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Internship in Aeronautics Mechanical Engineering

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: EM32246    Acronym: EST
Scientific Fields: Mecânica dos Meios Sólidos, Tecnologia e Organização Industrial
Section/Department: DEM - Department of Mechanical Engineering


Acronym N. of students Study plan Curricular year ECTS Contact time Total Time
EM 9 12,0 15 324,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo António Lamberto Duarte CláudioHead


Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Enable students to experience in a real work context where they can integrate knowledge from various areas of the course, appeal to rational and intuition concepts, create a critical spirit and develop work autonomy.


The training in the work context will be developed in the form of an internship, completed in the performance of activity in a real work context, phased and scheduled by the teacher, and framed by a tutor indicated by the institution where is Internship. The internship is carried out, during working hours, in companies / institutions with which protocols were established.
The training component in the work context aims at applying the acquired knowledge to the practical activities of the respective professional profile and contemplates the execution of activities under guidance, using the techniques, equipment and materials that are integrated in the goods production processes or services.

Teaching methodologies

4 seminars with report (via ZOOM)
1) Theme: Construction of the CV and preparation for the interview.
2) Theme: Business expectations
3) Theme: Writing a report
4) Theme: Ethics

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The monitoring and control of training in the context of work is carried out through periodic meetings between the student, the teacher designated by ESTSetúbal/IPS and the superviser indicated by the institution where the internship takes place. The conclusion of the internship implies the presentation of a final report written by the student and his defense in public session.

Final grade: 5% seminars + 20% presentation and discussion report + 25% report + 45% performance in the company + 5% poster.

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