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Health and Nursing Management

Scholar Year: 2019/2020

Code: LICENF047   
Acronym: GSE
Scientific area: Enfermagem
Section/Department: Nursing Department
Term: 1st Semester
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ENFB 47 2,0 40 54,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Marta Patricia Argüello Argüello Head
Armandina do Carmo Antunes Colaborador
Francisco Manuel de Matos Godinho Vaz Colaborador
Edgar Manuel dos Prazeres Duarte Canais Colaborador

Weekly workload

Type of classes 1,66 ,66 ,33


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 1,66
Armandina Antunes   0,40
Edgar Canais   0,53
Francisco Vaz   0,66
Patrícia Argüello   0,06
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 0,66
Edgar Canais   0,66
Seminário Totals 1 0,33
Edgar Canais   0,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The GESE curricular unit aims to equip nursing students as future professionals with knowledge about the fundamental concepts of management, and their applicability in the context of health units, and competencies in the development of a business model in the nursing area.
These are the expected results:
• The student knows the concepts of Management
• Acknowledge the importance of Management in Health Organizations.
• Knows and applies the tools of management of strategic analysis of projects / processes
• Identifies the main fiscal issues of private health facilities.
• Characterizes the concepts of Quality and Quality Management in the process of health care delivery.
• Knows the organization methods of nursing care and staffing needs.
• Identifies the organization and main characteristics of nursing care management.


1- Management / Administration
a) Notions and concepts of management / administration
b) Evolution of schools of thought
2- Organizational Communication
a) Communication circuits
b) Analysis of communication / information systems
3- Clinical Governance
a) Organizational culture
b) Specificities of health organizations
c) Performance evaluation of public organizations
d) Qualifying organizations
e) Quality in health services
f) Indicators of health management
g) Quality standards of nursing care
h) Risk management
4- The Health Economy
a) Health as an economic good. Importance of the health sector in the economy
b) Social policy and welfare state
c) Market for the supply and demand of health care
d) Economic analysis in health
- Cost-effectiveness analysis
- Cost-utility analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis
5- Interaction between People and Organizations
a) Structure and analysis of charges
b) Theories of motivation, leadership, delegation and organizational behavior
c) Conflict management
6- The nurse in the management of organizations
a) Care management
b) Systems of concession and distribution of work
c) Methods of work organization
d) Secure appropriations

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The programmatic contents are directly verified with the objectives of the UC. The evaluation of the works contributes to the validation of this aspect.

Teaching methodologies

Expositive and participative method in theoretical classes. Oriented research.
Use of the Moodle platform.
Group work in order to carry out the final work of the curricular unit, with presentation and individual discussion in the classroom.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodologies adopted aim to promote the acquisition of knowledge in the area of Health and Nursing Management, as well as the development of competencies. Evidence is demonstrated in the presentation of the papers by the students.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous evaluation:
Work done in group, (3-4 students). With presentation and discussion in the classroom of a thematic with case resolution whose theme is related to the programmatic contents.
Written group work - 40% - delivery until October 28 at 24h via Moodle. Rationale of the resolution of a case (maximum of 5 pages of body of work).
Presentation of the work - 50% - from day 17 to day October 23, lasting 20 minutes. Presentation - 25%, delivery of the presentation (support) until 14 October at 24h via Moodle. Discussion - 25%. from day 17 to day 23 of October, with duration of 30 minutes per group
Self-assessment - 5% delivery from October 28 at 24h via email.
Heterovaluation - 5% delivery from October 28 at 24h via email.
The choice of the subject and the case is carried out by the students from a list of cases proposed by the teacher. Guidance will be given to group work.
Assessment in Exam: Individual test. Including case resolution.

Attendance system

Attendance registration in S & TP classes. If exceeded the limit provided for in ESS/IPS Academic Regulation implies unsuccessful on continuous assessment.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  56,7
  Total: 56,7

Mandatory Bibliography

Barros, Pedro Pita ;Economia da Saúde - Conceitos e Comportamentos, Coimbra: Almedina, 2005
Caeiro, J. ;Políticas Públicas, Politica Social e Estado Providência, Universidade Lusíada, 2008
Carvalho, José ;Gestão de Empresas – Princípios Fundamentais, Edições Sílabo, 2009
Cunha, M., et all;Manual de Comportamento Organizacional e Gestão, Editora HR, 2007
Ferreira, Manuel, et all;Gestão Empresarial, Edições Tecnicas Lda, 2010
Rego, Arménio;Comunicação nas Organizações, Edições Sílabo, 1999

Complementary Bibliography

Serra, F., et all ;Gestão Estratégica, Conceitos e Prática, Lidel Edições Técnicas, Lda, 2010
Teixeira, Sebastião ; Gestão das Organizações, McGraw –Hill. ISBN: ISBN 972-773-001-9, 1998
Reis, L., Paulino, A. ;Gestão de Stocks e Compras, Ed. Internacional, 1994
Devillard, Olivier ;A Dinâmica das Equipas, Bertrand Editora, 2001
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