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Logistics Documentation and Certification

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LGDLP1561    Acronym: DCLD
Scientific Fields: Gestão Logística
Section/Department: Department of Marketing and Logistics


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGDLPL 41 Study Plain 5,0 45 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carlos Manuel de Oliveira BatistaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 3


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 2 6,00
Carlos Batista   3,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

• To know and understand the physical and informational flows associated with supply chains know how to identify legal requirements;

• Meet the standards for certification of processes and professional in logistics and distribution;

• Understand the contribution of technology and information systems in the reorganization of these processes, leading to efficiency and continuous improvement;

• Know how to use specific documentation of logistics and distribution activities.


1. Supply Chain Processes
1.1. Physical, informational and financial flows
1.2. Supply chain processes documentation
1.3. Supply chain documental dematerialization

2. Standardization, Quality and Certification of the Logistics and Distribution Operations
2.1. Standardization, Certification and Quality
2.2. National and international organizations
2.3. Socially responsibility on the supply chain
2.4. The essential of health and safety in logistics work

3. Professional and Logistics Operations Certification
3.1. Professional certification
3.2. Logistics operations certification

4. Documentation and Certification Environmental Domains
4.1. The Environmental Challenge to support logistics and distribution
4.2. The Reverse Logistics and Green Logistics
4.3. Environmental certification

5. International Trade
5.1. Parties
5.2. "White book of transports" contribution
5.3. International trade Documentation

6. International Settlements
6.1. Remittances and Documentary credits
6.2. The uniform rules and practices of the International Chamber of Commerce
6.3. The involvement of banking.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The logistics and distribution activities generate physical, informational and financial flows. In an environment
of accelerated technological change and increasing the level of mandatory certification of Quality,
Environmental and Sustainability, an adequate risk management involves knowing and understanding the
flows associated with supply chains and major logistics and distribution processes, ensure compliance with
the legal and regulatory requirements and the documentation required. It is also important to understand the contribution of technology and information systems as facilitators for reorganizing and standardizing these processes, leading to efficiency and continuous improvement, as well as meeting the standards for processes and Logistics and Distribution professional certification, as important qualifiers and differentiating elements, essential for performance excellence on a global scale.

Teaching methodologies

The unit integrates classroom sessions, using exposition, interrogative and experimental methods.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The contact hours are held in the classroom, where the lecture method is used to present the body of
knowledge (concepts, tools, models, methodologies, etc.) essential to the acquisition of skills within the
syllabus. Demonstration and experimental methods are aimed at support documentation for operations and
logistics activities, on national and international levels, as well as aspects regarding the certification of
logistics and distribution professionals and the processes within the supply chain. The case study method, or
real problems simplification, seek the application of theoretical knowledge, through the analysis of concrete
situations and possible solutions by the students. Contents and simulators available on the Internet are also
used as learning support. Group work is intend to allow the development of scientific and professional
competences and the practical consolidation of the theoretical knowledge previously taught.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous Evaluation

The assessment consists of:

• Preparation, presentation and discussion of a Group Work (GW) (preferably a group of 5 students).

• Conducting one test (T), writing and performing individually at the end of the semester.

Final score = 0.6 (T) + 0.4 (GW)

• The test (T) will not last more than two hours.

• The weighting in GW is: Written report (50% - team grade); Presentation / Discussion (50% - individual note)

• If the Final Continuous Evaluation Grade is less than 10 points, the student will not be approved and will be able to perform the Final Assessment at the time of Appeal.

For continuous evaluation it is required the elaboration and presentation of the Group Work (GW).

WARNING: the score of the GW in continuous assessment will not have impact on Final Evaluation.

Attendance system

The evaluation is made by final exam.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-17 às 11:07:45