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Introduction to Management

Scholar Year: 2014/2015 - 1S

Code: LCFN1353    Acronym: IG
Scientific Fields: Gestão

Instance: 2014/2015 - 1S

Secção: Department of Economics and Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCFN 42 5,0 45 135,0

Docência - Horas

Theoretical: 2
Practices: 1

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 2,00
Agostinho Bucha   2,00
Practices Totals 2 2,00
Agostinho Bucha   2,00

Docência - Responsabilidades

Maria Teresa Gomes Valente da CostaHead

Teaching weeks: 15

Teaching language


Objetivos de aprendizagem

 Support the training of students through learning the fundamentals of management.
 Conceptualize performance, skills and roles of the manager
 Analyze the key concepts and theories in the context of the functions of the management process.
 Understand the environment of organizations.
 Introduce the contemporary themes of competitiveness, ethics and corporate social responsibility and entrepreneurship and innovation.


Chapter 1 - The Management and organizations
1.1 Who are the managers and they work
1.2 What do managers
1.3 - What are the functions , roles and skills of managers
1.4 - The importance of the study of management
Chapter 2 - A historical perspective of management
2.1 The beginnings of management
2.2 - The classical approach to management
2.3 - The humanistic approach to management
2.4 - The Neoclassical Approach and Management by Objectives ( GPO )
2.5 - The Quantitative Approach
2.6 - The Contemporary Approach
2.7 - Management Challenges of the XXI century
Chapter 3 - Corporate Social Responsibility
3.1 What is CSR ?
3.2 What criteria can be adopted to evaluate an action of social responsibility ?
Chapter 4 - The environment of organizations
4.1 - The environmental management and organizations
4.2 - Sources of information about the environment of organizations
4.3 - What kind of environments operating companies ?
4.4 - The general environment and PEST analysis ( Political, Economic , Social and Technological)
The 4.5 - competitive environment - The 5 forces model of Porter
4.6 - Types of environment and stakeholders
Chapter 5 – Planning
5.1 What is planning ?
5.2 - mission , objectives and plans
5.3 - Strategic Planning
5.4 - The generic strategies
5.5 - The process of decision making
5.6 - Types of decisions and conditions of the decision -making process
Chapter 6 – Organisation
6.1 - Organizational Structures
6.2 - Key Elements related to the definition of the organizational structure
6.3 - Structures mechanistic and organic structures
Chapter 7 – Direction
7.1 – Communicating
7.2 – Motivation
7.3a Leadership
7.4 - Theories of leadership
Chapter 8 – Control
8.1 What is monitoring and why this function is important?
8.2 The process – control
8.3 - Measurement of organizational performance
8.4 - Measurement Tools organizational performance

Teaching Procedures

 Method participatory exhibition-presentation of theoretical concepts
 resolution method and case discussions, problem solving, group work

Evaluation Type

Frequency Attainment

Continuous assessment
The assessment consists of:
 Resolution of an individual written test ( T ) . This assessment instrument has a weight of 70 % and you want to check the acquisition and articulation of knowledge ;
 Development and discussion of a work report of the group ( TG ) , as script available . This instrument has a weight of 30 % and aims to develop relational skills , the ability to collect, selection, analysis and communication of information and application of knowledge .
For students qualifying for the working student , it may be agreed with the teacher a way to share equivalent effort .

Final Grade = 0.7 T + 0.3 TG
Both assessment instruments have the minimum score 9.5.
If the minimum is not reached 9.5 , or if the final score , rounded to the units , less than 10 values , the student will have to make the final assessment .

Final evaluation
There are three seasons final evaluation :

Regular Season | 1st time ( intended for students who have not opted for continuous assessment )
The evaluation of the normal time comprises :
• Final Exam ( E)
If the exam grade is less than 10 values , there is no approval.

Season Resource | 2nd time ( intended for students who did not attend or did not receive benefits in the regular season or in the continuous assessment )
The evaluation system is the same as in the final evaluation of the Regular Season , where E is the exam grade the exam.

Special Season :
The evaluation system is the same as the season of Appeal, where E is the exam grade of the Special Period .

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