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Instruments and Techniques in Adult Speech and Language

Scholar Year: 2023/2024

Code: LICTF18   
Acronym: IT_FLA
Scientific area: Terapia da Fala
Section/Department: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Term: 1st Semester
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LICTF 24 6,0 162,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Ana Cristina Fernandes Ferreira Head
José Manuel Borges Fonseca Colaborador

Weekly workload

Type of classes 2 4


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 2,00
Cristina Ferreira   1,60
José Fonseca   0,40
Práticas-Laboratórios Totals 2 8,00
Cristina Ferreira   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

a. To name, describe and select tests to assess the speech and language disorders acquired neurological etiology, appropriated to the profile of each patient
b. To properly apply evaluation tasks in situations of simulated practice
c. To adapt verbal and non-verbal behavior during the application of role-play evaluation tests
d. To interpret the results of the assessment in order to plan the intervention
e. To plan the appropriate intervention to each user using methodologies, techniques and intervention strategies
f. To justify decision-making evidencing clinical reasoning
g. To apply appropriately methodologies, techniques and intervention strategies to each patient in situations of simulated practice


1. Assessment of speech and language disorders of acquired neurological etiology.
2. Use and mastery of the application of assessment tasks.
3. Analysis and interpretation of the data obtained in the assessment.
4. Planning of the intervention appropriate to the profile of each patient.
5. Use and mastery of communication and language techniques that facilitate the development of intervention skills.
6. Definition and application of methodologies, techniques and strategies for intervention in speech and language disorders of acquired neurological etiology: Pacing Method, Programmed Instruction Method, Melodic Intonation Method, POT (Promoting Aphasic's Communicative Effectiveness), LOT (LanguageOrientedTreatment), VIC (Visual Communication Therapy), VAT (Visual ActionTherapy), CAA (Alternative and Alternative Communication), myofunctional exercises, articulation techniques, neuro-facilitative approaches (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Method - PNF, Roth Techniques), biofeedback strategies

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This course aims to develop technical skills such as the use of materials for assessment and intervention, the development and application of assessment tools and materials, including computer science. It has a practical laboratory typology.
The general objective of this UC is to develop skills of assessment and intervention in the area of speech and language disorders of acquired neurological etiology through simulated practice. The intention is also to develop theoretical knowledge integrated with practice.

Teaching methodologies

Simulated practice
Case study
Practical exercises

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The classes of this curricular unit assume the dynamics of laboratory practice, and the students experience through simulated practice the training of the application of assessment tests and training of the application of intervention methodologies. The expository method is used to consolidate theoretical concepts in articulation with practice. The documentary analysis is used as support for the selection of the tests and intervention methodologies selected by the students. Discussion of case studies in group work is carried out to contextualize the application and adequacy of the methodologies, techniques and strategies of intervention, as well as the recording and autoscopy for the analysis and development of the critical capacity of its correct application.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

CONTINUOUS EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
Individual component* [75%]
- Written test (60%)
- Written work (20%)
* [The mean of the individual component must be higher than or equal to 9,5 values.]
Group component [25%]
- Group work (20%)

FINAL EVALUATION - methods and criteria:
With exam [100%]
- Written exam (100%)

Attendance system

The provided in the academic regulation.


Brubaker, S. H. (2013) Workbook for aphasia: exercises for expressive and receptive language functioning. Detroit, Wayne State University
Freed, D. B. (2012) Motor speech disorders diagnoses and treatment. Delmar Cengage Learning.
Hallowell, B. (2017) Aphasia and other acquired neurogenic language disorders: a guide for clinical excellence. San Diego, Plural, Cop.
Helm-Estabrooks, N.; Albert, M.L.; Nicholas, M. (2014) Manual of aphasia and aphasia therapy. Austin, TX, Pro-Ed.
Maassen, B; van Lieshout, P. (2010). Speech motor control: new developments in basic and applied research. New York, Oxford, Cop.
Murdock, B.E. (2013) Disartrya. In Papathanasiou, I. et al. (Eds) Aphasia and Related Neurogenic Communication Disorders.(pp. 459.2489). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Simmons-Mackie, N.; King, J.M.; Beukelman, D.R. (2013) Supporting communication for adults with acute and chronic aphasia. Baltimore, Paul H. Brookes, Cop.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-17 às 10:00:34