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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 1S

Code: EM11204    Acronym: INTEM
Scientific Fields: Mecânica dos Meios Sólidos, Tecnologia e Organização Industrial, Termodinâmica Aplicada
Section/Department: DEM - Department of Mechanical Engineering


Acronym N. of students Study plan Curricular year ECTS Contact time Total Time
EM 76 6,0 75 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo António Lamberto Duarte CláudioHead

Weekly workload

Type of classes 1 2 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 1,00
Ricardo Cláudio   1,00
Theorethical and Practical classes Totals 3 6,00
António Luís   6,00
Prática Laboratorial Totals 3 6,00
Ricardo Cláudio   2,00
Susana Cravo   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Module of mechanical engineering
to know the main professional associations and their role in the society;
to identify the various functions of the Mechanical Engineer with the specific characteristics of each branch of
the course;
to introduce the real work environment through seminars and / or study visits to industries in the region;
to be familiar with the requirements and care in assembling and repairing mechanical devices;
to develop written and communication skills.
- Module of technical drawing
to know how to read and interpret technical drawings;
to know how to perform technical drawings of individual parts and small assemblies;
to know how to use usual measuring equipment used in mechanical construction;
to know the main standards of technical drawing;
to know the main modes of representation used in technical drawing;
to know how to use 3D parametric CAD software in a basic level;
to developing skills for the future progression in CAD systems.


- Module of mechanical engineering
1. Technological evolution: from industrial revolution to actual technologies
2. Main mechanical engineering areas
Energy, design and production with particular applications to automotive and aeronautical engineering.
3. Introduction to some basic measuring equipment used in mechanical construction
4. Assembly, disassembly, measuring and representation of simple mechanical devices
5. Elaboration of a technical descriptive

- Module of technical drawing
6. General aspects of technical drawing
Introduction to technical drawing and norms.
7. Orthogonal Projections
Types of planar projections. Multi-view projections. Free hand representations.
8. Cuts and sections
Definitions of cut and section;
Types of cuts.
9. Perspectives
Advantages and disadvantages of different representation types;
Free hand representation of perspectives from multi-views representations.
10. Dimensioning
General aspects about dimensioning;
Principles of dimensioning;
Isometric dimensioning.
11. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
2D and 3D CAD systems;
Parametrical drawing of parts and assemblies;
Generation of technical drawings with dimensions and annotations;
Exploded perspectives.


OnShape (necessita apenas de um Browser)

SolidWorks 2014

Solid Edge ST10

Autodesk Inventor

3DExperience (Lecionado em sala de aula)


Technological sciences > Engineering > Mechanical engineering

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

- Module of mechanical engineering
1. Technological evolution
To know some historical facts about the evolution of the technology and to understand the most recent evolutions;
2. Main mechanical engineering areas
To understand the relations between technologies, especially in mechanical engineering.
3. Introduction to some basic measuring equipment
Know how to measure parts using traditional equipment’s.
4. Assembly, disassembly, measuring and representation of simple mechanical devices
Be familiar with the requirements and care in assembling and repairing mechanical devices.
5. Elaboration of a technical descriptive
To have the capacity to write the technical description of an equipment.

- Module of technical drawing
6. General aspects of technical drawing
Distinguish between technical and artistic drawing;
To know the principal drawing norms (Portuguese and International) that applies to technical drawings.
7. Orthogonal Projections
To distinguish the principal kinds of existing projections;
To read and to interpret correctly technical drawings;
To have the ability to represent graphically parts using orthogonal projection method.
8. Cuts and sections
To have the capacity to decide when a cut or section is needed;
To represent correctly cuts and sections regarding the conventional conventions.
9. Perspectives
To distinguish the advantages and disadvantages of different representation modes;
To have the capacity to visualize spatially objects from the representation in multi-views;
To freehand correctly drawings in perspective.
10. Dimensioning
To decide the places where to put correctly the dimensions;
To know the principal dimensioning techniques applied to multiple-views, perspectives and assembly drawings.
11. Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
To know how to represent objects using a 3D CAD system;
To enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of using CAD systems;
To know how to use the part, assembly and drafting modules that are usual in traditional parametrical CAD systems;
To have the capacity for future progression in CAD systems.

Teaching methodologies

- Module of mechanical engineering
Seminars and study visits to companies with the execution of synthesis reports;
Practical activities to produce a small mechanical systems involving, assembly, measurement, graphing representation and elaboration of a technical descriptive;
- Module of technical drawing
Practical activities for the execution of various freehand drawings from physical models and graphical representations of various methods;
Laboratory classes for performing several drawings in CAD systems;
Elaboration of a final project in CAD.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

- Module of mechanical engineering
Several thematic seminars and study visits to companies are held where it is transmitted to the students the main areas of the Mechanical Engineer activity and what its role in the society. The implementation of a mandatory report requires students to acquire skills of synthesis and writing.
Practical activities allow developing skills with handling equipment and mechanical measurement and preparation of technical descriptive.

- Module of technical drawing
In practical activities of technical drawing, in which students have to perform several freehand drawings, allow developing reading skills, interpretation and graphic representation of technical drawings.
The CAD laboratory classes and mandatory enforcement of a final project requires the student to develop skills in the area of CAD and looking for solutions to future progress in the area.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation is continuous. Works will be evaluated in the classroom and outside the classroom. Whenever it is not possible for the student to carry out the work in class, he must execute them outside the class and hand them over to the teacher.

List of works to evaluate and minimum notes:

- Seminar module (15% of the final grade in IEM, minimum grade 9.5 val (extrapolated to 20 values)).

    Synthesis report summarizing the presentations assisted. At least each student must attend at least 10 sessions (excluding the opening session). (8%)
    Presentation of the project developed (7%)

    - Technical drawing module (85% of final grade in IEM, minimum grade 9.5 val (extrapolated to 20 values)).

      Freehand exercises performed during practical classes (35%)
      CAD: Test15%
      CAD Design: 35%
      Works with evaluation Accept / Not accepted distributed throughout the classes and submitted in the moodle platform. Works not delivered or not accepted have a penalty of 0.5 val / work on the module note.

    It is recommended that works be delivered the week following the class assignment. Each work has a certain limit to be delivered, as it appears in moodle. A single penalty of 3 val. is applyed to non-fulfillment of the delivery date. After the deadline of 05/02/2018 no more works are accepted for evaluation in the normal season.

    All the works evaluated are identified in the moodle platform.

    The works / project are subject to oral discussion.

Primary Bibliography

Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa;Desenho Técnico Moderno, Lidel, 2010. ISBN: 978-972-757-337-0 (Preço aprox. 37,25¤.)

Secondary Bibliography

    A bibliografia principal e recomendada também é adotada na unidade curricular de Desenho Mecânico (1º Ano - 2º Semestre).

    Simões Morais;Desenho Técnico Básico 3, Porto Editora, 2006. ISBN: 972- 96525-2-X
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