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Swallowing Disorders

Scholar Year: 2023/2024

Code: LICTF13   
Acronym: P_DEG
Scientific area: Terapia da Fala
Section/Department: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Term: 2nd Semester
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LICTF 33 4,0 108,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Ana Paris Sebastião Leal Head
David Araújo do Nascimento Colaborador

Weekly workload

Type of classes ,53 1,53 1,86


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 0,53
Ana Leal   0,13
David Nascimento   0,40
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 1,53
Ana Leal   0,60
David Nascimento   0,93
Orientação Tutorial Totals 2 3,72
Ana Leal   0,93
David Nascimento   0,93

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

a. To recognize the different etiologies of deglutition disorders in children, adults and the elderly: mechanical, neurological, psychogenic and developmental
b. To recognize the different diagnoses of deglutition disorders at different stages of life
c. To plan and program the intervention in the deglutition disorders
d. To plan the suitable treatment after diagnoses and realize an intervention plan having in count the direct and indirect interventions
e. To manipulate instruments and materials of intervention in deglutition disorders
f. To recognize, name, describe and select methods, techniques, exercises and strategies of therapeutical intervention in deglutition disorders


1. Deglutition disorders of neurological, mechanical, psychogenic cause
2. Neonatal deglutition and developmental disorders
3. Dysphagia, atypical and adapted deglutition
4. Specific clinical cases of deglutition disorders and eating disturbances
5. Intervention is the deglutition disorders
6. Selection of therapeutic exercises
7. Planning in deglutition disorders

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The curricular unit contributes to the knowledge and comprehension of the deglutition disorders, its criteria of diagnosis and paradigms of intervention, in a case-based learning model. It allows the students to make an specific application to each case under study, evaluation techniques and intervention acquired in the curricular units of Instruments and Techniques. The contents that deal with differential diagnosis and intervention planning respond to analytical and synthetic level objectives.

Teaching methodologies

Documental anaysis
Case Study
Simulated practice

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

In order to respond to learning objectives focused on knowledge, understanding and application, we use dialogic expository classes, case studies and simulated practice.
Performing written tests / tests allows the student to evaluate their knowledge, understanding and analysis of key contents related to deglutition disorders. The accomplishment of a group work allows the student to appropriate the theoretical knowledge and to consolidate them in the interaction between pairs and in their process of autonomy.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
Individual component * [60%]
- Test (60%)
* [the mean of the individual component must be higher than or equal to 9,5 values.]
Component group [40%]
- Written work (30%)
- Work presentation (10%)

FINAL EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
With exam [100%]
- Written exam (100%)

Attendance system

The provided in the academic regulation.


Carrau, R. L., & Murry, T. (2006) (2ª Ed.). Comprehensive management of swallowing disorders. San Diego, SD: Plural Publishing Inc.
Corbin-Lewis, K. M., & Liss, J. M. (2015) (2ª Ed.). Clinical anatomy & physiology of the swallow mechanism. Australia: Cengage Learning US.
Crary, M. A., & Groher, M. E. (2003). Introduction to adult swallowing disorders. St Louis, SL: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Jacobi, J., Levy, D., & Silva, L. (2003). Disfagia: Avaliação e tratamento. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Revinter.
Logemann, J. (1999). Evaluation and treatment of swallowing and disorders. London, UK: Singular Pub.Group
Murry, T., Carrau, R. L., & Chan, K. M. K. (2016). Clinical management of swallowing disorders (4.a ed.). San Diego, SD: Singular Pub. Group.
Shaker, R. (2013). Manual of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for disorders of deglutition. New York, NY: Springer.
Susanibar, F., Dioses, A., & Parra, D. (2013). Motricidad orofacial: Fundamentos basados en evidencias. Madrid, Espanha: Editorial EOS.
Susanibar, F., Marchesán, I., Parra, D., & Dioses, A. (2014). Tratado de evaluación de motricidad orofacial: Y áreas afines. Madrid, Espanha: Editorial EOS.
Winstock, A. (2006). The practical management of eating & drinking difficulties in children. Oxon, UK: Speechmark.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-17 às 11:10:44