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Organisational Management

Scholar Year: 2015/2016 - 1S

Code: MSHT10101    Acronym: GO
Scientific Fields: Gestão

Instance: 2015/2016 - 1S

Secção: Department of Economics and Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MSHT 22 2,0 20 54,0

Docência - Horas

Theoretical-practical : 1,3

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical-practical Totals 1 1,30
Joaquim Ribeiro   1,30

Docência - Responsabilidades

Joaquim Manuel da Silva RibeiroHead

Teaching weeks: 15

Teaching language


Objetivos de aprendizagem

. Understanding the functions of management in organizations
. Understanding the relationship between planning, organizing, evaluating and controlling
. Understand and interpret the systems of management and organization most appropriate for an activity;
. Understand and interpret the processes and technologies used and shapes of work organization
.Able to use some techniques for planning


PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT (Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives; The Management Process, Performance Concept; Audits; Management Functions)
OPERATIONS (Systems and Operations Objectives, Evaluation Criteria, Indicators productivity)
PRODUCTION PROCESSES (Evolution of Technology; characterization of the Generic Process Technologies; Classification of Production Processes, Product-Process Matrix, The New Production Technologies; Process Services)
ORGANIZATION OF WORK (Process Flow, Basic configurations; Developing a Service)
PLANNING (Technical Planning - Gantt charts, PERT / CPM, Time-Cost Models)

Teaching Procedures

The discussions and exchange of experiences, during class’s presentations in each subject, rather than make the mere transmission of information in a lecture, we intend to achieve learning that allows each participant to deepen their specific knowledge base. In this sense, an attempt shall be sought wherever possible to participatory approach focusing on group work in relation to work carried out individually.

Evaluation Type

Frequency Attainment

The assessment comprises:
• Test (T)
The minimum score of the test is ten.

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