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Electrical and Computer Engineering

Acronym: EEC
Degree: Undergraduate Programme
Start: 2006/2007
Coordenador: Elena Baikova


In accordance with to Article 8, paragraph 3 ofDL 74/2006, the study cycle leading to a graduate degree should particularly value the training that aims the professional practice. The Degree in Electrical andComputer Engineering is organizedso that their graduates develop a set ofskills to the rapidinsertion in the labor market, where the acquiredknowledge fit the needs ofthe business environment. Moreover, basic training was not neglected, intending thereby to ensure a sufficiently broadspectrum of training necessary for graduates to be able to design andundertake continuous professional development. The curricula ofthe courses have a laboratory effective loadbetween 26% and28% ofcontact hours, in order to prepare graduates for the exercise ofthey're professional activity.

informations: Tese2 Provas de ingresso e acessos preferenciais | Informação DGES | SA-20-30 Vagas disponíveis | Despacho de registo I Verifica Como calcular a Nota Final de Curso

AtalhosLista Relatórios de monitorização Verifica Acreditação A3ES Modificar Creditação de CET
Interrupção de novas admissões para horários pós laborais a partir de 2016/2017 (+ informações e percurso alternativo).


  • Licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores
  • Licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores - Ramo de Eletrónica e Computadores
  • Licenciatura em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores - Ramo em Mobilidade Elétrica e Energias Renováveis

Study plan

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