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Thermal Engines

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 1S

Code: EM31235    Acronym: MT
Scientific Fields: Termodinâmica Aplicada
Section/Department: DEM - Department of Mechanical Engineering


Acronym N. of students Study plan Curricular year ECTS Contact time Total Time
EM 18 6,0 75 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Alexandre Miguel Cordeiro MagrinhoHead

Weekly workload

Type of classes 3 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theorethical and Practical classes Totals 1 3,00
Alexandre Magrinho   3,00
Prática Laboratorial Totals 1 2,00
Alexandre Magrinho   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The course aims to equip students with theoretical and practical knowledge on the operation, constitution and repair of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) and its various organs and systems through the transmition of theoretical knowledge and direct contact with the equipment and constituent parts. It is also intended that students know and be able to keep up with technological developments relating to Internal Combustion Engines. Moreover it is intended that the revision of the theoretical knowledge acquired by the student in other subjects over the course takes place gradually, using this knowledge as a basis for explaining the operation and constitution of MCI and its organs.



1.Introduction. Role of Internal Combustion Engines. Evolution and types of existing Combustion Engines. (2 h)

2nd. Theoretical thermodynamic operating principles of heat engines (theoretical cycles). (8 h)

3rd. Combustion (4 h)
• Fuels,
• Mixture air / fuel
• elementary reactions of combustion, and combustion products.

4th. Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) real-Cycles (10 h)
• Process gas distribution
• Compression Process
• Process and spraying fuel injection (in different types of engines)
• Process mixture formation (in different types of engines)
• the process of combustion and heat release
• Expansion Process

5th. Parameters of the working cycle of the engine. Characteristic curves (6 h)
• indicated Paraments
• Mechanical Losses
• effective Paraments
• technical and economic paraments of engine
• thermal balance of d engine
• Thermal Loads of parts and their thermal stress

5 -6. Ecological paraments of the engine work. (4 h)
• Formation of pollutants from exhaust
• Methods and technologies for reducing major pollutants and smoke
• Acoustic parameters of the motor
• Methods for reducing the main engine noise


1. Principal characteristics and particularities of engines (1 h)

2nd. Crank mechanism (4 h)
• Engine block
• Group of cylinders and pistons
• Group crank and connecting rod
• Engine Balancing (generalities)
• crank mechanism troubles

3rd. Gas distribution mechanism (3 h)
• Layout and operation of different mechanisms for gas distribution
• Engine decompression
• Failure of the gas distribution mechanism and its resolution

4th. Fuel system (6 h)
• Getting Acquainted of fuel system
• Fuel systems of gasoline engines
• Fuel systems of diesel engines
• Failure of the fuel system and its resolution

5th. Cooling System (4 h)

• Classification of cooling systems
• Structure of the components of the liquid cooling system
• Structure of the components of the air cooling system
• Cooling system servicing and troubles

6th. Lubrication system (4 h)
• General structure and operating principles
• Structure of the component parts of the lubrication system
•Technical Maintenance, breakdowns lubrication system and its resolution

7th. Starting system (4h)
• Components of the starting system
• Troubleshooting the starting device and its resolution
• Methods engine start

8th. Engine management (4h)
• Principles of operation
• electronic control unit
• Sensors and actuators

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Teaching methodologies

In lectures and practical classes is used the lecture and interrogative method, enabling the active participation of the student in class.

In laboratory classes students have contact direct with the equipment in the lab, using the active method of discovery through observation and detailed description of the organs of the engine and its operation, using for such where necessary, the assembly / disassembly of the engine and operation.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The course has two components of assessment:
• laboratory work (TL)
• Final exam (E) or 2 tests.
Where exam dates are set by the Pedagogical Council.
Alternatively examination will be two tests during the semester. The average test will be positive. If the student does not get positive assessment tests should conduct final exam.
In all evaluation components will be a part of evaluation Written and Oral another

- Students perform 6 labs in groups of 2 students
Each group of students will make a presentation (give a lecture) 20 minutes on one of the lab work.
• It is estimated a workload extra-time of 60 hours for each student.

Warning: - The Assessment of laboratory reports are required for assignment of the final grade
- The minimum grade examination (or testing) is 9.5

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The final grade (NF) is calculated as follows:

NF = 0.6 x E + 0.4 XTL


Motores de Combustão Interna (4th edition, revised and extended), January 2013
Editora Publindustria, ISBN: 978-989-723-033-2

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