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School of Health (ESS/IPS)

The School of Health is the youngest unit of the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute but already with a well know reputation among the academic community in Portugal. With an admission rate of 9 candidates for each vacancy (on average), ESS/IPS offers first and seconds Bologna cycle degree programmes, as well as a wide range of postgraduate courses for the continuous professional development of healthcare professionals.

Through a process of strategic alliances with Health Care Services, Universities, Industry and Municipalities ESS has developed several different projects, which are considered excellent opportunities for our students and teachers, to stay close to society and be able to assess its real health care needs. This allows us to educate health professionals who are better prepared to respond to society needs and equally allows for the reinforcement of our image as a tertiary education institution.

Teaching, research and services are the focus of our activity and we do it under the principles of Humanism, Quality and Innovation (the motto of our School), aiming to graduate responsible, autonomous and competent health professionals that have experienced international and complex environments.

To comply with the Schools’ motto, the ESS/IPS pays very special attention to the evaluation and monitoring of its activities (education, research and services to the community). The Continuous Improvement Unit focuses its activity in this evaluation as well as in promoting moments of reflection and integration of suggestions in the decision making process. This Unit is linked with a greater Unit for Quality Management at the level of the Polytechnic.

School Management Board
Dean: António Manuel Marques
Vice Dean: Madalena Gomes da Silva

Scientific Committee
President: Eduardo Cruz

Educational Committee
President: Aldina Lucena

Biomedical Sciences
Communication and Language Sciences
Social and Human Sciences

School of Health (ESS/IPS)
Campus do IPS, Estefanilha
Edifício da ESCE – 2914-503 Setúbal
Telf.  +351 265 709 395/397
Fax    +351 265 709 392
Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 08:15:27 Última actualização: 2020-05-15