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Instruments and Techniques in Oral and Written Child Language

Scholar Year: 2023/2024

Code: LICTF12   
Acronym: IT_OEC
Scientific area: Terapia da Fala
Section/Department: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Term: 1st Semester
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LICTF 4 6,0 162,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Ângela Marina Carvalho de Jesus Head

Weekly workload

Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1
Práticas-Laboratórios Totals 1

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

a. To explain the different diagnoses of oral and written language disturbance in children, primary and secondary
b. To identify causes and characteristics of oral and written disorders in children, primary and secondary
c. To evaluate and interpret oral and written skills
d. To analyze clinical and (psycho) linguistically oral and writing skills in the child
e. To conduct the differential diagnosis process
f. To apply evidence-based intervention techniques
g. To organize evaluation and / or intervention data for communicating clinical information to different audiences (professionals in the area or related areas, and family) and serving different purposes (evaluation results, referral, direct and indirect intervention, and others)


1. Semantics, syntax, morphology, phonology and pragmatics, in the language of the child with and without disturbance;
2. Causes and characteristics of oral and written disorders in children, primary and secondary;
3. Assessment of oral and written skills in preschool and school age;
4. Approaches, models and intervention techniques in the rehabilitation of oral and written disorders in children, primary and secondary;
5. Compilation and communication of clinical information.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The curricular unit Oral and Written Language in Children contributes to the knowledge and understanding of oral and written language disorders in children, primary and secondary, their diagnostic criteria and intervention paradigms, in a case-based learning model. It allows the students to make an application specific to each case under study, evaluation techniques and intervention acquired in the curricular units of Instruments and Techniques. The contents that deal with differential diagnosis and intervention planning respond to analytical and synthetic level objectives.

Teaching methodologies

Practical exercises
Practical demonstration
Simulated practice

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

In order to respond to learning objectives focused on knowledge and understanding, we use expository classes and tutorial orientation in a case-based learning model.
Conducting written tests allows the student to assess their knowledge, understanding and individual analysis on fundamental content. The accomplishment of a group work allows the student to appropriate the theoretical knowledge and to consolidate them in the interaction between pairs and in their process of autonomy.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
Individual component* [70%]
- Practical test [35%]
- Written test [35%]
* [the mean of the individual component must be higher than or equal to 9,5 values.]
Group component [(30%]
- Written work (30%)

FINAL EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
With exam [100%]
- Practical exam (100%)

Attendance system

The provided in the academic regulation.


Bishop, D. V. M., & Leonard, L. B. (2000). Speech and language impairments in children: causes, characteristics, intervention, and outcome. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press.
Duarte, I. (2008). O Conhecimento da Língua: desenvolver a consciência linguística. Lisboa, Portugal: Ministério da Educação - DGIDC.
Freitas, M. J., Alves, D., & Costa, T. (2007). O conhecimento da língua: Desenvolver a consciência fonológica. Lisboa, Portugal: Ministério da Educação - DGIDC.
Leonard, L. B. (1998). Children with specific language impairment. London, UK: The MIT Pess. Lombardino, L. J. (2012). Assessing and differentiating reading & writing disorders: Multidimensional model. New York, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Shaywitz, S. (2008). Vencer a Dislexia: Como dar resposta às perturbações da leitura em qualquer fase da vida. Porto, Portugal: Porto Editora.
Verhoeven, L. T., & Balkom, H. van. (2004). Classification of developmental language disorders: Theoretical issues and clinical implications. Mahwah, MA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-17 às 11:36:22