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Internet Marketing

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: MGM10    Acronym: IM
Scientific Fields: Marketing
Section/Department: Department of Marketing and Logistics


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MGMK 20 Plano de estudos_2016_17 4,0 30 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Duarte Valente Almeida da SilveiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 2,00
Paulo Silveira   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Main objectives:
• Discuss the implications that internet/digital technologies have on marketing management
• Explore technical and scientific knowledge about the internet possibilities on marketing management activities
• Master methods and techniques to integrate the internet implications on marketing management

Specific instrumental skills:
• Learning and search of new techniques, autonomously, applied to the internet capabilities
• Develop strategies to address the Internet in marketing management activities
• Implement components of the outlined strategies

Interpersonal and systemic skills:
• Research and analyze information, write, present and defend ideas from various audiences, using different instruments
• Contribute in a creative and innovative perspective to the development of business initiatives
• Ability to constructively criticize, draw conclusions and make recommendations on strategic and operational issues
• Decision-making in complex and changing environments


1. Internet evolution and trends

2. Internet implications and challenges in marketing processes and marketing-mix

3. Internet marketing strategy and ecommerce/business models

4. Online advertising tools

5. Search Engine Optimization (onsite and offsite)

6. Socialmedia marketing

7. Internet video marketing
8. Email marketing



Google Analytics

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

There is a direct correspondence between the objectives of the course and its syllabus, namely:
• Discuss the implications that internet/digital technologies have on marketing management: point 1 of the syllabus (1. Internet evolution and trends)
• Present technical and scientific knowledge about the internet possibilities on marketing management activities: point 2 of the syllabus (2. Internet implications and challenges in marketing processes and marketing-mix)
• Present methods and techniques to integrate the internet implications on marketing management: points 3 to 8 of the syllabus (3. Internet marketing strategy and ecommerce/business models | 4. Online advertising tools | 5. Search Engine Optimization (onsite and offsite | 6. Socialmedia marketing)

Teaching methodologies

In the lectures we use the lecture method for teaching, seeking to also encourage the active participation of students. Several business examples are also used in lectures, as well as the sharing of student’s professional experiences.
Practical classes introduce and discuss case studies, using information technologies software (e.g. Google Adwords).
The course and classes are supported by Moodle online platform.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This course uses methodologies that foster the relationship between teacher and student, namely the stimulation of student’s participation and interactive laboratory classes and discussion.
An applied vision is carried out through the exercises/cases performed during the classes, examples in lectures and conducting a final practical group report.
It is also encouraged the research/discovery through concrete business situations and a project designed from scratch by students (group work report). The existence of a group public presentation fosters their presentation skills, reasoning and teamwork.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The normal assessment includes:
- Group work: composed of a report, regarding Simbound Digital Marketing Simulation, requiring a minimum grade of 10 values.
- Two individual papers (iw1 and Iw2): each paper/report, requiring a minimum grade of 10 values.

Final Grade: 40%GW + 40%Iw1 + 20% Iw2

The rescue assessment includes:
- the same Group work as in normal assessment
- Final written exam (E), requirinq a minimum grade of 10 values
Final Grade: 50%GW + 50%E

- the assessment system is the same in all other systems (rescue and special systems)
- the group work grades and individual work is used from precedent evaluation periods

Attendance system

Not mandatory.


Main - General
• Roberts, Mary & Zahay, Debra; (2012); Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies, 3rd ed. Cengage Learning
• Novais de Paula, A. Zeferino, A. Carvalho, F. Gouveia, M., Faustino, P. & Coutinho, V. (2018). Marketing Digital Para Empresas. Perfil Criativo Edições. ISBN: 9789895413942 (
• Afonso, Carolina; Monteiro, David; Amaral, Inês; Neto, João & Remondes, Jorge (2016) Marketing Digital & eCommerce, Psicosoma, ISBN: 9789728994723
Main - Social Media
• Coutinho, Virgínia (2014); The Social Book - Tudo o que precisa de saber sobre o Facebook, Atual Editora. ISBN: 9789896940706 (
• Borges, Letícia & Afonso, Carolina (2013) Social Target - Da estratégia à implementação. Como tirar partido das redes sociais e potenciar o seu negócio, Topbooks Almedina

- Marques, Vasco (2014); Marketing Digital 360, Atual Editora (
- Carrera, Filipe (2012); Marketing Digital na Versão 2.0 - O que não pode ignorar, Sílabo
-Chaffey, D; Smith, P; Digital marketing excellence: planning, optimizing and integrating online marketing, 5ed; Routledge, 2017 (ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-1-138-19170-9)
- Chaffey, Dave; Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona; Johnston, Kevin & Mayer Richard; (2012); Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Prentice Hall
- Kaufman, Ira & Horton, Chris; Digital Marketing: integrating strategy and tactics with values, Routledge, 2015
- Kingsnorth, S; Digital marketing strategy: an integrated approach to online marketing; KoganPage, 2016 (ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-0-7494-7470-6)
- WSI (2013) Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing, WSI, Friesen Press, ISBN: ISBN 1460230205
- Ryan, Damian & Jones, Calvin (2012); Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation, Kogan

Complementary - other
- Bodnar, K; Cohen, J; The B2B social media book : become a marketing superstar; John Wiley & Sons; 2012 (ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-1-118-16776-2)
- Marques, Vasco (2016); Redes Sociais 360 - Como comunicar online, Atual Editora, ISBN: 9789896941642
- Chaffey, Dave; Digital Business & E-Commerce Management, 6th ed. Strategy Implementation & Practice, 6ed; Trans-Atlantic Publications; 2014
- Google (2015) YouTube Creator Playbook for Brands. Google
- Marques, Vasco (2016); Vídeo Marketing - Conquiste mais audiências online, Atual Editora, ISBN: 9789896941406
- Westerman, G; Bonnet, D; McAfee, A; Leading digital: turning technology into business transformation; Harvard Business Review Publishing, 2014 (9ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 978-1-62527-247-8)
- Conrado, Adolpho (2102); Os 8Ps do Marketing Digital - O Guia Estratégico do Marketing Digital, Texto Editora
- Ascensão, Carlos (2012) Google Marketing, Sílabo
- Dionísio, Pedro; Rodrigues, Joaquim Vicente; Faria, Hugo; Nunes, Rui & Canhoto, Rogério (2009); B-Mercator, Dom Quixote
- McGovern, Gerry; Norton, Rob; O'Dowd, Catherine (2002) Como escrever para a Web, Centro Atlântico (

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