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MSc Children Language Development and Impairments

Este curso encontra-se homologado no âmbito do Processo de Bolonha.

State Bologna: Adequate
Data de Homologação: 2009-07-24
Acronym: MDPLC
Departament: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Diploma: Master
Fim: 2013/2014
Start: 2008/2009
Coordinator: Ana Castro
Instituições envolvidas: Escola Superior de Saúde (Instituição Administrativa)
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas

Two Areas of Specialization – Speech Therapy and Language Impairments and Education and Language Teaching
Coordination: Isabel Amaral – ESS/IPS; Ana Castro – ESS/IPS; Eileen Sua Kay – ESS/IPS; João Costa – FCSH/UNL

The Master on Children Language Development and Impairments is a joint program offered by Universidade Nova de Lisboa ,Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (FCSH-UNL), and the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute - School of Health Care (ESS-IPS). It is specially designed for both speech and language therapists, and pre-school and schoolteachers. The program is based on a perspective of multi and interdisciplinary joint practice. Participants from different professional backgrounds explore the needs of children with language and learning difficulties from a range of perspectives, and study how they can work together within the classroom and other inclusive institutions.
By combining theory and practice from Language Sciences, Linguistics, Speech and Language Therapy and Education, the participants attain the knowledge and competences to face the needs of children with language impairments and learning difficulties in the school environment.
The master program has two areas of specialization: Speech and Language Therapy and Language Impairments (for speech and language therapists), and Education and Language Teaching (for pre-school and schoolteachers).
The degree implies 6 compulsory modules (60 ECTS in two semesters) on Language Sciences (Speech and Language Therapy and Linguistics) and/or Educational Sciences, and one final Project (60 ECTS in two semesters).

Information: Target Public:
Area of Specialization in Speech and Language Therapy and Language Impairments - BSc graduates in Speech and Language Therapy
Area of Specialization in Educational and Language Teaching - BSc graduates in Education (Pre-school and Primary School)

Duration: 4 semesters (120 ECTS)

Study Plan
1st Semester
Grammatical Knowledge 10 ECTS
Child Language Acquisition 10 ECTS
Developmental Language Impairment 10 ECTS

2nd Semester
Specific Language Impairment in the School 10 ECTS

[Speech Therapy and Language Impairments]
Assessment and Diagnostic Instrumentation 10 ECTS
Instruments for Grammatical Analysis 10 ECTS

[Education and Language Teaching]
Reading and Writing Models 10 ECTS
Instruments for Language Teaching 10 ECTS

3rd/4th Semester
Research Thesis / Project 60 ECTS

Study Plan

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