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Communication and Language Sciences

Acronym: CCL
Head: Ana Luísa Gaspar Costa

The Department of Communication and Language Sciences (DCCL) provides a framework in support of its teachers for coordination, guidance and scientific, pedagogical and technical knowledge. It is responsible for ensuring the continuity and quality of its faculty intervention in teaching, research, curriculum development, cultural, in the educational and technical domain, creation and dissemination in each area of activity of ESE/IPS and IPS itself and the provision of community services. The department was created as the result of a restructuring process that merged the former Departments of Communication and Languages.

More than 120 subjects are assigned to DCCL from various levels of degree courses: first cycle and Master degree (2nd cycle) courses given at ESE/IPS, covering all courses at the institution, including Erasmus. Other areas assigned to DCCL are subjects on the degree in Speech Therapy (Terapia da Fala) in the School of Health (ESS/IPS), as well as participation in the Masters Degree in Development and Disorders of Language in Children (Desenvolvimento e Perturbações da Linguagem na Criança) in partnership with the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. The DCCL also includes subjects on the Master’s Degree in the Teaching of English and French in Basic Education, in association with the Polytechnics of Castelo Branco, Leiria, Portalegre, Santarém and Viseu and the University of Algarve.

The department is organized into scientific areas:

    (I) Communication, Media and Journalism;
    (II) Literacy, Language Teaching and Supervision;
    (III) Culture, Languages and Literatures.

These areas comprise fields of knowledge related to various aspects of Communication and Information, Social Communication, Organizational Communication, Media, Journalism and the Documentary; to the development of Literacy, including the Media, the Teaching of Portuguese Language and Foreign Languages, the Supervision of Vocational Intervention Projects and Report Internships; with Culture, its production and promotion, with the Languages - Portuguese, Portuguese Sign Language and Foreign Languages, with Linguistics - Portuguese Language and Portuguese Sign Language - and to the Literatures - Portuguese and Comparative and for Childhood.

Currently, there are 24 lecturers within DCCL (2 Faculty Coordinators, 4 Associate Professors and 18 teachers equivalent and / or assistants, engaged or invited teachers). The Department has 5 lecturers with doctorates and 9 lecturers with a master degree. There are also 4 departmental lecturers who are doctoral candidates (PhD).

The fields of teaching activities include supervision of theses (Masters and PhD), projects and internships.

The rules of DCCL were approved by the Scientific-Technical Council in February 2011. In accordance with these Rules, the Department consists of the Plenary, the Scientific Committee and a Coordinator, whose operation is based on the Activity Plan and the Report of Activities, both annually.

Phone: 265 710 858
Fax: 265 710 810

Página gerada em: 2024-09-19 às 12:58:24