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Seminar Research Project

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: MCE18    Acronym: SPI
Scientific Fields: Gestão Logística
Section/Department: Department of Economics and Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MCE 28 Study Plain 2,0 12 54,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Teresa Gomes Valente da CostaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes ,7


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 0,70
Teresa Costa   0,80

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Elaborate the research project, guiding the Master's final work.
Discuss research strategies and how to overcome difficulties in the research process.


1- Fundamentals of the research process
2 - Quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches
3- Stages of the research process

Teaching methodologies

The course is developed based on theoretical-practical classes in which, through various pedagogical resources, students become familiar with the body and theoretical tools of the course, providing a consolidation of knowledge and development of skills related with application and know-how. Theoretical instruments are based on relevant scientific literature and supported by practical examples. Through discussions it is intended to provide an exchange of experiences in the classroom related to each subject and to achieve a learning that allows each participant to consolidate and deepen their specific knowledge base. It is also used the personalized tutoring that allows the development of the research project. Whenever possible, seminars will be held, with the participation of prominent personalities, to provide the debate on current issues, aiming to stimulate and support the development of sound proposals for research projects.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment consists of a Research Project (100%)

Note: Research Project to be carried out jointly with Curricular Unit of Research Methodologies


Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method approaches. Thousand Oaks: Sage.


Denzin, N. e Lincoln, Y. (Eds) (2000), Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2ª Edição, Sage Publications.

Fortin, M. F. (2009). Fundamentos e etapas do processo de investigação, Loures, Lusodidacta.

Gil, A. C. (2010). Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa, São Paulo, Editora Atlas.

Sousa, M. J. e Baptista, C. S. (2011), Como fazer Investigação, Dissertações, Teses e Relatórios Segundo
Bolonha, Pactor

Yin, R. K. (2009). Case study research: design and methods, Thousand Oaks, California, Sage.

Página gerada em: 2024-05-04 às 07:55:49