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Clinical Case Discussion

Scholar Year: 2023/2024

Code: LICTF42   
Acronym: DCL
Scientific area: Terapia da Fala
Section/Department: Departament of Communication and Language Sciences
Term: 2nd Semester
Web Page:


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LICTF 19 5,0 135,0

Teaching weeks: 18


Teacher Responsability
Ângela Marina Carvalho de Jesus Head

Weekly workload

Type of classes 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Seminário Totals 1 2,00
Ângela Jesus   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

a. Demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge, skills and competences developed in Speech Therapy;
b. Describe, in a sustained way, the hypotheses resulting from an evaluation process and the resulting diagnosis;
c. Describe in a sustained way, the intervention options selected (direct and indirect) for a given user;
d. Demonstrate adequate interpretation, synthesis and communication skills – in writing and orally – of the user's clinical information (anamnesis, reports, intervention plan and its monitoring);
and. Demonstrate clinical reasoning ability.


I. Templates for presentation of clinical cases and case studies
II. Communication of clinical information (in written and oral format)
III. The role of evidence for practice in Speech Therapy

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The curricular unit Discussion of Clinical Cases aims to enable students to present and discuss clinical cases, integrating knowledge of Speech Therapy acquired to date, contact with practice through clinical teaching and the possibility for the student to deepen the their knowledge in specific contexts of Speech Therapy and/or complementary and similar. It also allows to deepen knowledge in other areas of activity previously addressed in other curricular units of the course.

Teaching methodologies

- Case Study
- Debate
- Peer reflection and discussion

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Classes take place in the form of seminars. This option is justified by the fact that the cases presented by the students – selected from clinical cases with which the student came into contact during clinical education – require the prior preparation of a significant amount of information. The student must compile in the user's clinical file all relevant information for the presentation and discussion of the case in a “team”, and prepare a brief and sustained oral presentation, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the teacher of the curricular unit.
Organized in small groups, the colleagues are responsible for stimulating the discussion and for preparing an assessment report on the case discussed.
Both the oral and documentary presentation of the case (individual component) and the discussion (oral and written/report), facilitated by the group (group component), are subject to evaluation.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment methods and criteria:
Individual component* (60%)
- Oral presentation of a clinical case (25%)
- Peer review of a clinical case presentation (10%)
- Active participation in the discussion of a clinical case (25%)

*[The average of the individual component must be greater than or equal to 9.5 values.]

Group member (40%)
- Written work

Methods and evaluation criteria under examination:
- Written work (20%)
- Oral presentation (80%)

Attendance system

The provisions of the Academic Regulation


Hegde, M., & Davis, D. (2009). Clinical methods and practicum in speech-language pathology (5.a ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Morgan, L., Plexico, L., Plumb, L., Sandage, M. (2016) Emerging Practice Preferences of Speech-Language Pathology Students. in Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, Vol.43 285-298 Washington: NSSLHA-ASHA. (Obtido de
Roth, F. P., Worthington, P (2015). Speech language pathology: Treatment resource manual: Cengage Learning.
Shipley, K. G., & McAfee, J. G. (2016). Assessment in speech-language pathology: A resource manual. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning
Weismer, G. (2014). New horizons in speech language pathology - Editorial. Folia phoniatrica et logopaedica: official organ of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP), 66(4–5), 145–6.

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