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Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LGRHP1102    Acronym: MKT
Scientific Fields: Marketing
Section/Department: Department of Marketing and Logistics


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGRHPL 79 Study Plain 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ricardo Miguel da Cruz MestreHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 2 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 2,00
Ricardo Mestre   2,00
Practices Totals 2 4,00
José Morgado   4,00
Ricardo Mestre   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This course main objectives are:
- Understand the functional area of marketing and its contribution to the overall policy of the organization;
- Acquire fundamental knowledge about marketing, focusing on the principles and management techniques related organizational activities.

Thus, the course intends to contribute to the development of the following skills:
• Understanding and applying the concept of marketing management, differentiating it from sales, advertising and image;
• Management of marketing activities of an organization in analyzing and understanding their environment, with emphasis on consumer behavior and competition analysis;
• Characterization of the mechanisms and methods for collecting and analyzing data relevant to the management of marketing activities;
• Perception of relevance and ability to apply the general process of market segmentation;
• Identification and characterization of the specific policy action marketing / marketing mix


1. Marketing Concept
2. Marketing Environment
2.1. Analysis of the microenvironment of marketing
2.2. Analysis of marketing macroenvironment
3. Market research and marketing information system
4. Analysis of buying and consumption behavior
4.1. Factors influencing consumer behavior
4.2. Process purchase and consumption
4.3. Special features of organizational buying behavior
5. Market segmentation process
5.1. Division / Market Segmentation
5.2. Targeting
5.3. Positioning
6. Marketing mix
6.1. Product management, services and brands
6.2. Price management
6.3. Place - management of commercial distribution
6.4. Promotion - management of marketing communications

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The consistency between the objectives and syllabus is demonstrated by the following correspondences:
• "Understanding and applying the concept of marketing management" – marketing management concept
• "Framing the marketing activities of an organization in the analysis and understanding of their environment" surrounding 2. Marketing environment and 4. Analysis of buying and consumption behavior;
• "Characterization of the mechanisms and methods for collecting and analysing data relevant to the management of marketing activities" - 3. Market research and marketing information system
• "Perceived relevance and ability to apply the general process of segmentation" 5. Market segmentation process
• "Identification and characterization of the specific policy action marketing / marketing mix" - 6.1. Product management, services and brands; 6.2. Price management, 6.3. Management of marketing communications; 6.4. Management of commercial distribution

Teaching methodologies

In the lectures, we use the expositional method for teaching, seeking to also encourage the active participation of students. Several business examples are also used in lectures.

Practical classes introduce and discuss case studies. During practical classes, the group report is also accompanied.

Both lectures and practical classes are supported by Moodle.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This course uses for teaching and learning, methodologies that foster the relationship between teacher and student (ie, stimulation of participation and practical lessons with discussion of cases).

An applied vision is carried out through the exercises/cases performed during the classes, examples in lectures and conducting a final practical group report.

It is also encouraged the research/discovery through the creation of the autonomous group report.

Attendance system


- Classification = 25% Group Work (TG) + 40% Test + 25% Written and / or oral exercises (EXER) + 10% Class participation (PA)

- grades:
a) To obtain approval it is necessary that the final global classification is> = 10. In addition, you must meet each of the following minimum grade requirements:
• Group work> = 10 values
• Test> = 7.50 values
• Exercises> = 7.50 values
• Participation in classes> = 7.50
b) TG does not transit for times of examination
c) EXERs include the quality and quantity of the work carried out
d) PA includes: attendance, punctuality, interest / commitment, behaviors and quality of presence

- Normal time = 100% Written exam (alternative to continuous evaluation)
- Resource time = 100% Written exam
- Special time = 100% Written exam

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  44
  Total: 44


KOTLER, P., WONG, V., SAUNDERS, J. e ARMSTRONG, G. (2008),;Principles of Marketing, 5th European ed, Prentice Hall, 2008
KOTLER, P. e ARMSTRONG, G. (2006);Principles of Marketing,11th ed, Prentice Hall, 2006
LENDREVIE, Jacques; LINDON, Denis; DIONÍSIO, Pedro e RODRIGUES, Vicente;Mercator XXI, D. Quixote, 2004
LENDREVIE, Jacques; LINDON, Denis; DIONÍSIO, Pedro e RODRIGUES, Vicente;Mercator da Língua Portuguesa - Teoria e prática do marketing, Dom Quixote, 2015. ISBN: 9789722056403

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