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Supervision of Learning Care II

Scholar Year: 2019/2020

Code: LICENF064   
Acronym: SACII
Scientific area: Enfermagem
Section/Department: Nursing Department
Term: Anual
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ENFB 1 3,0 40 81,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Fernanda Paula Santos Leal Head

Weekly workload

Type of classes ,33 ,33 ,67


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 0,33
Seminário Totals 1 0,33
Orientação Tutorial Totals 3 2,01

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Student learning outcomes:
Recognises the importance of the nursing process and decision-making;
Recognises the importance of ethical decision-making principles;
Understands the importance of reflection in practice: reflective Gibbs cycle;
Identify nurses skills in the decision-making process, about: accept responsibility and account for their
actions and judgments, recognizes the limits of their role and competence; uses formal and informal
consultation mechanisms; knows the Ethics´Code; involves itself so effective in making ethical decision;
recognize their beliefs and values and how these may influence the delivery of care .
discusses decision making in the context of simulated cases, within: nursing mental health care, with
client; nursing child health care and adolescents, and nursing women's health and reproductive care, with
client; nursing care to group or community.


The learning care supervision in the context of providing specific nursing care: Maternal, Child and
adolescents Health, Mental Health and groups community health.
The specifics of the Nursing Process in the specific contexts of Maternal, Child Health and Mental Health.
The clinical decision-making and ethical decision making in the specific contexts of Maternal, Child Health
and Mental Health.
Decision making of care in the specific contexts of Maternal, Child Health and Mental Health.
The decision of care and the different types of nursing interventions in specific contexts of Maternal, Child
and adolescents Health, Mental Health and groups and community health.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents aims students to acquire critical thinking concerning at decision-making process for
nursing care in the field of action of the functional content of the general nursing practice, in the context of
mental health, health of the child / adolescent and women's health / reproductive and health of groups and
Learning of Nursing Care is oriented by systematic thought process in nursing, implying the clinical
decision making and ethics in the personalization of care, sensitive to nursing practice in nursing areas

Teaching methodologies

Expository-participatory approach at lectures and seminars;
Tutorial Orientation;

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Annual course. It proposes a set of proposed learning goals for students to: recognize the importance of
the decision-making process in nursing in the context: a) of providing nursing care in mental health, b) to
provide nursing care of women and reproductive health, c) provide nursing care on the health of children
and adolescents and d) providef nursing care to groups or communities.
The main expected outcomes planned for the students aim to know the fundamentals that make up the
decision-making process; Understand the importance of reflection on the practice through reflective cycle
Gibbs and identify skills of nurses in the decision-making process.
Adopted expository methodologies that promote the acquisition of knowledge and acquisition of critical
reasoning in the decision-making process in nursing. Active methodologies, case discussion, allow the
acquisition of those skills;
In this course, both methods as the participatory aim to stimulate critical and reflexive thinking of students.
To stimulate the realization of group dynamics and solving problems through the analysis proposals in
cases through the tutorial classes of students.
The evaluation methodology aimed a written work and creating decision trees in nursing.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Group student work (1st. semester: 50% evaluation of the curricular unit):
Individual student work (2nd semester: 50% evaluation of the curricular unit);
Final Exam (100% evaluation of the curricular unit, at exam)


COTTRELL, Stella – Critical thinking skills: Developing effective analysis and argument. New York:
Palmgrave Macmillan, 2005. [COTA BIBLIOTECA ESS 371 COT-CRI]
DEODATO FERNANDES, Sérgio – Decisão ética em enfermagem: do problema aos fundamentos para o
agir. Lisboa, 2010. Disponível em .
GAMBRILL, Eileen – Critical thinking in clinical practice: improving the quality of judgements and
decisions. New Jersey: Wiley, 2005. [COTA BIBLIOTECA ESS 658.56 GAM-CRI]
NUNES, Lucília – Autonomia e responsabilidade na tomada de decisão clínica em enfermagem. [Consult.
em 20 set. 2012] Disponível em
ROSE, Miranda; BEST, Dawn – Transforming practice through clinical education, professional supervision
and mentoring. London: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2009. [COTA BIBLIOTECA ESS 614.253 TRA]

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