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(Re) Enabling Voice

Este curso encontra-se homologado no âmbito do Processo de Bolonha.

State Bologna: Adequate
Data de Homologação: 2012-10-30
Acronym: MRHV
Departament: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Diploma: Master
Fim: 2017/2018
Start: 2012/2013
Coordinator: Sónia Lima
Information: Objectives and competences
1. Develop the theoretical knowledge, methodological skills and advanced techniques to improvement of therapeutic intervention in voice areas;
2. Provide advanced training in voice area for clinical intervention with children, youth, adults and/or elderly in schools, hospitals, homes or others;
3. Provide institutions with Speech Therapy services invoice area, with qualified staff to manage and integrate technology, electronics and informatics to support clinical activity in this area;
4. Contribute to the development of new strategies, tools and resources in area of voice;
5. Promote research in acoustic, articulatory and perceptive phonetics, applied to the production and perception of voice;
6. Strengthen the clinical research on normal functioning of the vocal tract, respiratory and articulatory functions and how they are affected by vocal disorders;
7. Develop studies and models of speech production and perception.

Scientific area

  • Communication Sciences and Language
  • music
  • Systems and Instrumentation and Measurement area

Study Plan

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