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Industrial Control

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: EM22226    Acronym: CI
Scientific Fields: Controlo e Processos
Section/Department: DSI - Department of Systems and Information Technology


Acronym N. of students Study plan Curricular year ECTS Contact time Total Time
EM 33 6,0 75 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre de Sousa Almeida FelícioHead

Weekly workload

Type of classes 3 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theorethical and Practical classes Totals 1 3,00
Paulo Felício   3,00
Prática Laboratorial Totals 1 2,00
Paulo Felício   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

At the end of the semester the approved student must:
To be able to identify the main components of open and closed-chain control systems, as well as to describe and understand their most relevant characteristics.
Know how to represent systems in block diagrams and by means of transfer functions. Know how to analyze and characterize systems, based on their transfer function, and on time and frequency response. Acquire the notions of absolute and relative stability and be able to identify the various components that can constitute a chain of control.
Know how to choose the type of controller best suited to the characteristics of the system to be controlled and the objectives to be achieved. You can scale controllers by using different project methods.


1 - Introduction to control:
The problem of control: regulator and servo-mechanism. The feedback and its influence in the attenuation of disturbances and noise, in the follow up and in the sensitivity to the variation of parameters. Direct control.

2 - Introduction to systems:
Properties and representation of systems. Laplace transform revisions. Transfer function, poles and zeros. Block Algebra. Models of systems, temporal response and specifications of systems of first and second degree. Stationary errors.

3 - Stability:
Notions of absolute and relative stability.

4 - Relations between the locus of poles of the model of a system and its dynamic behavior.

5 - Design of classical controllers:
The basic control actions: Proportional (P), Integral (I) and Derivative (D). The PID controller. PID controller topologies. PIE controllers design: Ziegler-Nichols methods (critical gain and reaction curve. A / M switching and reset-windup: consequences and solutions.

6 - Frequency analysis:
Bode diagrams. Criterion and Nyquist diagram. Relative stability, gain and phase margin, robustness. Relationship between time response and frequency response.


Matlab e Simulink ou equivalente

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus was carefully chosen so as to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of the CU. These contents are also in accordance with the common practice in many institutions of higher education where the subject is taught. In the theoretical-practical classes are approached and explained and practiced the concepts that the student must master to achieve the expressed objectives. In the laboratory classes, these concepts are applied to concrete problems or to real and simulated physical systems in order to improve the students' abilities to apply the concepts taught in class.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical-Practical classes: Introduction of concepts with presentation of examples. Exercise resolution by the students.
Laboratories: Computer simulation of systems and analysis of their responses (time and frequency) through the MATLAB and SIMULINK programs. Use of existing physical system assemblies in the laboratory for model identification experiments and control of these systems.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Theoretical-Practical classes: Introduction of concepts with presentation of examples. Exercise resolution by the students.
Laboratories: Computer simulation of systems and analysis of their responses (time and frequency), through Matlab and SIMULINK. Use of existing physical system assemblies in the laboratory for model identification experiments and control of these systems.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1- Performing a final exam with a minimum grade of 10 values ​​or 2 tests, with an average grade higher than 10 points. This will be called theoretical grade (NT).
2- In the laboratory the student will have evaluation tests for each set of classes. The average classifications of these laboratory tests must be greater than 10 values ​​and shall be referred to as laboratory grade (NL).
3 - Final grade = 0.70 * NT + 0.30 * NL

Attendance system

Frequency of laboratories is mandatory. For approval in the CU it is necessary to attend at least 70% of the laboratory classes.


Control Notes, Paulo Almeida Felício (Available in the "Contents" in the SI)
Norman S. Nise; Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, Inc
Katsuhiko Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall
Gene F. Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Neini; Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Addison Wesley

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