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Information and Communication Technologies in Logistics and Retailing Management

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LGDLP1567    Acronym: TICGDL
Scientific Fields: Gestão Logística
Section/Department: Department of Marketing and Logistics


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGDLPL 53 Study Plain 5,5 45 148,5

Teaching weeks: 15


Carlos Manuel de Oliveira BatistaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 3


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Laboratories Totals 1 3,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Know and apply fundamental concepts of ICTs in the processes and activities underlying the Logistics Management and Supply Chain Management;
In accordance with the System of Logistics Skills ECBL (European Certification Board of Logistics; Develop analytical skills necessary for planning, choice / selection and organization of ICT in the economic sectors of the Modern Distribution and Logistics;
Contribute to organizational effectiveness, problem solving and decision making through appropriate use of information technology and communication sector-specific.


1.1. Review of the concepts of Logistics Management, Supply Chain Management and Information Systems and Communication Technologies (ICT);
1.2. The Importance of ICT for General Management and Logistics Management;
1.3. Why ICTs are necessary for business;
1.4. Characterization of the role of Information Systems and Technologies applied to Distribution and Logistics Management - historical evolution.

2.1. Review of concepts: Flows and Processes; System, Input / Output; Flows and processes in Logistics and Supply Chain
2.2. Information Systems Resources and Components matrix of Information Systems;
2.3. Architecture and functionalities of the subsystems of Logistic Information and the Distribution in the Organizational Information System.

3.1. The Dynamics of IS and ICT in Organizations;
3.2. Interaction of IS with different components of organizations;
3.3. Interaction of IS with the Organization's External Environment;
3.4. Application of IS and ICT in the Organization's Value Chain;
3.5. Contributions of Technologies and Information Systems in the integration of logistics processes and activities and Supply Chain.

4.1. Strategic implications of Technologies and Information Systems in Supply Chain processes;
4.2. Planning and Strategic Implementation of IS;
4.3. Determination of Return on Investment (ROI) in Information Technologies and Systems;
4.4. Application of IS and ITCs in Supply Chains, in the context of globalization: global systems of automatic identification of products, Radio frequency and Traceability;
4.5 International considerations and future challenges.


Bases Proquest, B-On, Pordata

Software ERP (ODOO) online.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

It is intended that the student at the end of the course: Understands the importance and critical role of ICT in Logistics Management; Learn to frame the Logistics Information Subsystems; Learn to identify, select and use technologies and software to support specific processes; Acquire the skills related to ICT, in accordance with ECBL (European Certification Board Logistics), to understand the strategies and processes, the interrelationship between and within logistics networks, the functional capabilities of ICT and to define and optimize the logistics processes and their activities using ICT.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical / laboratory classes: combining expository and demonstrative methods, with specific exercises and operations, use of technologies and / or appropriate ERP software (Odoo online), individually and / or in a group.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The contact hours are held in the classroom, the lecture method is used to present the body of knowledge essential to the acquisition of skills within the syllabus. Demonstrative and experimental methods are used to illustrate the support role of ICT. Odoo ERP software, and a simulation company database are used to conduct laboratory exercises, highlighting the role of ICTs as a facilitator of the supply chain processes and logistics activities. Field work is developed in groups, and theoretical knowledge is applied through the analysis of concrete situations by the students, consolidating the theoretical knowledge previously taught.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Pursuant to the 1st Cycle School Performance Assessment Regulation, the assessment of knowledge is made up of Continuous Assessment or Final Assessment, namely:

• Continuous evaluation

Preferably aimed at students who attend school activities, the Continuous Assessment consists of:

3 evaluation moments, with individual and group evaluation components:

• Two (2) tests (T), individual assessment with a weighting of 70% for the final grade. Each of the tests has a minimum score of 10 values.

• One (1) Group Work (GW) written, with individual presentation and discussion with a weighting of 50% for the final grade (50% report + 50% individual presentation).

Final Continuous Assessment Score = 0.30 (T1) + 0.40 (T2) + 0.30 (WG)

If the Final Grade of Continuous Assessment is less than 10 values, the student will not obtain approval and will be able to perform Final Assessment in Season of Appeal.

• Final evaluation

There are three times of final evaluation:

Normal Season | 1st season (intended for students who have not opted for Continuous Assessment)

The assessment of the normal season consists of an individual written exam. If the exam score is less than 10, there will be no approval.

Season of Appeal | 2nd season (intended for students who have failed or failed in the normal season or continuous assessment)

The rating system is the same as in Normal Season.

Special Season:

Exclusively for students who meet the conditions for the test in accordance with the regulations in force.

The evaluation system is the same as in the Season of Appeal.

Important note: In the evaluation process, the “Measures to be taken in situations associated with fraud in the evaluation processes of the courses taught in the schools of IPS - Order No. 40 / President 2021” will be taken into account, namely, the mitigation mechanisms of fraud and its consequences.

Main Bibliography

Carvalho, José Crespo de (coordenação); Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento, 2ª edição, Lisboa: Editora Sílabo, 2017 (LEITURA OBRIGATÓRIA: Luís, Cristina Alves, Capítulo 8 – Sistemas de Informação na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento)
Ver bibliografia detalhada no Programa da UC, publicada no Moodle.

Bibliografia disponível para empréstimo domiciliário (10 exemplares) na Biblioteca da ESCE - IPS

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