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Cultural Diversity and Linguistic Communication


    As horas de Tutoria ocorrem em horário a estabelecer com o(s) docente(s) da UC.

Ano letivo: 2022/2023 - 2S

Código: SIESE02    Sigla: CDLC
Secção/Departamento: Ciências da Comunicação e da Linguagem


Sigla Nº de Estudantes Plano de Estudos Ano Curricular ECTS Horas Contacto Horas Totais
SIESE 15 Study_Plan_2016 5,0

Nº de semanas letivas: 15


Ana Maria Pires PessoaResponsável

Carga horária

Horas/semana T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Tipologia de aulas

Corpo docente

Tipo Docente Turmas Horas
Horas de Contacto Totais 1 2,00
Ana Maria Pessoa   3,00

Língua de Ensino


Objetivos de aprendizagem (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes)

To be able to identify the old and secular and the new European contemporary diversity - both cultural and linguistic.
To see intercultural issues as a way of promoting tolerance, acceptance, responsibility and active citizenship.
To interact adequately with different people (national, immigrants, minorities...) in different situations - cultural, linguistic and others.
To think about the exemples and adequate intervention as far as national, international and global rules are concerned.
To be able to recognize all national and international organizations that deal with multicultural and intercultural Education and other issues.
To have deep information about the national and international investigation in the multicultural and intercultural area and the inclusion and exclusion problems.

Conteúdos programáticos

How does inter and multicultural education deal with different political perspectives ?
Difference seen as a problem or a defy?
Interculturalism and multiculturalism - a brief history and real cases.
Different strategies for the development of intercultural competences: children literature and stories.
School in a contermporary world: multicultural context and intercultural day-to-day life? Segregation?
Cultural and linguistic diversity: context, challenges and answers.
Culture and cultural hybridism, global and local.
Languages and culture in school: different functions of language in school.
How to deal with different ideas, religions, languages and cultures in schools?
Cultural diversity, identity and diferences "from below" (Thompson, 1966; Hobsbawm, 2002)

Demonstração da coerência dos conteúdos programáticos com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC

The effective contemporary cultural diversity in schools is the reason why we must create an informal and formal space in each inservice training curriculum. We must support the debate and the reflexion about this issues. We want to develop a curriculum that provides good, scientific and large knowledge about linguistic and intercultural communication.
We want to empower students to be able to work in defying heterogeneous contexts and different points of view politics, social, local and internacional contexts.

Metodologias de ensino

We support students interventions with and from different documents:
a) reading, discussing and analyzing documents;
b) writing some essays, every week, about this subjects;
c) Discussion of films, texts and documents in each session;
d) organization of study visits to different cultural and linguistically contexts, in Setúbal and Lisboa;
e) Research about some specific subjects (at least four) and conference presentation.

Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino com os objetivos de aprendizagem da UC

at the final students must be able:
a) to understand all theories (about diversity, xenophobia, racism, equality, languages differences, multiculturalism, segregation, assimilation and interculturalism...);
b) to think about different situations known by the students in their daily lives or countries;
c) to present some work and intervention solutions for all the problems identified.

The students are always in touch with the teacher using presence tutorials, phone, e-mail and Moodle platform. Here they will have access, every day after each class, to all materials they need for the individual and group works.

Metodologia e provas de avaliação

The students assessment is based on:
a) presence during all sessions, working in everyday activities/reflections - 20%
b) writing a book story (audiobook, digital book, paper...) for children, dealing with cultural and linguistic diversity - 30%
Study visits -(one day and reflexive report - visit to "Lisbon from below" and to "Quinta do Mocho" and a second one to "Setúbal- the other side of") - 40%
Public presentation of all work done during all sessions - 10%

Regime de assiduidade

Students must attend all sessions - both in the school as during study visits and activities at ESE/IPS.


It is given each day because it is a new subject every day


All students are expected to interact with other students, from other courses, of ESE/IPS;
if there are students from different countries, the work in different groups/themes is always shared with students from different countries.

The Program will be fully assured as well as Academic Schedule.
We have classes and tutorials, e-mail support and we meet via Zoom and Teams, if students/teacher have problems difficult to overcome.
Assessment materials will be maintained.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 06:47:52 Última actualização: 2010-07-19