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Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal Secretaria Académica - informações
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Help: Unit

This page has information on a certain service of this institution.

Whenever the unit is not in functions (discontinuity), it appears a little warning at the beginning of the page.

The information provided might change according to the unit.

Acronym of the institution to which belongs the unit.
Initials of the name that identify the unit.
Name of the person who is in charge of the unit. Click on the person’s name to have access to his/ her page on the information system.
Global aims of the unit.
Text which summarizes the work done.
Working hours of the unit.
General electronic mail address.
Phone number (or extension).

Below there’s a list with the units (or sub-units) of the main unit. Click on the name of the unit (or sub-unit) to see its page on the information system.

Possible Options

It allows to see a list of all the persons related to the unit.
Page generated in: 2024-10-08 to 00:07:06 Last update: 2009-04-08