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Computer Aided Manufacturing

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 1S

Code: EM31233    Acronym: FAC
Scientific Fields: Tecnologia e Organização Industrial
Section/Department: DEM - Department of Mechanical Engineering


Acronym N. of students Study plan Curricular year ECTS Contact time Total Time
EM 24 6,0 75 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Pedro Filipe do Carmo CunhaHead

Weekly workload

Type of classes 3 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theorethical and Practical classes Totals 1 3,00
Pedro Cunha   3,00
Prática Laboratorial Totals 1 2,00
Carlos Fortes   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The objectives of the course are:
• Provide a sequence of knowledge for the analysis and improvement of production systems.
• Deepening a core knowledge base in advanced production technologies.
• Develop skills to use a set of tools to optimize the performance of manufacturing and assembly processes.

The minimum skills to be acquired are:
• Know in detail the development and manufacturing cycle of a product.
• Have a sense of the different types of automation and their suitability for different industrial environments.
• Know how to use CAD / CAM tools from a production perspective and know its limitations and advantages in terms of use.
• Know in detail the technologies of Numerical Command and its use, both in the preparation of work and in the programming of these.
• Understand the different types of flexibility and know more numerical control systems more
(such as flexible manufacturing systems) that meet today's competitive needs.


1. Introduction to Computer Aided Manufacturing
• CAD / CAM definition
• Integration of CAD / CAM Technologies in the Product Cycle
• Relationship between CAD / CAM and Automation technologies
2. Automation
• Types of Automation
• Reasons to invest in Automation
• Arguments for and against Automation
3. Production Processes and Automation Strategy
• Characterization of manufacturing processes
• Organization and processing of information in the production process
• Automation Strategies
4. Computer Aided Design (CAD)
• Characterization of a CAD system
• Stages of the Design Process
• Types of Modeling
• Creation of a Database for production
• Advantages and disadvantages associated with a CAD system
5. Production Processes with Numerical Control (NC)
• Conventional Numerical Control
• Programming in NC
• Computer Control of NC System
• Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS)
6. Robotics
• Introduction to Robot Technology
• Robot Programming
• Application of Robots in Industry

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Theoretical-practical classes with exposition of the subject are given. Laboratory classes are taught
during which there will be familiarization with some of the technologies referred to in the contents of the discipline,
there will be practical work to be done and presentation sessions and discussion of the work.
Students are asked to develop a practical work which consists in the design of a
product, its planning for the production, manufacture and testing of functionalities as specified.
In addition to consolidating knowledge, students will take an assessment test
For the consolidation of knowledge there will be a strong stimulus to the participation of the students in the context of the classroom, carrying out the works that are requested or analyzing the cases that are presented.

Teaching methodologies

Continuous evaluation

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The evaluation method is based on the continuous evaluation of the students in the accomplishment of the following works:
• T1 - Presentation of the development of the subjects of the discipline (25%)
• T2 - Delivery and presentation of design and manufacturing work (50%)
• T3 - Knowledge assessment test (20%)
• T4 - Participation in the context of the classroom (5%)

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Final grade (continuous) = Case Analysis on subjects of the subject (20%) + Project work and
manufacturing (50%) + Testing of knowledge (25%) + Participation in the context of the classroom (5%)

Final grade (exam) = Exam (100%) or Exam (50%) + Works TP & LABs (50%)

Students who obtain a Final Classification of more than 17 values will be subject to an oral test to assess their knowledge. In case the student is not interested in defending his grade, he will be awarded the final grade of 17 points.

Primary Bibliography

M. Groover;Automation, Production Systems and Computer integrated Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall, 1987
S. Kallkjian;Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Addions Wesley, 2011. ISBN: 0-13-017440-8
E.W. Zimmer and M. Groover;CAD/CAM: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall, 1984
J.Browne, J.Harhen, J.Shivnan;Production Management Systems: A CIM Perspective, Addison Wesley, 1989
C. Relvas;Controlo Numérico Computorizado, 2000. ISBN: 72-95794-6-6
D. Gibbs;;An Introduction to CNC Machining, Cassell, 1991. ISBN: 78-0831130091
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