projects to integrate events
e) Exploitation of processes and capture equipment and audiovisual projection "live"
f) Presentation and discussion of papers

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This course methodologies will be used to, in a structured manner, combining the analytical dimensions, critical and experimental, proposed by the syllabus.
The work will be theoretical-practical and practical nature and is based on two main aspects: on the one hand the study of the essential methodologies that will make a critical analysis and supported by scientific knowledge of the objects under study, allowing students to construct their knowledge in a sustained manner; on the other hand, favoring an experimental scale, the exploitation of communication and expressive potential presented by the various production processes and techniques and audiovisual broadcasting, particularly with regard to events. The aim is also to promote a growing autonomy in the use of different equipment, as well as in procedures in different fields of audiovisual production for events.
The link between these aspects will be developed either by conducting exercises and phased work proposals that allow a systematic acquisition and based knowledge and analysis and execution capabilities, either through contact with concrete products and their creators, in order to establish a expansion of creative and technological perspectives inherent in this area. In this sense, work sessions will develop in different contexts, covering the analysis and discussion of audiovisual products used in events and visits to producers and recording studios, alongside a technical trial work inside and outside the room class.
The aim is to establish this methodology, the working sessions, a systematic link between the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of functional skills in different fields of production and audiovisual broadcasting for events, perspetivando their application in specific contexts.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

It is expected that each student:
a) Participate in the sessions and the discussion of the issues under review
b) Do the proposed works
c) Present his work

1. Participation in classroom and online classes 10%
2. Written test on the use of equipment and software 20%
3. Production of audiovisual content (in small teams) 20%
4. Production of “Studio Program” (2 teams) 20%
5. Directing of “Studio Program” (2 teams) 30%

Attendance system

The evaluation of UC is governed by the frequency of Regulation and Evaluation (RFA) ESE / IPS, a continuous assessment model. The student no use in continuous assessment will be given the possibility of essentially practical examination, to be developed in the examination period of normal time set in the academic calendar.


ARIJON, D. (1976) - Grammar of the Film Language. London: Focal Press
ANG, T. (2005) – Manual de Vídeo Digital. Porto: Civilização
ARTIS, A. (2008) – The Shut up and shoot documentary guide. Focal Press
BARBIER, J. (1993) - Elaboração de Projectos de Acção e Planificação. Porto: Porto Editora
CHABROL, C. (2010) – Como fazer um filme. Alfragide: Publicações Dom Quixote
LOPES, S. (2014) – Manual Prático de Produção. Lisboa: Chiado Editora
MARNER, T. (1999) – A realização cinematográfica. Lisboa: Edições 70
OLIVEIRA, J. (2007) – Manual de Jornalismo de Televisão. Lisboa: Cenjor
WIESE, M. (1991) - Film directing shot by shot: visualizing from concept to screen Studio City, CA
Sítios de interesse para o desenvolvimento da unidade curricular:
Página oficial do Celtx:
Manual Mesa Roland VR 50HD:
Tutoriais do Adobe Première Pro CC:

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